
Internal consistencies (Cronbach’s α) for the total scale and subscales of the Darryl for the version for sexual abuse and the version for physical abuse. Also, means and SD on the Darryl scales for the two abuse types and combined abuse.

Darryl version Sexual abuse α Physical abuse α Physical abuse Mean (SD) Sexual abuse Mean (SD) Combined abuse Mean (SD)
Total scale .90 .87 12.260 (7.443) 13.850 (8.102) 17.50 (9.196)
Re-experiencing subscale .86 .77 4.153 (3.106) 4.663 (3.295) 6.333 (4.097)
Avoidance subscale .77 .69 4.549 (2.979) 4.813 (3.171) 6.750 (2.927)
Hyperarousal subscale .88 .67 3.557 (2.647) 4,375 (3.070) 4.667 (3.172)

Percentage frequency and mean scores of PTSD symptom items and somatization items in the Darryl (n = 327).

Frequency (%) Boys (n = 152) Girls (n = 175)
Score Never 0 Some of the time 1 Most of the time 2 Mean SD Mean SD t p Cohen’s d
Re-experiencing symptoms
Intrusive recollections 23.2 46.2 30.6 .969 .728 1.149 .727 -2.004 .046 .222
Play re-enactment of the trauma 84.7 11.9 3.4 .230 .521 .149 .416 1.576 .116 .175
Nightmares in general 39.4 42.2 18.3 .625 .708 .931 .724 -3.864 <.001 .428
Nightmares about the trauma 57.8 32.1 10.1 .415 .624 .617 .700 -2.744 .006 .304
Acting/recurring feeling as if the event is 51.1 34.6 14.4 .553 .689 .703 .745 -1.894 .059 .209
Psychological distress at reminders 56.6 28.4 15.0 .467 .699 .686 .757 -2.713 .007 .299
Physiological distress at reminders 56.0 31.2 12.8 .441 .688 .680 .712 -3.087 .002 .341
Avoidance symptoms
Avoidance of thoughts and feelings 19.6 37.9 42.5 .1.237 .778 1.223 .736 .166 .868 .018
Avoidance of people and activities 48.3 31.8 19.9 .651 .783 .771 .769 -1.395 .164 .155
Inability the event to recall important aspects of 38.5 38.8 22.6 .868 .795 .817 .743 .600 .549 .067
Loss of interest in usual activities 63.3 26.9 9.8 .309 .612 .600 .687 -4.028 <.001 .445
Detachment/social withdrawal 67.6 22.6 9.8 .290 .583 .709 .054 -3.466 <.001 .379
Restricted range of affect 61.2 29.4 9.5 .467 .690 .642 .049 -.406 .685 .045
Sense of foreshortened future 60.2 25.7 14.1 .480 .709 .744 .056 -1.346 .179 .149
Hyperarousal symptoms
Difficulty sleep initiating and/or sustaining 39.4 29.7 30.9 .783 .797 .854 .065 2.690 .008 .297
Irritability 45.6 33.3 21.1 .697 .789 .771 .058 -1.252 .212 .139
Decreased concentration 42.8 37.3 19.9 .625 .744 .751 .057 -3.284 .001 .364
Hypervigilance 46.8 33.9 19.3 .605 .756 .761 .056 -2.655 .008 .294
Exaggerated startle response 55.4 26.0 18.7 .507 .737 .800 .060 -2.778 .006 .306
Stomachache 44.3 41.0 14.7 .579 .646 .746 .056 -3.020 .003 .332
Headache 53.8 33.0 13.1 .533 .699 .719 .054 -1.436 .152 .159

Pearson’s r correlations between the total scale and subscales of the Darryl test and subscales of Beck Youth Inventory.

PTSD Total Re-experiencing Avoidance Hyperarousal
r p r p r p r p
BYI-II Depression (n = 112) .526 <.001* .313 <.001* .550 <.001* .502 <.001*
BYI-II Anxiety (n = 113) .495 <.001* .381 <.001* .450 <.001* .440 <.001*
BYI-II Anger (n = 109) .496 <.001* .318 <.001* .482 <.001* .486 <.001*
BYI-II Disruptive behavior (n = 104) .241 .012* .158 .104 .285 .003* .188 .057
BYI-II Self-concept (n = 112) -.203 .032* -.090 .348 -.260 .006* -.176 .064

Pearson’s r correlations between total scale and subscales of the Darryl test and the SDQ Total Difficulties scale and subscales parent report version (n = 63).

PTSD Total Re-experiencing Avoidance Hyperarousal
r p r p r p r p
SDQ Total Difficulties .196 .013* .091 .476 .200 .117 .234 .084
Emotional problems .284 .024* .188 .141 .252 .046* .317 .011*
Conduct problems .148 .248 .116 .391 .107 .402 .177 .164
Hyperactivity .125 .330 .050 .695 .161 .208 .122 .342
Peer Problems .001 .996 -.084 .513 .039 .760 .057 .658
Prosocial behavior .061 .633 .078 .539 -.012 .924 .098 .446
Impact scale (n = 59) .241 .066 .070 .601 .275 .035* .301 .020*

Referral reasons across gender.

Total Male Female
n % n % n %
Sexual Abuse 58 17.7 15 10.1 43 25.9
Physical abuse 238 72.8 126 84.5 112 67.5
Polyvictimization 19 5.8 8 5.4 11 6.6
Missing 12 3.7
Total 327 100 149 100 166 100
Frequenza di pubblicazione:
Volume Open
Argomenti della rivista:
Medicine, Basic Medical Science, other