
Let ℙ be the set of prime numbers, ℙ the union ℙ ∪ {0}, and for any field E, let char(E) be its characteristic, ddim(E) the Diophantine dimension of E, 𝒢E the absolute Galois group of E, and cd(𝒢E) the Galois cohomological dimension 𝒢E. The research presented in this paper is motivated by the open problem of whether cd(𝒢E) ≤ ddim(E). It proves the existence of quasifinite fields Φq : q ∈ ℙ, with ddim(Φq) infinity and char(Φq) = q, for each q. It shows that for any integer m > 0 and q ∈ ℙ, there is a quasifinite field Φm,q such that char(Φm,q) = q and ddim(Φm,q) = m. This is used for proving that for any q ∈ ℙ and each pair k, ℓ ∈ (𝕅 ∪ {0, ∞}) satisfying k, there exists a field Ek,ℓ;q with char(Ek,ℓ;q) = q, ddim(Ek,ℓ;q) = and cd(𝒢Ek,ℓ;q) = k. Finally, we show that the field Ek,ℓ;q can be chosen to be perfect unless k = 0 ≠ = .

Publication timeframe:
Volume Open
Journal Subjects:
Mathematics, General Mathematics