
Figure 1

(A) Proportion of population aged 65+. (B) Proportion of population aged 15–64.Source: International Labour Organization, ILOSTAT database. (https:/
(A) Proportion of population aged 65+. (B) Proportion of population aged 15–64.Source: International Labour Organization, ILOSTAT database. (https:/

Figure 2

GDP per capita in China and Russia in constant Purchasing Power Parity (PPP).Note: GDP per capita and Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) are expressed in constant 2017 international dollars.Source: World Bank, International Comparison Program database. (
GDP per capita in China and Russia in constant Purchasing Power Parity (PPP).Note: GDP per capita and Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) are expressed in constant 2017 international dollars.Source: World Bank, International Comparison Program database. (

Figure 3

Life expectancy at birth in China and Russia, 1975–2018.Source: World Bank, International Comparison Program database. (
Life expectancy at birth in China and Russia, 1975–2018.Source: World Bank, International Comparison Program database. (

Figure 4

Quintile regression coefficients on age from earnings equations by percentiles.Note: The estimates are from the specifications available in Table 4a.Source: Authors’ estimates from the CHIP and RLMS. CHIP, China Household Income Project; RLMS, Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey
Quintile regression coefficients on age from earnings equations by percentiles.Note: The estimates are from the specifications available in Table 4a.Source: Authors’ estimates from the CHIP and RLMS. CHIP, China Household Income Project; RLMS, Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey

Estimates of employment probabilities for older people in urban China and urban Russia

China 2002 China 2013 China 2018 Russia 2002 Russia 2013 Russia 2018
Gender (male omitted) Female −0.53** (0.230) −0.77*** (0.123) −1.03*** (0.091) −0.56*** (0.158) −0.11 (0.119) −0.165 (0.142)

Household structure (all other living arrangements omitted) Living alone 1.09** (0.451) −0.30 (0.534) 0.49** (0.217) 0.62** (0.288) −0.43 (0.273) −0.15 (0.162)
Couples 0.63*** (0.443) 0.89*** (0.101) 0.52*** (0.099) 0.27** (0.105) 0.26** (0.104) 0.29*** (0.139)

Age (55/60–70 omitted) 70–75 −1.46*** (0.301) −1.98*** (0.204) −2.13*** (0.176) −1.78*** (0.217) −1.88*** (0.143) −1.28*** (0.218)

Education (lower education omitted) Upper middle 1.68*** (0.305) 0.141* (0.134) 0.02 (0.095) 0.60** (0.240) 1.27*** (0.311) 0.06 (0.208)
Polytechnic 2.29*** (0.317) 0.69*** (0.228) 0.47*** (0.141) 0.91*** (0.179) 1.57*** (0.299) 0.42** (0.201)
Higher 2.49*** (0.326) 0.061*** (0.176) 0.96*** (0.155) 1.54*** (0.301) 1.60*** (0.327) 0.89*** (0.204)

City size (small omitted) Large 1.26*** (0.167) 0.88*** (0.215) 0.35** (0.167) 0.66*** (0.156) 0.01 (0.117) 1.44*** (0.275)
Middle 0.27 (0.255) −0.18 (0.191) 0.18** (0.088) 0.71*** (0.248) −0.05 (0.166) 1.06*** (0.285)

Health status (healthy omitted) Relatively healthy (not good and not bad) −0.31 (0.258) −0.75*** (0.117) −0.34*** (0.090) −0.83*** (0.263) −0.55*** (0.156) −1.63*** (0.236)
Not healthy −1.58*** (0.403) −0.96*** (0.234) −1.15*** (0.177) −1.60*** (0.291) −1.54*** (0.184) −0.57*** (0.187)

Log of pension −0.087*** (0.022) −0.030*** (0.009) −0.048*** (0.0028) −0.046*** (0.0028) −0.032*** (0.0024) −1.46*** (0.179)

Yearly working hours/100 0.03*** (0.000) 0.03*** (0.000) 0.02*** (0.000)

Rate of migrants in the city −0.03* (0.015) −0.01** (0.005) −0.02*** (0.003)

Constant −2.50*** (0.358) −0.85** (0.1779) −0.06 (0.123) −0.90* (0.507) −1.54*** (0.427) 12.308*** (2.109)

Number of observations 2,406 3,340 6,885 1,582 3,174 1,749

Pseudo R2 0.2156 0.1294 0.2352 0.1749 0.1730 0.1178

Parsimonious specification

China 2002 China 2013 China 2018 Russia 2002 Russia 2013 Russia 2018
Gender (male omitted) Female −0.29*** (0.029) −0.40*** (0.040) −0.51*** (0.032) −0.344*** (0.051) −0.272*** (0.030) −0.26*** (0.034)

Age (40/45–55/60 omitted) 55/60–70 −1.44*** (0.054) −1.60*** (0.057) −1.68*** (0.046) −0.151*** (0.051) −0.326*** (0.031) −0.30*** (0.037)
70–75 −2.92*** (0.143) −2.83*** (0.110) −3.20*** (0.095) −0.422*** (0.125) −0.781*** (0.105) −0.62*** (0.120)

Education (lower education omitted) Upper middle 0.31*** (0.061) 0.06 (0.065) 0.04 (0.051) 0.085 (0.095) 0.112** (0.049) 0.06 (0.052)
Polytechnic 0.78*** (0.064) 0.65*** (0.091) 0.45*** (0.077) 0.518*** (0.093) 0.227*** (0.049) 0.12** (0.052)
Higher 1.14*** (0.082) 0.96*** (0.074) 1.13*** (0.057) 0.248*** (0.093) 0.570*** (0.050) 0.38*** (0.052)

Constant 8.83*** (0.061) 9.77*** (0.065) 9.98*** (0.053) 8.785 (0.163) 9.797 (0.066) 10.23*** (0.086)

R2 0.267 0.341 0.352 0.102 0.178 0.145

Number of observations 4,977 4,310 7,574 1,182 2,542 1,675

Employment rates for older people in urban China and urban Russia in 2002, 2013, and 2018 (%)

China 2002 China 2013 China 2018 Russia 2002 Russia 2013 Russia 2018
Gender Female 5.47 9.48 10.37 15.57 23.93 25.97
Male 5.47 12.82 15.46 20.37 21.98 24.36

Living arrangements Living alone 12.70 6.10 13.58 10.62 19.99 22.68
Couples 6.82 14.84 16.92 16.89 18.57 23.51
All other living arrangements 4.63 9.38 10.75 19.98 28.21 28.21

Age 55/60–70 6.96 14.41 16.74 27.41 35.48 29.84
70–75 1.39 2.40 2.77 1.97 5.21 7.87

Education Low 1.92 10.59 12.75 6.34 10.01 17.35
Upper middle 6.13 11.56 11.98 16.75 25.85 22.75
Polytechnic 8.58 6.30 7.80 34.80 25.05 25.59
Higher 13.97 11.47 15.82 20.30 32.71 32.55

City size Large 14.72 4.93 6.37 19.31 24.31 27.03
Middle 5.16 9.19 14.95 14.01 23.02 24.38
Small 4.62 12.71 12.28 11.23 19.00 17.39

Health status Healthy (good and very good) 7.55 15.65 16.32 23.00 43.65 42.67
Not good, not bad 5.05 7.34 9.63 32.97 28.43 28.78
Not healthy (bad and very bad) 1.42 5.15 4.95 5.29 8.97 11.16

Employment rate by quantiles of pensions (from low to high) First 11.02 19.17 32.36 10.61 29.69 35.46
Second 3.17 20.47 19.92 20.55 26.49 27.68
Third 4.09 18.85 13.67 25.49 19.88 26.65
Fourth 3.65 5.90 3.84 9.17 15.78 11.57

Employment rate among elderly respondents 5.47 10.81 12.42 16.88 23.40 25.51

Extended specification

China 2002 China 2013 China 2018 Russia 2002 Russia 2013 Russia 2018
Gender (male omitted) Female −0.14*** (0.027) −0.26*** (0.038) −0.34*** (0.028) −0.394*** (0.050) −0.237*** (0.032) −0.215*** (0.035)

Age (40/45–55/60 omitted) 55/60–70 −0.99*** (0.052) −1.03*** (0.057) −0.90*** (0.047) −0.111** (0.052) −0.284*** (0.030) −0.272*** (0.036)
70–75 −2.33*** (0.132) −1.90*** (0.109) −1.11*** (0.180) −0.404*** (0.130) −0.713*** (0.095) −0.547*** (0.115)

Education (lower educa­tion omitted) Upper middle 0.21*** (0.056) 0.02 (0.060) 0.13*** (0.047) 0.093 (0.091) 0.099** (0.047) 0.058 (0.050)
Polytechnic 0.44*** (0.060) 0.40*** (0.087) 0.48*** (0.069) 0.347*** (0.097) 0.183*** (0.047) 0.093** (0.040)
Higher 0.68*** (0.073) 0.58*** (0.073) 0.87*** (0.057) 0.164* (0.091) 0.455*** (0.052) 0.368*** (0.062)

Constant 8.25*** (0.059) 8.78*** (0.074) 9.72*** (0.071) 8.860 (0.176) 9.684 (0.080) 10.127*** (0.098)

R2 0.396 0.436 0.305 0.1429 0.2557 0.2255

Observations 4,977 4,310 6,531 1,182 2,542 1,675

Older people in urban China and urban Russia in 2002, 2013, and 2018 by characteristics

China 2002 China 2013 China 2018 Russia 2002 Russia 2013 Russia 2018
Gender, % Female 59.2 60.2 59.8 72.7 72.9 73.5
Male 40.8 39.8 40.2 27.3 27.1 26.5

Living arrangements, % Living alone 2.6 2.5 3.9 23.3 22.7 27.6
Couples 28.6 27.4 25.2 29.9 30.6 26.8
All other living arrangements 68.8 70.0 70.9 46.8 46.7 45.7

Age, % 55/60–70 73.2 69.9 69.1 58.6 60.1 60.3
70–75 26.8 30.1 31.0 41.4 39.9 39.8

Education, % Low 36.9 35.2 31.6 40.2 25.1 14.2
Upper middle 39.7 46.0 53.1 19.1 19.3 23.7
Polytechnic 17.8 7.5 4.9 20.1 31.1 33.2
Higher 5.6 11.3 10.5 20.7 24.6 28.9

City size, % Large 6.7 15.5 12.1 58.2 57.6 50.5
Middle 30.4 19.4 32.1 34.0 33.5 33.1
Small 62.9 65.0 55.9 7.8 9.0 16.4

Health status, % Healthy (good and very good) 42.3 44.9 50.3 5.3 8.0 6.7
Not good, not bad 40.2 42.9 37.4 57.4 59.9 60.7
Not healthy (bad and very bad) 17.5 12.2 12.3 37.4 32.1 32.3

Pensions Percentage with a pension, % 74.6 87.3 97.3 99.5 96.6 99.0
Ln pension (in local currency, and 2013 prices), mean value 9.3 9.7 9.7 8.5 9.3 11.8

Number of elderly respondents 2424 3404 6885 1591 3233 3240