Open Access

Implementation of active conservation for butterflies in the faunistic nature reserves of the Białowieża Forest in 1995–2023


Figure 1.

Map of the Białowieża Forest showing faunistic nature reserves (Berezowo, Olszanka Myśliszcze, Przewłoka and Podcerkwa) and other nature reserves
Map of the Białowieża Forest showing faunistic nature reserves (Berezowo, Olszanka Myśliszcze, Przewłoka and Podcerkwa) and other nature reserves

Figure 2.

Polana Berezowo (577Ck) in the Podcerkwa Nature Reserve (Białowieża Forest District) after realisation of the conservation measure in 2023 (photo: T. Ginszt, 04.09.2023)
Polana Berezowo (577Ck) in the Podcerkwa Nature Reserve (Białowieża Forest District) after realisation of the conservation measure in 2023 (photo: T. Ginszt, 04.09.2023)

Figure 3.

Meadow (578Ad) in the Podcerkwa Nature Reserve (Białowieża Forest District) after realisation of the conservation measure in 2023 (photo: T. Ginszt, 04.09.2023)
Meadow (578Ad) in the Podcerkwa Nature Reserve (Białowieża Forest District) after realisation of the conservation measure in 2023 (photo: T. Ginszt, 04.09.2023)

Planned conservation measures for faunistic nature reserves (Berezowo, Olszanka Myśliszcze, Przewłoka, Podcerkwa) in the Białowieża Forest included in the 2003–2004 conservation tasks

No. Conservation measures Nature reserve
Berezowo Olszanka Myśliszcze Przewłoka Podcerkwa
1 Regulation of species composition and density of trees in young forest (late cleaning) + + + +
2 Removal of trees infested with insects and fungi, broken and fallen (salvage and sanitation cutting), debarking of spruces colonised by the spruce bark beetle + + + +
3 Loosening the soil by hand with a hoe for natural regeneration of the stand +
4 Clearing trees and shrubs, mechanical mowing leaving a swath + + +
5 Repair of information boards (if needed) + + + +
1 Removal of trees infested with the spruce bark beetle, in accordance with the forest protection instruction, leaving 10% of the debarked tree mass on the surface +
2 Exposing scent traps (pheromones) to secondary pests (if needed) + + + +
3 Repair of information boards (if needed) + + + +
Number of planned tasks 5 6 6 8

A list of conservation measures carried out in faunistic nature reserves based on agreements concluded between the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Białystok and the Białowieża and Hajnówka forest districts in the years 2007–2023

No. Nature reserve Date of concluding the agreement and acceptance of the works Type of conservation measures and its scope Forest compartment or subcompartmet Cost (PLN)
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Podcerkwa



Clearing roads by removing roadside trees damaged by the snowstorm and obstructing the passage of fire and forestry service vehicles – as required 577A, 577B, 578A, 578B, 577C, 578D 9500
2 Olszanka Myśliszcze



Clearing roads by removing roadside trees damaged by the snowstorm and obstructing the passage of fire and forestry service vehicles over a length of 0.4 km 635A 320
3 Olszanka Myśliszcze



Clearing the surface dividing line of trees and shrubs over a distance of 1.5 km to allow for butterfly movement and the regeneration of hemp agrimony 573D/601B; 601A/601B; 601C/601D 750
4 Berezowo



Felling of trees and shrubs along a 1-km length to stop their succession on both sides of the Olemburska Road, causing the disappearance of the nectariferous hemp agrimony 575C; 575D; 603AB 800
5 Przewłoka



Clearing of 1 km of roads obstructing the passage of fire and forest service vehicles 670BC 800
Total – 2012 Five conservation measures (four reserves) 12,170
6 Podcerkwa



Preventing overgrowth of established gaps by de-bushing and removal of shrub vegetation – 3 ha 577Aa; 577Bb,c; 577Ca,c; 578Ab; 578Bb; 578Da,f 12,000
7 Olszanka Myśliszcze



Clearing roads by removing roadside trees damaged by the snowstorm and obstructing the passage of fire and forestry service vehicles over a length of 0.5 km 635A 250
8 Olszanka Myśliszcze



Clearing the surface dividing line of trees and shrubs over a distance of 0.8 km to allow for butterfly movement and the regeneration of hemp agrimony 573D/601B 400
9 Przewłoka



Clearing of 1 km of roads obstructing the passage of fire and forest service vehicles 670BC 500
Total – 2014 Four conservation measures (three reserves) 13,150
10 Berezowo



Cutting and mowing roadside trees and shrubs over a length of 1 km 575CD/603AB 540
Total – 2015 One conservation measure (one reserve) 540
11 Podcerkwa



Control of the succession of trees and shrubs on the former timber yard and disused hunting fields by mowing herbaceous vegetation in the second half of August (treatment to be carried out once in every 2 years) and removing shrubs – 3.54 ha 577Ck; 577Dg; 578Ad; 578Bg; 578Bi 1700
Total – 2019 One conservation measure (one reserve) 1700
12 Podcerkwa



Control of the succession of trees and shrubs on the former timber yard and disused hunting fields by mowing herbaceous vegetation in the second half of August (treatment to be carried out once in every 2 years) and removing shrubs – 3.54 ha 577Ck, 577Dg, 578Ad, 578Bg, 578Bi 11,340
13 Podcerkwa



Prevention of overgrowth of gaps by de-bushing and removal of shrub vegetation – 0.5 ha 577Bc, 577Cc; 578Ab
Total – 2023 Two conservation measures (one reserve) 11,340
Total – 2012–2023 13 conservation measures (four reserves) 38,900

Summary of the conservation measures carried out in four faunistic nature reserves from external sources in the years 2016–2023

No. Nature reserve Year of realisation Type of conservation measures and its scope Forest location Cost (PLN)
1 Przewłoka 2016 Stopping tree and shrub succession in the Leśna River valley by mowing herbaceous vegetation and removing trees and shrub vegetation – 1.92 ha 670Ci 1555
2 Olszanka Myśliszcze 2016 Stopping tree and shrub succession in the Leśna River valley by mowing herbaceous vegetation and removing trees and shrub vegetation – 25.04 ha 573Dm; 601Ba; 601Da; 634Fa 12,846
3 Przewłoka 2017 Stopping tree and shrub succession in the Leśna River valley by mowing herbaceous vegetation and removing trees and shrub vegetation – 1.92 ha 670Ci 1888
4 Olszanka Myśliszcze 2018 Stopping tree and shrub succession in the Leśna River valley by mowing herbaceous vegetation and removing trees and shrub vegetation – 12.55 ha 573Dm; 601Ba; 601Da; 634Fa 12,425
5 Olszanka Myśliszcze 2020 Stopping tree and shrub succession in the Leśna River valley by mowing herbaceous vegetation and removing trees and shrub vegetation – 12.55 ha 573Dm; 601Ba; 601Da; 634Fa 14,909
6 Podcerkwa 2021 Control of the succession of trees and shrubs on the former timber yard and disused hunting fields by mowing herbaceous vegetation in the second half of August (treatment to be carried out once in every 2 years) and removing shrubs – 3.54 ha 577Ck, 577Dg, 578Ad, 578Bg, 578Bi 4202
Total 47,825

Planned conservation measures for faunistic nature reserves (Berezowo, Olszanka Myśliszcze, Przewłoka, Podcerkwa) in the Białowieża Forest included in the conservation plans

Nature reserve No. Type of conservation measures Scope of conservation measures
1 2 3 4
Berezowo 1 Stopping the succession of trees and shrubs on both sides of the Olemburska Road, causing disappearance of the hemp agrimony Once in every 3 years, cutting and mowing roadside trees and shrubs
2 Protection of hollow trees and old-growth forests Leaving hollow, dying and dead trees and old-growth trees in the nature reserve for their natural decomposition
Olszanka Myśliszcze 1 Inhibiting the succession of trees and shrubs in the valley of Leśna River

Mowing herbaceous vegetation 50–100 m wide from the forest wall on the west side of the river (the treatment should be carried out once in every 2 years), after 15 September, collect the swath

Removal of shrub vegetation

2 Prevention of wetland overgrowth Removal of shrub vegetation
3 Road cleaning Removal of roadside trees damaged as a result of crooks and obstructing the passage of fire brigade and forest service vehicles, if needed
4 Protection of hollow trees, dead trees and old-growth trees Leaving hollow and dead trees in the reserve for their natural decomposition

Allowing butterflies to move

Enabling the regeneration of hemp agrimony

Clearing the forest compartment line of trees and shrubs over a length of about 3 km (logging about 10 m3 birch, willow, alder, spruce, aspen, ash)
Przewłoka 1 Inhibiting the succession of trees and shrubs in the valley of Leśna River 7.32 ha

Mowing herbaceous vegetation (treatment should be carried out once in every 2 years)

Removal of trees and shrubby vegetation

2 Protection of hollow trees, dead trees and old-growth trees Leaving hollow and dead trees and old-growth trees in the reserve for their natural decomposition
3 Road cleaning Removal of roadside trees obstructing the passage of fire brigade and forest service vehicles, if needed
Podcerkwa 1 Inhibiting the succession of trees and shrubs on the former timber yard and unused hunting plots – area 3.54 ha

Mowing herbaceous vegetation in the second half of August (the treatment should be carried out once in every 2 years)

Removal of shrub vegetation

2 Prevention of overgrowing of gaps – area of 3 ha

Clearing of gaps

Removal of shrub vegetation

3 Road cleaning Removal of roadside trees damaged as a result of snow damage and obstructing the passage of fire brigade and forest service vehicles, if needed
4 Protection of hollow trees, dead trees, old-growth trees Leaving hollow and dead trees in the reserve for their natural decomposition
Publication timeframe:
4 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Life Sciences, Plant Science, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine