Open Access

An Observational Study of Glycemic Status in New Onset Acute Stroke and Their Clinical Outcome in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital


Fig. 1

Association between glycemic status and outcome. Chi-square=69.3, df= 9, P<0.001.
Association between glycemic status and outcome. Chi-square=69.3, df= 9, P<0.001.

Distribution of study subjects according to risk factors incidence in relation to gender

Male % Female % Total Total %
Hypertension 66 63.6 38 36.36 104 65.8
Smoking 63 100 0 0 63 39.8
Diabetes 27 60.7 17 39.3 44 27.8
Alcohol 39 96.1 2 3.85 41 25.9
Hyper Cholesterolemia 16 71.4 6 28.56 22 13.9
Atrial Fibrillation 0 0 2 100 2 1.26
Coronary Artery Disease 6 66.6 3 33.33 9 5.69
Right hemiplegia 60 69.1 27 30.9 87 55
Left hemiplegia 39 64.1 22 35.9 61 38.6
Faciobrachial Monoplegia 3 37.5 5 62.5 8 5
Cerebellar symptoms 2 100 0 0 2 1.26
Loss of consciousness 49 60.8 31 39.2 80 50.6
Hemianopia 3 60 2 30 5 3.16
Aphasia 35 58.3 25 41.6 60 37.9
Bladder and Bowel involvement 25 59.6 17 40.4 42 26.5

Stroke severity according to NIHSS score on admission day

Glycemic status N NIHSS score Mean ± SD One-way ANOVA F test*
Euglycemia 70 9.5 ± 6.760
Stress hyperglycemia 44 19.4±5.248
Known diabetes 25 17.3±6.561 F=401.1,
Newly diagnosed diabetes 19 16.3±7.040 P<0.001

Correlation of Sugar Levels and Outcome in stroke Groups

Group Outcome
Good Moderate Poor Death Total
B 0 2 2 0 4
C 0 7 0 0 7
D 0 0 7 8 15
Total 5 14 9 15 43
B 2 12 11 0 25
C 2 3 0 5 10
D 0 0 3 24 27
Total 44 20 17 34 115

Association between Glycemic status and type of stroke

Glycemic Status Ischaemic Stroke Hemorrhagic Stroke TOTAL
No. % No. % No. %
Euglycemia 54 77.1% 16 22.9% 70 44.3%
Stress hyperglycemia 36 81.8% 8 18.2% 44 27.8%
Known Diabetes 15 60.0% 10 40.0% 25 15.8%
Newly diagnosed Diabetes 10 52.7% 9 47.3% 19 12.1%
TOTAL 115 72.7% 43 27.3% 158 100%

Association between Glycemic status and size of the lesion

Glycemic status Small Medium Large Total
Freq % Freq % Freq %
Euglycemia 46 65.7 13 18.6 11 15.7 70
Stress hyperglycemia 2 4.5 22 50 20 45.5 44
Known diabetes 3 12 13 52 9 36 25
Newly diagnosed diabetes 0 0 10 52.6 9 47.4 19
Total 51 32.2 58 36.8 49 31 158

Distribution of NIHSS score on Day 15 among prognosis groups

Prognosis groups N NIHSS score (Mean ± SD) ANOVA
Good 51 2.51±1.94 F=897.4, P=0.042*
Moderate 34 10.41±2.24
Poor 30 18.23±1.45
Death 43 0.000
Total 158 6.513

Association between glycemic status and outcome in stroke groups

Glycemic Status Outcome Total
Good Moderate Poor Death
Hemorrhage group Euglycemia 4 5 0 6 15
Stress hyperglycemia 0 2 1 5 8
Known diabetes 0 5 3 2 10
Newly detected diabetes 0 3 5 2 10
Total 4 15 9 15 43
Ischaemic group Euglycemia 40 5 3 5 53
Stress hyperglycemia 2 13 11 11 37
Known diabetes 2 3 2 9 16
Newly detected diabetes 0 0 1 8 9
Total 44 21 17 33 115
Publication timeframe:
3 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Internal Medicine, Cardiology