Open Access

Attitudes among chemistry teachers towards increasing personal competencies in applying ICT


The study analyses opinions and attitudes among Chemistry teachers participating in the national project titled “Modernisation of the Educational Process in Primary and Secondary Schools”. The research part of the study consists of the results of our findings examining the overall satisfaction of course participants with the professional level, difficulty, and contents of the designed TPACK-based (the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) teaching model, as well as their self-assessment of the acquired skills and knowledge regarding the work with particular software and hardware applications. The results indicate that the course based on the TPACK framework and comprising specific examples of teaching activities supported by the use of technology was highly appreciated by teachers. Examples of methodologies for a suitable use of digital technologies in a particular curriculum topic in Chemistry, based on the TPACK model, were evaluated by teachers as the most beneficial ones, in terms of the actual teaching practice. The research confirmed that teachers expect to receive educational technologies together with high-quality methodical guidelines and particular examples of teaching activities involving appropriate and efficient use of the given digital technology in the teaching process.

Publication timeframe:
2 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Chemistry, other