Open Access

A generative design method of building layout generated by path

 and    | Mar 31, 2022


Fig. 1

An apartment adopts the traditional layout method design process
An apartment adopts the traditional layout method design process

Fig. 2

An apartment uses algorithms developed by parametric models to achieve design evolution
An apartment uses algorithms developed by parametric models to achieve design evolution

Fig. 3

The plane of an apartment is divided into different convex shapes and classified according to their orientation. Discrete points in a discrete state in the coordinate system show one of the possibilities of apartment layout
The plane of an apartment is divided into different convex shapes and classified according to their orientation. Discrete points in a discrete state in the coordinate system show one of the possibilities of apartment layout

Fig. 4

Related parameters and variables of the path model
Related parameters and variables of the path model

Fig. 5

Path model parameterised data flow and its relationship diagram
Path model parameterised data flow and its relationship diagram

Fig. 6

Diagram of the calculation process of wall generation
Diagram of the calculation process of wall generation

Fig. 7

Calculation diagram generated by doors and windows
Calculation diagram generated by doors and windows

Fig. 8

Diagram of the positioning algorithm for generating branch points
Diagram of the positioning algorithm for generating branch points

Fig. 9

Diagram of branch algorithm for generating branch shape and window positioning point
Diagram of branch algorithm for generating branch shape and window positioning point

Fig. 10

Path algorithm is being used to generate multiple layouts
Path algorithm is being used to generate multiple layouts

Fig. 11

Algorithm for generating walls
Algorithm for generating walls

Fig. 12

Algorithm for generating window (upper and downward position)
Algorithm for generating window (upper and downward position)

Fig. 13

Algorithm data flow diagram
Algorithm data flow diagram

Fig. 14

Use algorithms to optimise some results of the layout of a high-rise apartment
Use algorithms to optimise some results of the layout of a high-rise apartment

Fig. 15

Use algorithms to optimise the layout of the standard floor of a hotel
Use algorithms to optimise the layout of the standard floor of a hotel

Fig. 16

Using algorithm to generate a data stream of apartment building layout
Using algorithm to generate a data stream of apartment building layout

Model parameters and mathematical expressions of doors and windows

Model category Iutput Output Mathematical expression

Swing door P(x, y), xl, xr, yl, yr, Hi Holtal Sdi(Pd1 Pd2 Pd3 Pd4)Form of Ds (Direct-section + arc) (33)(40)(33), (42)(45)
Sliding window P(x, y), xl, xr, yl, yr, Hi, Ho Holtal Swi(Pw1 Pw2 Pw3 Pw4)Window Form Ws(Swi+ Rectangle) (33)(40)(33), (35), (46), (47)
Wall openings Sdi, Swi, W Hole Wo (41)

Wall model parameters and mathematical expressions

Input Output Mathematical expression

Path shape (Ai) Out ring (outer wall axis B) B = A1A2A3 ∪ … (29)
Offset distance (Ho, Hi) Outer wall outline (outer ring O), building space inner outline (inner ring li), wall shape W W = O − I1 − I2 − I3 − … (30)
Offset distance (Ho, Hi) Wall thickness (H) H = Ho + Hi (31)
Path shape (C), offset distance (H1, H2) Outer ring C1, C2 and balcony, verandah outer contour shape L L = OC1C2 (32)

Four space types and their parameter variable symbols

Spatial orientation Orientation point (entrance) Space length Space width

Upward spaces {Pun} {Lun} {Wun}
Downward spaces {Pdn} {Ldn} {Wdn}
Leftward spaces {Pln} {Lln} {Wln}
Rightward spaces {Prn} {Lrn} {Wrn}

Analysis of algorithm usage for generating paths

Algorithm application Input Output analysis

Up-branch algorithm, used alone Randomly input 6 branch points, a total of 5 times, the following input remains unchanged:Lu1=1, Lu2=1.5, Lu3=1, Lu4=1.5, Lu5=1.5, Lu6=1.7, Wu ln=0.6, Wur1=2, Wur2=3, Wur3=3.5, Wur4=2, Wur5=2.5, Wur6=3.5 Figure a: Randomly changing the position of the branch point can generate a new layout
Combination of positioning algorithm and upper branch algorithm Change the item value and number of {xun} and [15], the following parameters remain unchanged: Lu1= 3, Lu2= 3, Lu3=2, Lu4= 2, Wuln=0.6, Wurn=2 Figure b: Using positioning algorithms, you can freely adjust the new layout according to the design goals
Up-branch algorithm, used alone Change the item values of {Lun}, {Wuln}, {Wurn}, and randomly input points P1, P2, P3, P4 and keep them unchanged Figure c: Changing the value of a series item can generate a new layout

Beam parts of the bureau method process

Stage Function bubble chart Axis plan Building layout
Constraints Spatial connectivity Spatial connectivitySpatial geometry relationship Spatial connectivitySpatial relationshipGraphic geometric relationships

Path model parameters and mathematical expressions

Parametric model category Input Output Mathematical expression

Positioning model P(a, b), ({xun}, [15]), ({xdn}, {ydn}), ({xln}, {yln}), ({xrn}, {yrn}) Branch point (Pun, Pdn, Pln, Prn) (1)(8)
Upper branch Pun, {Lun}, {Wuln}, {Wurn} Branch shape Run (Pu1 Pu2 Pu3)Window positioning point (Puu, Pul, Pur) (2), (9)(11), (21), (22)
Downward branch Pdn, {Ldn}, {Wdln}, {Wdrn} Branch shape Rdn (Pd1 Pd2 Pd3)Window positioning point (Pdd, Pdl, Pdr) (4), (12)(14), (23), (24)
Left branch Pln, {Lln}, {Wlln}, {Wlrn} Branch shape Rln (Pl1 Pl2 Pl3)Window positioning point (Plu, Pll, Pld) (5), (15)(17), (25), (26)
Right branch Prn, {Lrn}, {Wrln}, {Wrrn} Branch shape Rrn (Pr1 Pr2 Pr3)Window positioning point (Pru, Prd, Prr) (7), (18)(20), (27), (28)
Publication timeframe:
Volume Open
Journal Subjects:
Life Sciences, other, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, General Mathematics, Physics