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The Nature and Purpose of The General Meetings of The Supranational Economic Associations in The European Union


[1] Council Regulation (EEC) No 2137/85 of 25 July 1985 on the European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG), OJ L 199, 31.7.1985, p. 1-9.Search in Google Scholar

[2] Council Regulation (EC) No 2157/2001 of 8 October 2001 on the Statute for a European company (SE), OJ L 294, 10.11.2001, p. 1-21.Search in Google Scholar

[3] Council Regulation (EC) No 1435/2003 of 22 July 2003 on the Statute for European Cooperative Society (SCE), OJ L 207, 18.08.2003, p.1-24.Search in Google Scholar

[4] Direct Citizen Participation in State and Local Government Act - section IV, Articles 54-64 (Promulgated, State Gazette (SG) 44 of 12.06.2009, amended SG 56 of 24.07.2015); Condominium Ownership Management Act - section II, Articles 18 - 25 (Promulgated, SG 6 of 23.01.2009, amended SG ДВ, 43 of 7.06.2016); Non-Profit Legal Entities Act - chapter II, section I, Article 23-29 (Promulgated, SG 81 of 6.10.2000, amended SG 103 of 27.12.2016; Community Centers Act - Article 9-a, Articles 11-17 (Promulgated, SG 89 of 22.10.1996, amended SG 74 of 20.09.2016, in effect from 1.01.2018); Act on the Association of Veterinary Professionals in Bulgaria - section 2, Articles 7-12, section 3, Articles 16-20 (Promulgated, SG 84 of 19.10.2007, amended SG 14 of 19.02.2016 ); Irrigation Associations Act - section III, Articles 25-31, section IV, Articles 34-39 (Promulgated, SG 34 of 6.04.2001, amended and supplemented SG 54 of 15.07.2016 ) etc.Search in Google Scholar

[5] Council Directive 2001/86/EC of 8 October 2001 supplementing the Statute for a European company with regard to the involvement of employees, Official Journal of the European Union, Special edition in Bulgarian: Chapter 6, Volume 4 pages 134 - 144 was transposed in Bulgarian legislation with the Law on informing and consulting with workers and employees in multinational companies, enterprise groups and European companies (Promulgated, SG 57 of 14 July 2006, amended SG 26 of 29 March 2011, amended SG 82 of 21 October 2011).Search in Google Scholar

[6] See detailed study - Mateeva-Stoyanova, Ek., European grouping based on a common economic interest and Bulgarian company law. S., Ciela, 2000, 735 с.Search in Google Scholar

[7] Kohlhosse,H, A.Raddatz, Europäischen wirtschaftlichen Interessenvereinigung (EWIV), Berlin,JA,1989;.Guillemin, J-Fr., Le GEIE, un instrumente de la coopération frontalière, RD, 1989, p. 451; Hamilton, B., European Economic Community, Los Angeles, 2003, р. 58.Search in Google Scholar

[8] It is stated in Article 220(3) of the Commercial Law that where a company has more than 50 employees, they shall be represented in the general meeting by one person with a consultative vote. Similar provisions exist also in the Greek legislation - Γιά τον ρόλο των εργαζομένων στην Ευρωπαϊκή εταιρία Official publication: Εφημερίς της Κυβερνήσεως (ΦΕΚ) (Τεύχος Α); Number: 92; Publication date: 2006-05-04; Page: 00918 00924, in the Spanish legislation - LEY 31/2006, de 18 de octubre, sobre implicación de los trabajadores en las sociedades anónimas y cooperativas europeas, Official publication: Boletín Oficial del Estado ( B.O.E ); Number: 250/2006; Publication date: 2006-10-19; Page: 36302 36317, Romanian legislation - Lege privind constituirea, organizarea şi funcţionarea comitetului european de întreprindere Official publication: Monitorul Oficial al României; Number: 628; Publication date: 2005-07-19; Page: 00001-00007 etc.Search in Google Scholar
