Open Access

Five Pitfalls and Solutions of Performance Management in a Selected South African University During Covid-19


Figure 1

Agile, continuous PM cycle (Source: own research)
Agile, continuous PM cycle (Source: own research)

The shift from performance appraisal to a performance feedback culture (Source: own research)

Element of PM From performance Appraisal in South African HEI To performance feedback culture in South African HEI
Overarching orientation Reactive, evaluation exercise of what has already happened Proactive, continuous, driving current and future performance
Type of process Linear Fluid, non-linear
Temporal focus Backwards-looking; top-down feedback provided as part of a PM process Forward-looking, integrated and illuminating past, present and future; input from the team facilitated by the boss
Timing Prescribed time in a year Ongoing check-ins in between goals and final review, cycle linked to the rhythm of an individual's work
Leader of the performance process Led by HR with some input from management Led by supervisors and management
Level of focus Operational Strategic
Who triggers the feedback process Year-end review, initiated by the organization Stand-back review at the end of the work cycle, triggered by the individual