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Do international remittances promote poverty alleviation? Evidence from low- and middle-income countries


The effect of international remittances on poverty

Model (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

DV P0−1.9 P1−1.9 P1−3.2 P0−1.9 P1−1.9 P1−3.2 P0−1.9 P1−1.9 P1−3.2
R −0.950*** (0.052) −0.362*** (0.020) −0.673*** (0.039) −0.575*** (0.156) −0.139*** (0.037) −0.430*** (0.118) −1.012*** (0.196) −0.475*** (0.100) −0.665*** (0.144)
log_IC −19.677*** (0.773) −7.485*** (0.406) −14.974*** (0.507) −12.789*** (1.334) −3.558*** (0.559) −10.919*** (0.950) −11.245*** (1.578) −2.372** (0.896) −10.090*** (1.031)
GN 0.297*** (0.049) 0.177*** (0.033) 0.213*** (0.030) 0.503*** (0.084) 0.355*** (0.056) 0.407*** (0.067) 0.497*** (0.111) 0.350*** (0.080) 0.404*** (0.084)
INF 0.009 (0.027) 0.029** (0.012) 0.009 (0.023) 0.012 (0.026) −0.004 (0.015) 0.008 (0.022) 0.052 (0.032) 0.026 (0.019) 0.029 (0.024)
Observations 345 345 345 345 345 345 336 336 336
Adjusted R2 0.814 0.729 0.835 0.535 0.400 0.609 0.362 0.056 0.490
Hausman (γ) 6.43 (0.000) *** 15.32 (0.000) *** 6.70 (0.000) ***
F-test of excluded instruments 30.850 (0.000) *** 30.850 (0.000) *** 30.850 (0.000) ***
Kleibergen–Paap LM Test 11.820 (0.003) *** 11.820 (0.003) *** 11.820 (0.003) ***
Hansen J test 2.176 (0.140) 0.075 (0.785) 1.625 (0.202)
Endogeneity test 4.347 (0.037)** 9.311 (0.002) *** 2.779 (0.096) *

The effect of international remittances on poverty by controlling for political variable for Models 7–9 in Table 1

Model (7) (8) (9)


DV P0−1.9 P1−1.9 P1−3.2
R −1.005*** (0.206) −0.471*** (0.104) −0.661*** (0.153)
log_IC −10.864*** (1.543) −2.244** (0.908) −9.844*** (1.012)
GN 0.499*** (0.116) 0.350*** (0.082) 0.405*** (0.087)
INF 0.040 (0.033) 0.022 (0.020) 0.022 (0.025)
POL −1.489** (0.589) −0.490 (0.351) −0.954** (0.359)
Observations 333 333 333
Adjusted R2 0.377 0.064 0.500
F-test of excluded instruments 29.79 (0.000) *** 29.79 (0.000) *** 29.79 (0.000) ***
Kleibergen–Paap LM test 11.330 (0.004) *** 11.330 (0.004) *** 11.330 (0.004) ***
Hansen J test 0.757 (0.384) 0.004 (0.949) 0.689 (0.406)
Endogeneity test 5.735 (0.017) ** 9.351 (0.002) *** 3.361 (0.067) *

Results from one-step SGMM estimation

Models (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

One-step SGMM One-step SGMM One-step SGMM One-step SGMM One-step SGMM One-step SGMM

DV P0−1.9 P1−1.9 P1−3.2 P1−1.9 P1−1.9 P1−3.2
L1.P0−1.9 0.699*** (0.161) 0.697*** (0.171)
L1.P1−1.9 0.567*** (0.100) 0.589*** (0.112)
L1.P1−3.2 0.707*** (0.150) 0.707*** (0.164)
R −0.374* (0.191) −0.064 (0.066) −0.308* (0.150) −0.386** (0.180) −0.080 (0.057) −0.324** (0.147)
L1.R −0.123 (0.129) −0.015 (0.041) −0.064 (0.099) −0.124 (0.130) −0.018 (0.043) −0.062 (0.102)
log_IC −4.068* (2.025) −1.122** (0.537) −4.028* (2.084) −4.196** (1.772) −1.245** (0.551) −4.250** (1.972)
GN 0.049 (0.051) 0.046** (0.022) 0.027 (0.043) 0.048 (0.057) 0.042** (0.020) 0.026 (0.048)
INF 0.014 (0.023) 0.005 (0.005) 0.004 (0.024) 0.015 (0.025) 0.007 (0.006) 0.005 (0.026)
POL −0.076 (0.606) −0.046 (0.179) 0.015 (0.596)
AR (2) 0.61 (0.545) 0.60 (0.546) 0.27 (0.789) 0.64 (0.523) 0.60 (0.546) 0.31 (0.757)
Hansen J test 4.91 (0.672) 4.09 (0.770) 5.02 (0.658) 3.15 (0.871) 2.32 (0.940) 3.99 (0.781)
Difference-in-Hansen test 1.36 (0.851) 4.27 (0.370) 1.79 (0.775) 2.99 (0.560) 4.98 (0.290) 4.28 (0.370)
Instruments 27 27 27 28 28 28
Observations 209 209 209 209 209 209

First-stage regression results for Models 7–9

Models (1) (2) (3) (4)

Excluded instruments
TOP 0.102*** (0.018) 0.107*** (0.018) 0.107*** (0.018) 0.100*** (0.016)
log_EX 0.126 (0.483) 0.245 (0.497) 0.226 (0.470) 0.893 (0.214)
Included exogenous variables
log_IC 4.182** (1.985) 4.021** (1.979) 4.173** (1.752)
GN −0.021 (0.049) −0.022 (0.049)
INF 0.025 (0.027)
Observations 336 336 336 336

List of countries

Countries Years Countries Years Countries Years
Albania 2008, 2012 Gambia 2010, 2015 Nepal 2003, 2010
Armenia 2002–2016 Georgia 2003–2016 Nicaragua 2005, 2009, 2014
Azerbaijan 2005 Ghana 2012, 2016 Niger 2005, 2007, 2011, 2014
Bangladesh 2005, 2010, 2016 Guatemala 2006, 2014 Nigeria 2003, 2009
Belarus 2002–2016 Honduras 2010–2016 Pakistan 2004–2005, 2007, 2010–2011, 2013, 2015
Benin 2003, 2011, 2015 India 2004, 2009, 2011 Peru 2008–2015
Bhutan 2012 Indonesia 2002–2014 Philippines 2003, 2006, 2009, 2012
Bolivia 2002, 2004–2009, 2011 2016 Iran 2005, 2006, 2009, 2013–2016 Russian Federation 2010–2015
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2007, 2011 Iraq 2012 Rwanda 2005, 2010, 2013, 2016
Botswana 2009, 2015 Jamaica 2002, 2004 Senegal 2005, 2011
Brazil 2012–2016 Jordan 2002, 2006, 2008, 2010 Serbia 2012–2015
Bulgaria 2006–2014 Kazakhstan 2009–2016 Sri Lanka 2002, 2006, 2009, 2012, 2016
Burkina Faso 2003, 2009, 2014 Kenya 2005, 2015 St. Lucia 2016
Burundi 2013 Kyrgyz Re-public 2002–2016 Tajikistan 2009, 2015
Congo, Dem. Rep 2012 Malawi 2004, 2010, 2016 Tanzania 2007, 2011
Costa Rica 2002–2016 Malaysia 2004, 2007–2008, 2011, 2013, 2015 Togo 2006, 2011
Cote d’Ivoire 2002, 2008, 2015 Maldives 2009 Tunisia 2005, 2010, 2015
Dominican Republic 2002–2016 Mali 2006 Turkey 2005–2016
Ecuador 2008–2014 Mexico 2004–2005, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 Uganda 2002, 2005, 2009, 2012, 2016
El Salvador 2002–2016 Moldova 2002–2015 Ukraine 2002–2008, 2011–2015
Ethiopia 2015 Morocco 2006, 2013 Zambia 2006, 2010, 2015
Gabon 2005 Namibia 2009, 2015

Descriptions of the variables

Variables Definitions Source Expected Sign Mean Std. Dev.
Dependent variables
P0−1.9 The percentage of the population that is living under 1.90 USD per day (constant 2011 USD adjusted for PPP) WDI 11.80 17.45
P1−1.9 The percentage of mean shortfall in income from 1.90 USD per day (constant 2011 USD adjusted for PPP) WDI 4.06 7.18
P1−3.2 The percentage of mean shortfall in income from 3.20 USD per day (constant 2011 USD adjusted for PPP) WDI 10.15 13.01
Explanatory variables
R Total remittance consisting of personal transfers and compensation of employees as a share of GDP (current USD) IMF Negative (−) 7.22 7.97
Control variables
IC Income (GDP) per capita (constant 2011 USD adjusted for PPP) WDI Negative (−) 9,029.94 6,055.61
GN Gini Index varies between 0 (equality) and 1 (inequality) WDI Positive (+) 39.32 8.27
INF Percentage change of consumer price index in annual average WDI Positive (+)/Negative (−) 7.23 7.27
Instrumental variables
TOP Total import and export as a share of GDP WDI Positive (+) 77.79 31.39
EX LCU per USD WDI Positive (+) 896.54 3,430.19