
Figure 1

Representative welcome screen of the Milia online platform.
Representative welcome screen of the Milia online platform.

Figure 2

A snapshot of Milia tree elements, able to store images and other multimedia content for story elements.
A snapshot of Milia tree elements, able to store images and other multimedia content for story elements.

Figure 3

Sample screen from the online interface of the Milia platform for uploading and editing story elements.
Sample screen from the online interface of the Milia platform for uploading and editing story elements.

Figure 4

Snapshot of the Pearltrees platform.
Snapshot of the Pearltrees platform.

Figure 5

Snapshot of the MyHeritage platform.
Snapshot of the MyHeritage platform.

Figure 6

Snapshot of the Digital Vaults platform.
Snapshot of the Digital Vaults platform.

Figure 7

Snapshot of the Museum Box platform.
Snapshot of the Museum Box platform.

Figure 8

Snapshot of the History Pin platform.
Snapshot of the History Pin platform.

Figure 9

Snapshot of the Mr. Beller’s Neighborhood platform.
Snapshot of the Mr. Beller’s Neighborhood platform.

Figure 10

Snapshot of the Folding Story platform.
Snapshot of the Folding Story platform.

Figure 11

Storytelling Viewer interface of the Milia Platform.
Storytelling Viewer interface of the Milia Platform.

Figure 12

Storytelling Editor interface of the Milia Platform.
Storytelling Editor interface of the Milia Platform.

Figure 13

Expanded tree elements on the Milia platform that reveal the corresponding story elements.
Expanded tree elements on the Milia platform that reveal the corresponding story elements.

Figure 14

Metadata text fields for the description of story elements on the Milia platform.
Metadata text fields for the description of story elements on the Milia platform.

Figure 15

Welcome screen for a story writer.
Welcome screen for a story writer.

Figure 16

The interface for editing stories.
The interface for editing stories.

Figure 17

Snapshot from the Miliada story.
Snapshot from the Miliada story.

Figure 18

Snapshot from the “Get Into The Museum” story.
Snapshot from the “Get Into The Museum” story.

Figure 19

Snapshot from the “Magic Apple Tree” story.
Snapshot from the “Magic Apple Tree” story.

Figure 20

Using number references to deliver a branching view of a story.
Using number references to deliver a branching view of a story.

Figure 21

Extension for revealing alternative paths of story elements.
Extension for revealing alternative paths of story elements.

Figure 22

Extension for integrating a sound control toolbar.
Extension for integrating a sound control toolbar.

Figure 23

Extension for setting the category of a new story.
Extension for setting the category of a new story.