Open Access

Obstacles to diagnostic investigation of a child with comorbid psychiatric conditions


Diagnostic testing performed for investigation of autoimmune encephalitis

Test Source
vEEG with photic stimulation N/A
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) N/A
NDMA receptor antibody Blood; CSF
Amino acid quantification Blood; CSF
Bacterial culture, gram stain, glucose, protein, cell count CSF
Immunoglobulin IgG index Blood
Antinuclear antibody Blood
Sjogren’s panel Blood
Paraneoplastic panel Blood
DNase antibody Blood
Encephalopathy – autoimmune evaluation profile Serum
Amino Acid Profile – quantitative Blood; CSF
Antistreptolysin antibody Blood
Pyruvate level Blood; CSF
Lactate level Blood; CSF
Enterovirus PCR CSF
Varicella Zoster Virus – PCR CSF
Herpes Simplex Virus – PCR CSF
Lyme total antibody panel CSF
Herpes Simplex Virus 1, 2 – IgG, IgM CSF
Ebstein-Barr Virus – IgG, IgM Blood
Lyme ELISA – IgG, IgM Blood
Mycoplasma pneumonia – IgM Blood
Mycoplasma pneumonia – PCR Blood

Schizophrenia diagnostic criteria – Elements of patient history

Domain Examples from patient presentation during episodes
Delusions Paranoia delusions – religious repenting/guilt; food contamination
Hallucinations Tactile hallucinations (bug on back)
Disorganized speech Delayed/severely restricted/non-responsive speech, tangential speech
Grossly disorganized motor behavior Catatonia, rigidity/immobility, posturing, echolalia
Negative symptoms Decreased emotional expressions, flat affect

Diagnostic testing performed for investigation of metabolic encephalopathy

Test Source
Copper level – 24 hr Urine
Copper level Blood
Cerulosplasmin level Blood
Acylcarnitine profile Blood
Pentacarboxyporphyrin Urine
Porphobilinogen Urine
Homocysteine Blood
Heavy metals panel (arsenic, lead, mercury) Blood
Serum drug screen (acetaminophen, salicylates, tri-cyclic antidepressants, ethyl alcohol) Blood
Publication timeframe:
Volume Open
Journal Subjects:
Medicine, Basic Medical Science, other