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Losses and energy efficiency of drive motors and systems



1. Paszota Z.: Graphical presentation of the power of energylosses and power developed in the elements of hydrostaticdrive and control system. Part I - Rotational hydraulicmotor speed series throttling control systems. Chapter in the monograph: „Research, design, production and operation ofhydraulic systems” (in Polish), Adam Klich, Edward Palczak and Andrzej Meder editors. „Cylinder” Library. Komag Mining Mechanisation Centre, Gliwice 200810.2478/v10012-007-0080-3Search in Google Scholar

2. Paszota Z.: Graphical presentation of the power of energy lossesand power developed in the elements of hydrostatic drive andcontrol system. Part II - Rotational hydraulic motor speedparallel throttling control and volumetric control systems. Chapter in the monograph: „Research, design, productionand operation of hydraulic systems” (in Polish), Adam Klich, Edward Palczak and Andrzej Meder editors. „Cylinder” Library. Komag Mining Mechanisation Centre, Gliwice 200810.2478/v10012-007-0093-ySearch in Google Scholar

3. Paszota Z.: Direction of increase of power stream in thehydrostatic drive and control system. Graphical presentation ofthe power of energy losses and power developed in the elementsof hydrostatic drive and control system. Part I - Rotationalhydraulic motor speed series throttling control systems (in Polish), Napędy i sterowanie, scientific monthly, No 10 (114), October 200810.2478/v10012-007-0080-3Search in Google Scholar

4. Paszota Z.: Direction of increase of power stream in thehydrostatic drive and control system. Graphical presentation ofthe power of energy losses and power developed in the elementsof hydrostatic drive and control system. Part II - Rotationalhydraulic motor speed parallel throttling control and volumetriccontrol systems (in Polish), Napędy i sterowanie, scientific monthly, No 11 (115), November 200810.2478/v10012-007-0093-ySearch in Google Scholar

5. Paszota Z.: Graphical presentation of the power of energy lossesand power developed in the elements of hydrostatic drive andcontrol system. Part I - Rotational hydraulic motor speed seriesthrottling control systems. Polish Maritime Research 3 (57) 2008, Vol. 1510.2478/v10012-007-0080-3Search in Google Scholar

6. Paszota Z.: Graphical presentation of the power of energy lossesand power developed in the elements of hydrostatic drive andcontrol system. Part II - Rotational hydraulic motor speedparallel throttling control and volumetric control systems. Polish Maritime Research 4 (58) 2008,Vol. 1510.2478/v10012-007-0093-ySearch in Google Scholar

7. Paszota Z.: The operating field of a hydrostatic drive system. Chapter in the monograph: „Research, design, production andoperation of hydraulic systems” (in Polish), Adam Klich, Antoni Kozieł and Edward Palczak editors. „Cylinder” Library. Komag Mining Mechanisation Centre, Gliwice 2009Search in Google Scholar

8. Paszota Z.: Parameters of the energy efficiency investigationsof pumps and hydraulic motors. The operating field ofa hydrostatic drive system (in Polish), Napędy i sterowanie, scientific monthly, No 11 (127), November 2009Search in Google Scholar

9. Paszota Z.: The operating field of a hydrostatic drive systemparameters of the energy efficiency investigations of pumps andhydraulic motors. Polish Maritime Research 4 (62) 2009, Vol. 1610.2478/v10012-008-0051-3Search in Google Scholar

10. Paszota Z.: Energy losses in a rotational hydraulic motor -definitions and relations for evaluation of the efficiency of motorand hydrostatic drive. Chapter in the monograph: „Research,design, production and operation of hydraulic systems” (in Polish), Adam Klich, Antoni Kozieł and Edward Palczak editors. „Cylinder” Library. Komag Mining Mechanisation Centre, Gliwice 201010.2478/v10012-010-0017-0Search in Google Scholar

11. Paszota Z.: Theoretical and mathematical models of thetorque of mechanical losses in a hydraulic rotational motorfor hydrostatic drive. Chapter in the monograph: „Research,design, production and operation of hydraulic systems” (in Polish), Adam Klich, Antoni Kozieł and Edward Palczak editors. „Cylinder” Library. Komag Mining Mechanisation Centre, Gliwice 201010.2478/v10012-010-0024-1Search in Google Scholar

12. Paszota Z.: Energy losses in a rotational hydraulic motor -definitions and relations for evaluation of the efficiency of motorand hydrostatic drive (in Polish), Napędy i sterowanie, scientific monthly, No 10 (138), October 201010.2478/v10012-010-0017-0Search in Google Scholar

13. Paszota Z.: Theoretical and mathematical models of the torqueof mechanical losses in a hydraulic rotational motor forhydrostatic drive (in Polish), Napędy i sterowanie, scientific monthly, No 11(139), November 201010.2478/v10012-010-0024-1Search in Google Scholar

14. Paszota Z.: Energy losses in the hydraulic rotational motor- definitions and relations for evaluation of the efficiency ofmotor and hydrostatic drive. Polish Maritime Research 2 (65) 2010,Vol. 1710.2478/v10012-010-0017-0Search in Google Scholar

15. Paszota Z.: Theoretical and mathematical models of the torqueof mechanical losses in a hydraulic rotational motor forhydrostatic drive. Polish Maritime Research 3 (66) 2010,Vol. 1710.2478/v10012-010-0024-1Search in Google Scholar

16. Paszota Z.: Hydrostatic drives as safe and energy savingmachines (in Polish), Napędy i sterowanie, scientific monthly, No 1(141), January 201110.2478/v10012-011-0001-3Search in Google Scholar

17. Paszota Z.: Hydrostatic drives as safe and energy savingmachines (in Polish), Proceedings of the „Innovative machines and Technologies - Safety” conference, Szczyrk 03 - 04 February 201110.2478/v10012-011-0001-3Search in Google Scholar

18. Paszota Z.: Hydrostatic drives as safe and energy savingmachines. The drive investigation method compatible with thediagram of power increase opposite to the direction of powerflow. Polish Maritime Research 1(68) 2011,Vol. 1810.2478/v10012-011-0001-3Search in Google Scholar

19. Paszota Z.: Theoretical and mathematical models of the torqueof mechanical losses in the pump used in a hydrostatic drive. Polish Maritime Research 4(71) 2011, Vol. 18, 10.2478/v10012-011-0023-xSearch in Google Scholar

20. Paszota Z.: Effect of the working liquid compressibility onthe picture of volumetric and mechanical losses in a highpressure displacement pump used in a hydrostatic drive. PartI Energy losses in a drive system, volumetric losses in a pump. International Scientific-Technical Conference Hydraulics and Pneumatics, Wrocław, 16 - 18 May 2012. Ośrodek Doskonalenia Kadr SIMP - Wrocław: ODK SIMP Wrocław, 2012, Search in Google Scholar

21. Paszota Z.: Effect of the working liquid compressibility onthe picture of volumetric and mechanical losses in a highpressure displacement pump used in a hydrostatic drive. Part IIMechanical losses in a pump /International Scientific-Technical Conference Hydraulics and Pneumatics, Wrocław, 16 - 18 May 2012 / Ośrodek Doskonalenia Kadr SIMP - Wrocław: ODK SIMP Wrocław, 2012, Search in Google Scholar

22. Paszota Z.: Effect of the working liquid compressibility on thepicture of volumetric and mechanical losses in a high pressuredisplacement pump used in a hydrostatic drive. Part I Energylosses in a drive system, volumetric losses in a pump. Polish Maritime Research 2(73), 2012, Vol.19, 10.2478/v10012-012-0008-4Search in Google Scholar

23. Paszota Z.: Effect of the working liquid compressibility onthe picture of volumetric and mechanical losses in a highpressure displacement pump used in a hydrostatic drive. Part IIMechanical losses in a pump. Polish Maritime Research 3(75), 2012, Vol.19.10.2478/v10012-012-0029-zSearch in Google Scholar

Frequenza di pubblicazione:
4 volte all'anno
Argomenti della rivista:
Engineering, Introductions and Overviews, other, Geosciences, Atmospheric Science and Climatology, Life Sciences