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Reflection of climatic changes during interpleniglacial in the geoecosystems of South-Eastern Poland


Fig. 1

δ18O of NGRIP profile from Greenland with numbered Greenland Interstadials (after Rasmussen et al., 2014). The stratigraphy of the last Pleistocene glacial stage in Poland is also marked (after Marks et al., 2015), Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) (after Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005) and average timing of interstadials refered to as Hengelo and Denekamp (different authors).
δ18O of NGRIP profile from Greenland with numbered Greenland Interstadials (after Rasmussen et al., 2014). The stratigraphy of the last Pleistocene glacial stage in Poland is also marked (after Marks et al., 2015), Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) (after Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005) and average timing of interstadials refered to as Hengelo and Denekamp (different authors).

Fig. 2

A — map of Europe with Poland and the investigated area marked (rectangle). B — Palaogeography of the Carpathians and its foreland during the Pleniglacial (after Starkel, 1988): 1 – glaciated area, 2 – arctic desert, 3 – debris covers and active cryoplanation, 4 – tundra-steppe vegetation, 5 – intensive solifluction (areas with higher precipitations), 6 – areas of loess deposition, 7 – directions of intensive deflation, 8 – areas of probable preservation of some tree species, 9 – sites discussed in the present paper: Carpathians: Do – Dobra, Hu – Humniska, Ja – Jamne, Je – Jedlicze, Kr – Krościenko, Ma – Maniowy, So – Sowliny, Uh – Uherce, Wa – Wadowice; Oswiecim Basin: Ka – Kaniów, Pi – Pierściec, Śc – Ściejowice; Vistula and Lower Dunajec valleys: BN – Brzesko Nowe, NH – Nowa Huta, Op – Opatowiec, Sz – Szujec, Wł – Włoszyn; Wisłoka valley: Br – Brzeźnica, Po – Podgrodzie, Wo – Wojsław; Wisłok and San Valleys: GŁ – Główczyna Łańcucka, GN – Grodzisko Nowe, Łą – Łążek, Łu – Łukawiec, WO – Wólka Ogryzkowa, WP – Wólka Pełkińska; Lublin Upland and Roztocze: La – Latyczów.
A — map of Europe with Poland and the investigated area marked (rectangle). B — Palaogeography of the Carpathians and its foreland during the Pleniglacial (after Starkel, 1988): 1 – glaciated area, 2 – arctic desert, 3 – debris covers and active cryoplanation, 4 – tundra-steppe vegetation, 5 – intensive solifluction (areas with higher precipitations), 6 – areas of loess deposition, 7 – directions of intensive deflation, 8 – areas of probable preservation of some tree species, 9 – sites discussed in the present paper: Carpathians: Do – Dobra, Hu – Humniska, Ja – Jamne, Je – Jedlicze, Kr – Krościenko, Ma – Maniowy, So – Sowliny, Uh – Uherce, Wa – Wadowice; Oswiecim Basin: Ka – Kaniów, Pi – Pierściec, Śc – Ściejowice; Vistula and Lower Dunajec valleys: BN – Brzesko Nowe, NH – Nowa Huta, Op – Opatowiec, Sz – Szujec, Wł – Włoszyn; Wisłoka valley: Br – Brzeźnica, Po – Podgrodzie, Wo – Wojsław; Wisłok and San Valleys: GŁ – Główczyna Łańcucka, GN – Grodzisko Nowe, Łą – Łążek, Łu – Łukawiec, WO – Wólka Ogryzkowa, WP – Wólka Pełkińska; Lublin Upland and Roztocze: La – Latyczów.

Fig. 3

Fluvial and slope deposits from the last cold stage at Wadowice: 1. bedrock, 2. loess, 3. deluvial loams, 4. soliflucion loams (clayly) with debris, 5. as above – sandy, 6. talus debris, 7. peat from Br⊘rup (series d), 8. fluvial sands, 9. fluvial gravels, 10. rocky landslide from Interpleniglacial (series h), (after Starkel [In:] Sobolewska et al., 1964).
Fluvial and slope deposits from the last cold stage at Wadowice: 1. bedrock, 2. loess, 3. deluvial loams, 4. soliflucion loams (clayly) with debris, 5. as above – sandy, 6. talus debris, 7. peat from Br⊘rup (series d), 8. fluvial sands, 9. fluvial gravels, 10. rocky landslide from Interpleniglacial (series h), (after Starkel [In:] Sobolewska et al., 1964).

Fig. 4

Interpleniglacial slope deposits at Dobra (Klimaszewski, 1971; Środoń, 1968) and Krościenko (Klimaszewski et al., 1939) in Polish flysch Carpathians: 1. fluvial gravels, 2. solifluction with debris, 3. solifluction dominant clay, 4. coarse debris, 5. silt and clay, 6. organic remains, 7. rare organic remains, 8. sediment members, 9. main sediments units, 10. bedrock.
Interpleniglacial slope deposits at Dobra (Klimaszewski, 1971; Środoń, 1968) and Krościenko (Klimaszewski et al., 1939) in Polish flysch Carpathians: 1. fluvial gravels, 2. solifluction with debris, 3. solifluction dominant clay, 4. coarse debris, 5. silt and clay, 6. organic remains, 7. rare organic remains, 8. sediment members, 9. main sediments units, 10. bedrock.

Fig. 5

Selected dates from Carpathians. Calibrated 14C dates from selected localities in Poland are marked by horizontal bars representing intervals of 68.2% confidence.
Selected dates from Carpathians. Calibrated 14C dates from selected localities in Poland are marked by horizontal bars representing intervals of 68.2% confidence.

Fig. 6

A geomorphological map ot the Fore-Carpathian Basins (after Gębica et al., 2015, partly modified). 1 – margin of the Carpathians, 2 – Carpathian foothills, 3 – Uplands, 4 – Fore-Carpathian plateaus, 5 – main escarpments, 6 – Vistulian terraces and alluvial fans, 7 – Holocene valley floors (floodplains), 8 – loess cover on the terraces and plateaus, 9 – fields of drift-sand and dunes (inactive), 10 – geological cross sections, A – Wisfoka valley, B – Oświęcim Basin, C – Vistula and Lower Dunajec valleys, D – Wisfok and San valleys.
A geomorphological map ot the Fore-Carpathian Basins (after Gębica et al., 2015, partly modified). 1 – margin of the Carpathians, 2 – Carpathian foothills, 3 – Uplands, 4 – Fore-Carpathian plateaus, 5 – main escarpments, 6 – Vistulian terraces and alluvial fans, 7 – Holocene valley floors (floodplains), 8 – loess cover on the terraces and plateaus, 9 – fields of drift-sand and dunes (inactive), 10 – geological cross sections, A – Wisfoka valley, B – Oświęcim Basin, C – Vistula and Lower Dunajec valleys, D – Wisfok and San valleys.

Fig. 7

Synthetic cross-section of valley floors of Carpathian river at their outlet from the Carpathians. a – channel facies of alluvia, older than Interpleniglacial, b – channel facies of alluvia-younger (from Interpleniglacial – to Holocene), c – overbank and palaeochannel fill facies, d – slope colluvia 1 – peat, 2 – loess, 3 – sand dunes.
Synthetic cross-section of valley floors of Carpathian river at their outlet from the Carpathians. a – channel facies of alluvia, older than Interpleniglacial, b – channel facies of alluvia-younger (from Interpleniglacial – to Holocene), c – overbank and palaeochannel fill facies, d – slope colluvia 1 – peat, 2 – loess, 3 – sand dunes.

Fig. 8

Selected dates from Subcarpathian Basins. Calibrated 14C dates from selected localities in Poland are marked by horizontal bars representing intervals of 68.2% confidence.
Selected dates from Subcarpathian Basins. Calibrated 14C dates from selected localities in Poland are marked by horizontal bars representing intervals of 68.2% confidence.

Fig. 9

A. Longitudinal profile of Wisioka river valley (after Gębica et al., 2015): 1 – Middle Pleniglacial terrace (level I), 2 – Upper Pleniglacial terrace (II), 3 – Late Vistulian terrace (III), 4 – Holocene terrace (IV), 5 – river channel, 6 – rock surface (strath), 7 – dunes. B. Model of alluvial fan incision marked by the cutting of Interpleniglacial cover in the close fore-mountain area. The younger (Upper Pleniglacial) fan was inserted in the northern part ot Sandomierz Basin (after Gębica et al 2015).
A. Longitudinal profile of Wisioka river valley (after Gębica et al., 2015): 1 – Middle Pleniglacial terrace (level I), 2 – Upper Pleniglacial terrace (II), 3 – Late Vistulian terrace (III), 4 – Holocene terrace (IV), 5 – river channel, 6 – rock surface (strath), 7 – dunes. B. Model of alluvial fan incision marked by the cutting of Interpleniglacial cover in the close fore-mountain area. The younger (Upper Pleniglacial) fan was inserted in the northern part ot Sandomierz Basin (after Gębica et al 2015).

Fig. 10

Alluvia in Wieprz valley at Latyczów (after Harasimiuk, 1991). 1 – sand with gravel, 2 – sand, 3 – silty sand, 4 – mud, 5 – loess, 6 – fossil soil, 7 – ice wedges, 8 – involutions, 9 – small deformations, s – recent (Holocene) soil, f – floodplain deposits, l – natural levees deposits, ss – soil sediments.
Alluvia in Wieprz valley at Latyczów (after Harasimiuk, 1991). 1 – sand with gravel, 2 – sand, 3 – silty sand, 4 – mud, 5 – loess, 6 – fossil soil, 7 – ice wedges, 8 – involutions, 9 – small deformations, s – recent (Holocene) soil, f – floodplain deposits, l – natural levees deposits, ss – soil sediments.

Fig. 11

Type and intensity of processes during the Vistulian in C-E Europe in relation to the δ18O curve from Greenland (schematic reconstruction): A. Intensity of denudation on mountain slopes, B. Tendency to aggradation and to erosion in mountain valleys, C. Tendency to agradation and erosion in submontaneous basins, D. δ8O curve from Greenland. Main stratigraphic units 1–5, w – phases of intensive aeolian activity.
Type and intensity of processes during the Vistulian in C-E Europe in relation to the δ18O curve from Greenland (schematic reconstruction): A. Intensity of denudation on mountain slopes, B. Tendency to aggradation and to erosion in mountain valleys, C. Tendency to agradation and erosion in submontaneous basins, D. δ8O curve from Greenland. Main stratigraphic units 1–5, w – phases of intensive aeolian activity.
Publication timeframe:
Volume Open
Journal Subjects:
Geosciences, other