Uneingeschränkter Zugang

Description of Xiphinema parachambersi sp. n. (Nematoda: Longidoridae) from Imported Ornamental Plants in Japan with a Key to Xiphinema Species in Group 1


Fig. 1

Line drawings of Xiphinema parachamberi n. sp. female. A: Esophageal region; B: Esophageal bulb; C: Entire body; D: Genital branch; E: Tail region (Scale bars: A, E = 40; B, C=20, D=100 μm).
Line drawings of Xiphinema parachamberi n. sp. female. A: Esophageal region; B: Esophageal bulb; C: Entire body; D: Genital branch; E: Tail region (Scale bars: A, E = 40; B, C=20, D=100 μm).

Fig. 2

Light photomicrographs of Xiphinema parachamberi n. sp. female. A: Anterior region, arrow showing position of vulva (v); B: Lip region; C-E: Esophageal bulb (arrows showing different position of gland nuclei); F: Esophago-intestinal junction arrows pointing the base of pharyngeal bulb and cardia. G: Vulval region; H, I: Gonad; J: Female tail (arrows showing position of (a) anus and caudal pores); K, L: Female tail (arrows showing position of (a) anus) (Scale bars: A, L = 10 μm).
Light photomicrographs of Xiphinema parachamberi n. sp. female. A: Anterior region, arrow showing position of vulva (v); B: Lip region; C-E: Esophageal bulb (arrows showing different position of gland nuclei); F: Esophago-intestinal junction arrows pointing the base of pharyngeal bulb and cardia. G: Vulval region; H, I: Gonad; J: Female tail (arrows showing position of (a) anus and caudal pores); K, L: Female tail (arrows showing position of (a) anus) (Scale bars: A, L = 10 μm).

Fig. 3

Light photomicrographs of cardia of Xiphinema parachamberi n. sp. Scale bars: A–C=20 μm).
Light photomicrographs of cardia of Xiphinema parachamberi n. sp. Scale bars: A–C=20 μm).

Fig. 4

Light photomicrographs of Xiphinema parachamberi n. sp. juveniles and female. A–D: Anterior regions of J2/J3, J3/J4 and female; E–H: Tail regions of J2/J3, J3/J4 and female (arrows showing position of anus (a)) (Scale bars: A–L = 10 μm).
Light photomicrographs of Xiphinema parachamberi n. sp. juveniles and female. A–D: Anterior regions of J2/J3, J3/J4 and female; E–H: Tail regions of J2/J3, J3/J4 and female (arrows showing position of anus (a)) (Scale bars: A–L = 10 μm).

Fig. 5

Relationship of body length to length of functional and replacement odontostyle (Ost and rOst, respectively); length in two juvenile developmental stages and mature females of Xiphinema parachambersi n. sp.
Relationship of body length to length of functional and replacement odontostyle (Ost and rOst, respectively); length in two juvenile developmental stages and mature females of Xiphinema parachambersi n. sp.

Fig. 6

Bayesian consensus tree of Xiphinema parachamberi n. sp. inferred from 18S under GTR+I+G model (-lnL=3332.0762; AIC=6682.1523; freqA=0.1821; freqC=0.209; freqG=0.3285; freqT=0.2804; R(a)=1.4406; R(b)=5.2581; R(c)=2.6656; R(d)=0.7382; R(e)=5.2581; R(f)=1; Pinva=0.2316; Shape=0.4544). Posterior probability values exceeding 50% are given on appropriate clades.
Bayesian consensus tree of Xiphinema parachamberi n. sp. inferred from 18S under GTR+I+G model (-lnL=3332.0762; AIC=6682.1523; freqA=0.1821; freqC=0.209; freqG=0.3285; freqT=0.2804; R(a)=1.4406; R(b)=5.2581; R(c)=2.6656; R(d)=0.7382; R(e)=5.2581; R(f)=1; Pinva=0.2316; Shape=0.4544). Posterior probability values exceeding 50% are given on appropriate clades.

Fig. 7

Bayesian consensus tree of Xiphinema parachamberi n. sp. inferred from 28S D2/D3 under GTR+I+G model (-lnL=10912.0693; AIC=21844.1387; freqA=0.2463; freqC=0.2277; freqG=0.2969; freqT=0.2291; R(a)=0.9039; R(b)=2.4909; R(c)=2.4092; R(d)=0.4557; R(e)=3.9274; R(f)=1; Pinva=0.3185; Shape=0.782). Posterior probability values exceeding 50% are given on appropriate clades.
Bayesian consensus tree of Xiphinema parachamberi n. sp. inferred from 28S D2/D3 under GTR+I+G model (-lnL=10912.0693; AIC=21844.1387; freqA=0.2463; freqC=0.2277; freqG=0.2969; freqT=0.2291; R(a)=0.9039; R(b)=2.4909; R(c)=2.4092; R(d)=0.4557; R(e)=3.9274; R(f)=1; Pinva=0.3185; Shape=0.782). Posterior probability values exceeding 50% are given on appropriate clades.

Fig. 8

Bayesian consensus tree of Xiphinema parachamberi n. sp. inferred from ITS1 under GTR+I+G model (-lnL=19846.0566; AIC=39712.1133; freqA=0.2723; freqC=0.2059; freqG=0.2672; freqT=0.2547; R(a)=0.851; R(b)=3.6772; R(c)=1.3471; R(d)=0.6487; R(e)=5.209; R(f)=1; Pinva=0.0808; Shape=1.2786). Posterior probability values exceeding 50% are given on appropriate clades.
Bayesian consensus tree of Xiphinema parachamberi n. sp. inferred from ITS1 under GTR+I+G model (-lnL=19846.0566; AIC=39712.1133; freqA=0.2723; freqC=0.2059; freqG=0.2672; freqT=0.2547; R(a)=0.851; R(b)=3.6772; R(c)=1.3471; R(d)=0.6487; R(e)=5.209; R(f)=1; Pinva=0.0808; Shape=1.2786). Posterior probability values exceeding 50% are given on appropriate clades.

Morphometrics data for Xiphinema parachambersi n. sp. All measurements are in µm and in the form of mean ± s.d. (range).

Holotype Paratype
Character/ratios Female Female J2 or J3 J3 or J4
n 1 15 5 11
L 1,918 2008.9±78.7 (1,830.0-2,109.0) 1,127.0±52.6 (1,046.0-1,210.0) 1,419.6±38.5 (1,349.0-1,587.0)
a 45.6 47.2±2.3 (44.2-53.1) 42.7±3.6 (36.7-46.3) 48.3±3.5 (41.60-55.5)
b 5.4 5.5±0.2 (5.1-6.0) 3.9±0.5 (3.0-4.4) 4.7±0.3 (4.2-5.0)
c 18.1 18.0±1.0 (16.1-19.6) 11.8±1.0 (10.5-12.8) 13.2±0.6 (12.0-15.1)
c’ 4.4 4.9±0.4 (4.2-6.0) 6.4±0.3 (5.9-6.8) 5.9±0.4 (5.2-6.9)
V 27 26.2±0.6 (25.2-27.7)
Lip diam. 10 10.3±0.6 (8.8-11.2) 8.6±0.3 (8.2-9.0) 8.9±0.5 (8.2-10.1)
Lip height 5 4.1±0.7 (2.9-5.2) 3.6±0.4 (3.0-4.2) 3.8±0.4 (3.1-4.7)
Odontostyle 115 110.4±2.6 (105-115.6) 71.0±3.8 (64.4-75.6) 85.5±2.0 (79.5-90.0)
Odontophore 67 65.5±1.6 (61.0-68.1) 46.1±1.4 (44.5-47.8) 53.8±1.0 (52.2-54.8)
Replacement odontostyle 88.0±2.5 (85.0-92.0) 107.0±7.9 (90.5-116.3)
Total stylet 173 176±2.9 (169.0-181.2) 116.6±4.7 (109.0-120.5) 140.0±2.2 (137.2-142.5)
Flanges width 10 10.4±0.7 (8.8-11.5) 8.1±0.4 (7.7-8.7) 9.0±0.6 (7.6-10.8)
Esophagus 358 366.6±10.6 (348.4-387.2) 289.6±28.2 (272.2-345.6) 311.4±14.7 (275.0-344.2)
Esophageal bulb length 78 81.5±2.1 (77.4-85.1) 63.7±2.2 (60.1-66.1) 70.4±3.0 (64.8-76.5)
Esophageal bulb diam. 24 24.5±1.1 (22.5-26.5) 16.5±1.4 (14.1-17.9) 18.6±0.6 (17.6-23.0)
Body diam. 42 42.7±2.0 (38.8-46.7) 27.2±1.9 (24.3-29.8) 29.6±1.5 (26.4-35.1)
Anterior genital branch length 11 10.6±1.3 (8.4-12.3)
G1% 0.5 0.5±0.1 (0.4-0.6)
Posterior genital branch length 240 218.3±40.9 (119.2-292.1)
G2% 8.9 10.7±1.9 (5.8-13.9)
Distance from anterior end to vulva 522 525.2±15.9 (493.0-548.3)
Anal body width. 24 23.1±1.5 (20.1-25.0) 15.2±1.0 (14.0-16.4) 18.7±0.7 (16.8-20.3)
Tail 106 112.2±6.3 (98.0-120.3) 98.0±6.0 (88.0-104.0) 109.0±1.4 (103.5-116.0)
Hyaline tail part 44 43.0±2.2 (39.4-47.2) 19.3±1.2 (17.9-20.7) 26.1±2.7 (20.2-32.0)
H% 41 38.5±2.4 (34.4-43.4) 19.5±2.0 (17.5-23.1)) 23.8±2.9 (17.4-28.2)
Rectum 38 35.2±2.7 (30.4-40.8) 20.0±4.5 (16.4-27.6) 28.4±2.3 (23.1-30.8)

Sequences of nematode species used for the phylogenetic analyses.

Species 18S 28S D2-D3 ITS
Xiphinema abrantinum - AY601625 -
Xiphinema andalusiense - - KX244924
Xiphinema aceri EU477381 - EU477385
Xiphinema adenohytherum GU725084 GU725075 GU725063
Xiphinema baetica KC567149 KC567168 KC567157
KC567148 - KC567156
Xiphinema bakeri AY283173 KF292277 KF292281
- KF292278 AF511426
- KF292276 -
- AY601623 -
Xiphinema barense - KM199691 KM199694
- - KM199693
Xiphinema basiri - AY601629 -
Xiphinema belmontense - KC567171 KC567158
Xiphinema bernardi - - EU375483
Xiphinema brasiliense AY297836 AY601616 -
- KP793050 -
Xiphinema cadavalense - - KX244932
Xiphinema castilloi - KF446655 -
Xiphinema chambersi AY283174 AY601617 HM138503
HM138503 KU680967 HM191718
HM191718 DQ299512 KJ934160
KJ934157 - KJ934157
KJ934160 - AF511428
- - KU764410
- - KU764405
- - KU764406
- - KU764407
- - KU764408
- - KU764409
- - KU764411
Xiphinema cohni - KC567173 KC567159
Xiphinema costaricense - KX931057 KX931069
Xiphinema coxi - AY601631 -
Xiphinema coxi europaeum KC567152 - KC567161
KC567153 - -
Xiphinema cretense - KJ802878 KJ802895
Xiphinema dentatum - AY601627 -
Xiphinema diversicaudatum EF538761 JQ780365 KF292282
JQ780349 - -
JQ780348 - -
JQ780347 - -
JQ780346 - -
Xiphinema ensiculiferum AY297825 - -
Xiphinema elongatum AY297824 EF140790 AY524971
KP407872 - EF140789
Xiphinema gersoni KC567154 KC567180 -
Xiphinema globosum GU549476 GU549474 GU549475
Xiphinema granatum - JQ240273 -
Xiphinema hangzhouense - MF538772 MF538770
Xiphinema herakliense KM586356 - KM586353
KM586357 - KM586354
Xiphinema hispidum HM921368 - -
Xiphinema hispanum GU725083 GU725074 GU725061
- - HM821367
Xiphinema hunaniense - KP793049 AY579205
- EF188839 -
Xiphinema ifacolum AY297826 - -
Xiphinema index EF207249 HM921349 HM921334
AY687997 - AY430175
HM921342 - -
Xiphinema ingens - - KM893399
- - KJ9566387
Xiphinema insigne - AY601619 AY553980
- - AY563427
Xiphinema iranicum EU477384 - -
Xiphinema israeliae - KJ802886
Xiphinema italiae HM921343 HM921351 HM921335
FJ713154 - HM921341
- - AJ437029
Xiphinema japonica KY131241 KY131240 KY131244
- KU052864 -
Xiphinema krugi AY297827 KX931063 DQ017154
AY297828 - KX931070
Xiphinema longicaudatum AY297829 - -
Xiphinema lupini - HM921352 -
- KC567183 -
Xiphinema mazandaranense HQ658630 - -
Xiphinema macedonicum EU477383 - -
Xiphinema macroacanthum - HF546081 HF546078
Xiphinema naturale - DQ299515 -
Xiphinema nuragicum GU725078 GU725070 GU725056
GU725079 - GU725057
GU725080 - -
GU725081 - -
Xiphinema parachambersi n. sp. MG786444 MG7866445 MG786442
Xiphinema paritaliae AY297831 - -
Xiphinema pseudocoxi - - KX244939
Xiphinema pyrenaicum GU725085 AY601626 GU725060
- GU725073 -
Xiphinema radicicola - AY601622 -
Xiphinema savanicola - AY601620 -
Xiphinema setariae - AY601621 KX931075
- - AY430179
- - KX931077
Xiphinema sphaerocephalum GU725082 GU725076 GU725062
Xiphinema surinamense AY297833 - -
Xiphinema turcicum GU725086 KC567185 -
Xiphinema turdetanense KC567155 KC567186 KC567163
Xiphinema variegatum AY297834 - -
Xiphinema vulgare - DQ299514 -
Xiphinema vuittenezi AY552979 - HG329722
EF614267 - AJ437028
Xiphinema zagrosense JN153100 JN153101 -
Xiphinema sp. AY297840 - DQ364686
EF207250 - -
EU477382 - -
Xiphinema amercanum group
Xiphinema cf. americanum AM086679 - -
Xiphinema americanum - AY580056 -
Xiphinema brevicollum - HM163209 -
- AY601604 -
- KP793051 -
- AY601605 -
Xiphinema bricolensis - AY601594 -
- AY601596 -
Xiphinema californicum - AY601592 -
Xiphinema citricolum - DQ285668 -
Xiphinema diffusum - AY601600 -
Xiphinema duriense - JQ990032 -
Xiphinema floridae - DQ299508 -
Xiphinema georgianum - DQ299496 -
Xiphinema incertum - JQ990031 -
Xiphinema inaequale - HM163210 -
Xiphinema laevistriatum - DQ299504 -
Xiphinema lambertii - HM163211 -
Xiphinema opisthohysterum - JQ990040 -
Xiphinema pachtaicum - HM921393 -
- HM921356 -
Xiphinema pacificum - AY601590 -
Xiphinema parabrevicolle - JQ990042 -
Xiphinema parapachydemum - JQ990036 -
Xiphinema rivesi - AY210845 -
Xiphinema santos - AY601587 -
Xiphinema simile AM086680 KJ802889 -
AM086681 - -
JQ780350 - -
Xiphinema tarjanense - DQ299511 -
Xiphinema taylori - AY601602 -
Xiphinema thornei - AY601595 -
Xiphinema utahense - AY601598 -
Xiphidorus yepesara yepesara AY297838 - -
Xiphidorus balcarceanus AY297839 - -
Longidorus ferrisi AY283163 - -
Longidorus raskii - - AJ549984
Longidorus elongatus - - AJ549987
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Volume Open
Fachgebiete der Zeitschrift:
Biologie, andere