Open Access

Spatial dispersion and the concentration of buildings in an urban agglomeration – a typology proposal for the Warsaw Metropolitan Area

   | Dec 10, 2020


The purpose of this study was to determine the state of dispersion and concentration of buildings in the Warsaw urban agglomeration. In particular, a goal was defined to develop a typology of basic administrative units due to the level and characteristics of the spatial concentration of buildings. The study was conducted based on the municipalities (urban, urban-rural and rural) of the Warsaw Metropolitan Area (delimitation of the Warsaw urban agglomeration used for the strategic and planning purposes) and districts of the capital city of Poland. Data on buildings was obtained from the topographic objects database. The share of buildings in total, as well as single-family and multi-family housing objects, was taken into account (these two categories were assumed to be the main determinants of suburbanization). Two methods were used to analyze their distribution: the density quotient factor, and the average nearest neighbour method. The spatial arrangement of buildings covers a wide spectrum of types, determined by combinations of both extreme and intermediate values of two dimensions of spatial concentration – the density of objects and the degree of their spatial dispersion (level of regularity, randomization, or clustering in their distribution). The typology allows us to indicate units for which similarly oriented spatial policy should be applied. The method of construction of the developed typology may be useful for application to research in other areas.

Publication timeframe:
4 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Geosciences, Geography, Atmospheric Science and Climatology, Life Sciences, Plant Science, Ecology