
The present work outlines a series of arguments that support the need for awareness and involvement of teacher trainers in the development of competences for diversity from the stage of initial training. The work also proposes an analysis of knowledge, skills, attitudes of a cognitive, social, emotional nature, self-knowledge capacities, ethical values, etc. as structured ensembles that can be dynamically trained for the purpose of training and developing the competences for diversity of teachers. A sequential presentation of the Professional Standards for teachers from Romania, Great Britain, Australia and France from the perspective of diversity and inclusion offers some benchmarks for an educational practice that promotes equal opportunities for education and development of all children, regardless of differences in the socio-economic status, language, culture/personality, race/ethnicity, religion, abilities or disabilities, learning styles, aspects of personality etc. that differentiate them.

Publication timeframe:
2 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Social Sciences, Sociology, Social Policy, Social Work, Development Aid, other, Psychology, Education