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Politikfelder als multinormative Ordnungen. Multiple Multinormativitäten im preußischen Chausseewesen am Beispiel der Volmethalstraße, ca. 1816–1850er-Jahre


In modern societies, policymaking occurs in highly differentiated social spheres that can be described as policy areas (Politikfelder). This paper argues that policy areas can not only be understood as normative orders that frame policy processes structurally and semantically but also as multinormative orders given that policymaking is prejudiced by formal law, informal practices, policy regimes, etc. A case study of the Prussian Chaussee policy shows that there are multiple constellations of multinormativity within the same policy area that qualitatively differ from each other depending on the specific condition of their formation. Particularly, social complexity and overlapping time regimes are identified as causes of multinormative tensions. Finally, policy areas develop quite a range of social practices to cope with the resulting conflicts (e.g., compromise, recourse to law, rule by authority, etc.).
