Open Access

Monitoring the Biodiversity of the Forest Ecosystems Around the Municipality of Buzau


Every being on this planet should respect the three simple laws of ecology proposed by the famous biologist Barry Commoner, in his book “Making Peace with the Planet”, useful laws in explaining the reasons why the earth is so of “vulnerable” to human abuses:

“Each element is connected to the others”;

“Everything has to go somewhere”;

“Let nature take its course”

The aim of the work is to identify the phytocenoses and habitats in the Crang, Spataru and Frasinu forests, as well as to develop people’s ability to sustainably exploit the natural resources of these forests, if we take into account that the first two forests are possibilities for the recreation of wild boars. The work also aims to promote eco-responsible behavior among all of us. In this sense, we must change our mentalities and habits.
