
Fig. 1

Box-plot with medians, quartiles and the min and max as whiskers shows value of SCRs_Amp with respect to the stimulus intensity. *p<0.05 and **p<0.005.
Box-plot with medians, quartiles and the min and max as whiskers shows value of SCRs_Amp with respect to the stimulus intensity. *p<0.05 and **p<0.005.

Fig. 2

Box-plot with medians, quartiles and the min and max as whiskers shows value of SPRs_Amp with respect to the stimulus intensity.
Box-plot with medians, quartiles and the min and max as whiskers shows value of SPRs_Amp with respect to the stimulus intensity.

Fig. 3

Box-plot with medians, quartiles and the min and max as whiskers shows value of SSRs_Amp with respect to the stimulus intensity. *p<0.05.
Box-plot with medians, quartiles and the min and max as whiskers shows value of SSRs_Amp with respect to the stimulus intensity. *p<0.05.

Fig. 4

Shows relation between average values of amplitudes of SCRs, SPRs and SSRs on one side, and the stimulus intensity on other side.
Shows relation between average values of amplitudes of SCRs, SPRs and SSRs on one side, and the stimulus intensity on other side.

Fig. 5

A typical EDA recording from a participant, demonstrating changes in EDA responses with respect to painful stimuli.
A typical EDA recording from a participant, demonstrating changes in EDA responses with respect to painful stimuli.

Fig. 6

Box-plot with medians, quartiles and the min and max as whiskers, showing the SPRET percentage for all participants with respect to the stimulus intensity.*p<0.05 and **p<0.005.
Box-plot with medians, quartiles and the min and max as whiskers, showing the SPRET percentage for all participants with respect to the stimulus intensity.*p<0.05 and **p<0.005.

Fig. 7

SPRET percentage for each category.
SPRET percentage for each category.

Fig. 8

SCR_Trise to the different stimulus intensity presented as box-plots with medians, quartiles and the min and max as whiskers. **p<0.005.
SCR_Trise to the different stimulus intensity presented as box-plots with medians, quartiles and the min and max as whiskers. **p<0.005.

Overview of extracted parameters from the EDA responses that were used in the data analyses.

SCR_AmpAmplitude of the skin conductance responseμS
SPR_AmpAmplitude of the skin potential responsemV
SSR_AmpAmplitude of the skin susceptance responseμS
SPRETTurning point of the SPR relative to the SCR peak%
SCR_TriseTime from onset of SCR to peak SCRsec.

Statistical analysis with a linear mixed effects model.

95% CI
ParametersEstimatep valueLowerUpper