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Textrode-enabled transthoracic electrical bioimpedance measurements – towards wearable applications of impedance cardiography



Fig. 1

(A) Measurement set-up. (B) Textile-belts for neck and chest with the four textrodes highlighted in red.
(A) Measurement set-up. (B) Textile-belts for neck and chest with the four textrodes highlighted in red.

Fig. 2

Measurement protocol
Measurement protocol

Fig. 3

Analysed ICG and ECG waveforms. The singular point dZ/dtmax (Z-spot), LVET (time from B to X-spot) and R-Z (time from R to Z-spot) parameters are indicated.
Analysed ICG and ECG waveforms. The singular point dZ/dtmax (Z-spot), LVET (time from B to X-spot) and R-Z (time from R to Z-spot) parameters are indicated.

Fig. 4

ICG signals ΔZ, -dZ/dt and ECG from Subject 1. On green trace the reference Ag/AgCl electrode and on blue trace the textile belt.
ICG signals ΔZ, -dZ/dt and ECG from Subject 1. On green trace the reference Ag/AgCl electrode and on blue trace the textile belt.

Fig. 5

Distribution plots of the heart rate extracted from the ECG and ICG signals with the corresponding mean values. In (A) HR from electrolytic electrodes and (B) from textile belts.
Distribution plots of the heart rate extracted from the ECG and ICG signals with the corresponding mean values. In (A) HR from electrolytic electrodes and (B) from textile belts.

Fig. 6

Estimated time intervals showing the distribution plots and mean values. (A) Left ventricular ejection time and (B) characteristic period R to Z time.
Estimated time intervals showing the distribution plots and mean values. (A) Left ventricular ejection time and (B) characteristic period R to Z time.

Fig. 7

Estimated parameters showing the distribution plots and mean values. (A) Stroke volume estimation based on equation (1) and (B) peak first time derivative dZ(t)/dtmax.
Estimated parameters showing the distribution plots and mean values. (A) Stroke volume estimation based on equation (1) and (B) peak first time derivative dZ(t)/dtmax.


dZ/dt max (Ω/s2)SV (ml)LVET (ms)R-Z Time (ms)