Open Access

Impact of vitamin D serum levels on clinicopathological features and outcome in advanced pancreatic carcinoma


Figure 1

A: Kaplan-Meier survival curve for all studied patients. B: Survival analysis stratified by serum vitamin D3 levels.
A: Kaplan-Meier survival curve for all studied patients. B: Survival analysis stratified by serum vitamin D3 levels.

Multivariate cox regression hazard model for factors affecting cancer-specific survival in patients with APC.

HR 95.0% CI

Variable Lower upper p-value
Age 0.994 0.962 1.028 0.7
Sex 0.896 0.614 1.309 0.5
vitamin D level 0.827 0.569 1.248 0.6
Vitamin D level insufficiency 1.233 0.777 1.975 0.3
Vitamin D level deficiency 1.062 0.646 1.746 0.8
Pathology GI 1.027 0.569 1.855 0.9
Pathology GII&GIII 0.865 0.258 2.901 0.8
Site(head) 0.804 0.539 1.197 0.2
Site(Body) 0.934 0.370 0.588 0.02
Tumor size 1.380 0.610 1.219 0.7
CA19.9 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.9
Liver metastases 0.892 0.544 1.461 0.6
Lung metastases 1.210 0.792 1.848 0.3
Peritoneal metastasis 0.545 0.364 0.816 0.003
PS1 0.103 0.877 0.394 0.7
PS2 0.020 1.070 0.425 0.8
PS3 3.915 3.054 1.001 0.04
PS4 8.319 7.383 1.898 0.004
Treatment type 0 0 0 0

Relation between vitamin D3 level and overall survival among 176 pancreatic carcinoma patients.

N Mean OS (months) Median OS (months) Overall Survival (OS) p-value

Estimate (95%CI) Estimate (95%CI) 6 month 12 month 18 month
All patients 176 7.72mon (6.95–8.48) 7.60mon (5.60–9.59) 55.7% 26.1% 0% -----
Vitamin D3 level
Normal 70 10.57mon (9.48–11.65) 11.36mon (10.10–12.63) 78.6% 44.3% 0% <0.001
Insufficiency 50 6.77mon (5.48–8.06) 7.03mon (5.10–8.95) 56% 16% 0%
Deficiency 56 5.01mon (3.82–6.20) 2.66mon (2.14–3.19) 26.8% 12.5% 0%

Relation between clinicopathological features, outcome and vitamin D3 level among 176 pancreatic carcinoma patients.

Characteristics Normal Insufficiency Deficiency p-value

(N=70) (N=50) (N=56)

No. % No. % No. %
Age (years)
Mean ±SD 57.87±7.60 61.64±4.52 64.10±8.92 <0.001
Median (Range) 59 (39 – 80) 61 (52 – 75) 65 (30 – 80)
Male 43 61.4 31 62 31 55.4 0.728
Female 27 38.6 19 38 25 44.6
Grade I 22 31.4 6 12 1 1.8 <0.001
Grade II 45 64.3 43 68 26 46.4
Grade III 3 4.3 10 20 29 51.8
Site 32 45.7 13 26 30 53.6 0.059
Body 20 28.6 21 42 16 28.6
Tail 18 25.7 16 32 10 17.9
Tumor size
T1 1 1.4 0 0 0 0 <0.001
T2 26 37.1 10 20 7 12.5
T3 39 55.7 30 60 21 37.5
T4 4 5.7 10 20 28 50
Site of metastasis
Peritoneal 43 61.4 28 56 38 67.9 0.452
Liver 45 64.3 36 72 54 96.4 <0.001
Lung 18 25.7 15 30 21 37.5 0.359
Bone 0 0 3 6 0 0 0.021
ECOG 0 8 11.4 2 4 0 0 <0.001
ECOG 1 42 60 18 36 12 21.4
ECOG 2 18 25.7 24 48 22 39.3
ECOG 3 2 2.9 5 10 16 28.6
ECOG 4 0 0 1 2 6 10.7
CA 19-9 600.35±974.71 1126.54±1342.46 1422.60±1002.65 <0.001Ÿ
Mean ±SD
Median (Range) 237.50 (21 – 6987) 745 (48 – 7896) 1459 (21 – 4928)
Treatment type
Chemotherapy 68 97.1 44 88 34 60.7 0.000
Best supportive care 2 2.9 6 12 22 39.3
PR 37 52.9 8 16 5 8.9 <0.001
SD 21 30 19 38 8 14.3
PD 12 17.1 23 46 43 76.8

Clinicopathological features among 176 advanced pancreatic carcinoma patients.


Characteristics (N=176)

No. %
Age (years)
Mean± SD 60.92±7.79
Median (Range) 61 (30 – 80)
Male 105 59.7
Female 71 40.3
Grade I 29 16.7
Grade II 105 59.7
Grade III 42 23.9
Head 75 42.6
Body 57 32.4
Tail 44 25
Peritoneal nodules 109 61.9
Liver metastasis 135 76.7
Lung metastasis 54 30.7
Bone 3 1.7
Treatment type Chemotherapy 146 83
Best supportive care 30 17
ECOG 0 10 5.7
ECOG 1 72 40.9
ECOG 2 64 36.4
ECOG 3 23 13.1
ECOG 4 7 4
Vitamin D3 level
Normal 70 39.8
Insufficiency 50 28.4
Deficiency 56 31.8
CA 19-9
Mean ±SD 1011.46±1149.19
Median (Range) 698 (21 – 7896)
Response PR 50 28.4
SD 48 27.3
PD 78 44.3
Follow-up (months) Mean± SD 7.72±5.17
Median (Range) 7.61 (0.63 – 18.60)
Publication timeframe:
4 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Internal Medicine, Haematology, Oncology