
Multi-trait, multi-method correlation matrix (non-parametric Spearman’s coefficients).

Item WB-HRQ-oL score, rated by investigators VAS scale WB- HRQoL score, rated by patients WHO- QoL Bref, 1st item, rated by investigators WHO- QoL Bref, 2nd item, rated by investigators WHO- QoL Bref, Physical health, rated by investigators WHO- QoL Bref, Psychic health, rated by investigators WHO- QoL Bref, Social relations, rated by investigators WHO- QoL Bref, Environment, rated by investigators WHO- QoL Bref, 1st item, rated by patients WHO- QoL Bref, 2nd item, rated by patients WHO- QoL Bref, Physical health, rated by patients WHO- QoL Bref, Psychic health, rated by patients WHO- QoL Bref, Social relations, rated by patients WHO- QoL Bref, Environment, rated by patients ERQ score, rated by investigators ERQ score, rated by patients
WB-HRQoL score, rated by investigators 1.000
VAS scale .537** 1.000
WB-HRQoL score, rated by patients .857** .490** 1.000
WHOQoL Bref, 1st item, rated by investigators .519** .523** .477** 1.000
WHOQoL Bref, 2nd item, rated by investigators .524** .575** .503** .539** 1.000
WHOQoL Bref, Physical health, rated by investigators .709** .595** .650** .483** .589** 1.000
WHOQoL Bref, Psychic health, rated by investigators .714** .521** .632** .571** .429** .689** 1.000
WHOQoL Bref, Social relations, rated by investigators .641** .426** .639** .466** .376** .555** .592** 1.000
WHOQoL Bref, Environment, rated by investigators .576** .237** .549** .456** .282** .442** .564** .476** 1.000
WHOQoL Bref, 1st item, rated by patients .518** .524** .607** .669** .483** .501** .503** .486** .433** 1.000
WHOQoL Bref, 2nd item, rated by patients .448** .583** .517** .483** .769** .529** .375** .367** .247** .571** 1.000
WHOQoL Bref, Physical health, rated by patients .620** .580** .656** .411** .594** .869** .558** .431** .299** .527** .588** 1.000
WHOQoL Bref, Psychic health, rated by patients .593** .411** .656** .412** .344** .588** .840** .489** .457** .551** .400** .591** 1.000
WHOQoL Bref, Social relations, rated by patients .616** .371** .693** .410** .345** .441** .530** .829** .413** .565** .427** .471** .572** 1.000
WHOQoL Bref, Environment, rated by patients .583** .259** .646** .482** .261** .381** .545** .508** .843** .515** .345** .386** .574** .562** 1.000
ERQ score, rated by investigators .264** -.005 .269** .115* .022 .116* .228** .119** .334** .079 -.010 .062 .215** .146* .312** 1.000
ERQ score, rated by patients .310** -.068 .293** .128* .036 .156** .201** .205** .363** .113 .077 .099 .205** .225** .367** .832** 1.000

Mean values, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis of responses to items of WB-HRQoL.

Independent variables Mean response Standard deviation Skewness Kurtosis
I do not feel any pain (Q1) 3.350 1.376 -.426 -1.210
I can perform any physical activity without limitation (Q2) 3.572 1.311 -.579 -.774
I fall asleep easy and I sleep long enough; when I wake up, I feel rested (Q3) 3.523 1.297 -.468 -.710
I take care of myself completely (Q4) 4.482 .964 -1.067 3.607
My physical condition is excellent (Q5) 3.382 1.267 -1.350 -.857
I am always in a good mood (Q6) 3.631 1.063 -.887 -.373
I feel upset very rarely (Q7) 3.631 1.128 -1.547 -.667
I feel good in my skin (Q8) 4.040 1.119 -1.070 .352
Life is beautiful (Q9) 4.169 1.087 -1.137 1.143
The world is beautiful (Q10) 3.883 1.145 -.711 .023
My family relations are excellent (Q11) 4.306 1.008 -1.221 1.783
I am doing excellently at my job (Q12) 4.016 1.091 -.606 .763
I regularly meet my friends and enjoy their company (Q13) 4.047 1.040 -1.124 .816
I may say that my sex life is very good (Q14) 3.668 1.333 -.708 -.622
My relations with colleagues at job are good (Q15) 4.207 .948 -1.308 1.626
I am content with my finances (Q16) 3.511 1.199 -.426 -.479
I feel completely safe (Q17) 4.130 1.055 -.579 .499
I easily adapt to environmental temperature (Q18) 3.656 1.251 -.468 -.516
I do not have problem with breathing where I live or work (Q19) 4.190 1.124 -1.067 .716

The rotated pattern matrix of the WB-HRQoL scale.

Item Factor 1 (Physical aspect of quality of life) Factor 2 (Environmental aspects of quality of life) Factor 3 (Psychical aspects of quality of life) Factor 4 (Social aspects of quality of life)
Q1 .743
Q2 .991
Q3 .531
Q4 .291
Q5 .544
Q6 .377
Q7 .565
Q8 .391
Q9 .926
Q10 .709
Q11 .495
Q12 .703
Q13 .234
Q14 .304
Q15 .688
Q16 .573
Q17 .767
Q18 .587
Q19 .450
Publication timeframe:
4 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Hygiene and Environmental Medicine