
Baseline characteristics of male pilots included in the study

CharacteristicsInvasive cases only (n=51)Invasive + in situ cases (n=114)Controls (n=102)
Age (in years) at diagnosis, mean (SD)47 (10.1)49 (11.3)48.6 (11.3)
Age group, n (%)   
<5030 (59)57 (50)60 (59)
50+21 (41)57 (50)42 (41)
State of residence, n (%)   
QLD19 (37)45 (40)29 (28)
NSW12 (24)27 (24)33 (32)
VIC10 (20)20 (18)15 (15)
Other States10 (20)22 (19)25 (25)
Total flying hours, median (IQR)6108 (1900-14200)6900 (2215-15060)7500 (2725-14150)
Hours flown in last 6 months, median (IQR)200 (54-350)200 (70-328)206 (80-323)

Association between flying hours and melanoma risk among class 1 male pilots

Total flying hoursInvasive cases only OR (95% CI) (n=51)Invasive + in situ cases OR (95% CI) (n=114)
Crude analyses  
Total flying hours (per 1000hrs)10.99 (0.94-1.04)1.00 (0.96-1.04)
Total flying hours (Tertile groups [median, range])2  
T1 [1680 (5, 4500)]ReferenceReference
T2 [7500 (4800, 12378)]0.94 (0.42-2.13)0.88 (0.46-1.69)
T3 [16490 (12470, 28000)]0.89 (0.39-2.03)0.90 (0.47-1.73)
Adjusted analyses3  
Total flying hours (per 1000hrs)11.00 (0.94-1.06)1.00 (.95-1.04)
Total flying hours (Tertile groups)  
T21.08 (0.45-2.57)0.85 (0.43-1.67)
T31.18 (0.44-3.15)0.85 (0.40-1.79)

Association between flying hours and melanoma risk among class 1 male pilots ages less than 50 years at time of diagnosis

Total flying hoursInvasive cases only OR (95% CI) (n=30)Invasive + in situ cases OR (95% CI) (n=57)
Total flying hours (per 1000hrs)1,20.93 (0.84-1.02)0.94 (0.86-1.02)
Total flying hours (Tertile groups [median, range])2,3
T1 [893 (5, 3100)]ReferenceReference
T2 [5000 (3200, 9800)]1.04 (0.38-2.89)1.12 (0.46-2.73)
T3 [12985 (10060, 20561)]0.37 (0.09-1.36)0.42 (0.14-1.28)

Association between flying hours and melanoma risk among class 1 male pilots diagnosed with melanoma in 2011-2012

Total flying hoursYear of Diagnosis 2011-2012
Invasive cases only OR (95% CI) (n=22)Invasive + in situ cases OR (95% CI) (n=45)
Hours flown in last 6 months (per 50hrs)1,20.85 (0.68-1.05)0.98 (0.85-1.13)
Hours flown in last 6 months (Tertile groups [Tertile groups])2,3
T1 [0.48 (0, 114)]ReferenceReference
T2 [200 (120, 270)]0.45 (0.11-1.86)0.76 (0.26-2.24)
T3 [350 (300-690)]0.39 (0.09-1.69)0.66 (0.22-2.05)

Association between flying hours and melanoma risk among class 1 male pilots diagnosed with melanoma on head and neck and upper limbs

Total flying hoursHead & Neck & Upper Limb
Invasive cases only OR (95% CI) (n=13)Invasive + in situ cases OR (95% CI) (n=38)
Total flying hours (per 1000hrs)1,21.01 (0.91-1.11)0.99 (0.93-1.05)
Total flying hours (Tertile groups)2
T20.61 (0.13-2.83)0.85 (0.33-2.18)
T30.99 (0.20-4.91)0.81 (0.29-2.20)
Publication timeframe:
Volume Open
Journal Subjects:
Medicine, Basic Medical Science, other