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Media criticism as a propaganda strategy in political communication




User engagement with media criticism within party types
User engagement with media criticism within party types

Targets of political media criticism within party types (per cent)

Media type Right-wing populist Liberal/Conservative Left/Green All parties
Public service 50.0 62.1 46.2 58.9
Press 28.6 20.1 38.5 23.3
Media in general 16.7 14.9   7.7 14.4
Commercial TV/radio   4.8   2.9   7.7   3.5
Total 100 100 100 100
N   42 147   13 202

User engagement with media criticism

Party type Party Engagements Engagements (%) Mean Median % of N Max
Right-wing populist Independent   1,087     9 271.8 258.5   9.5   482
Sweden Democrats 11,012   91 289.8   65.0 90.5 1393
Total 12,099 100 288.1 112.0 100 1393
Liberal/Conservative Centre Party     153   0.7   21.9     4.0   4.8     79
Christian Democrats     272   1.2   54.4   29.0   3.4   200
Liberal Party     459     2   91.8   30.0   3.4   378
Moderate Party 22,460 96.2 172.8   14.5 88.4 8287
Total 23,344 100 158.8   15.0 100 8287
Left/Green Green Party         7   1.3   7.00     7.0   7.7       7
Social Democrats     405   76   57.9     5.0 53.8   364
Left Party     121 22.7   24.2   32.0 38.5     36
Total     533 100     41     7.0 100   364

Media criticism during the 2018 Swedish election campaign on Twitter

Party A. Media-critical tweets (n) B. Media-critical tweets (% within party) C. Media-critical tweets (% of total) D. Total tweets (N)
Sweden Democrats   38 20.5 18.8   185
Moderate Party 130 15.0 64.4   869
Independent     4 12.1     2     33
Christian Democrats     5   8.3   2.5     60
Centre Party     7   4.7   3.5   148
Liberal Party     5   2.7   2.5   183
Left Party     5   2.2   2.5   226
Social Democrats     7   1.5   3.5   480
Green Party     1   0.7   0.5   146
All parties 202   8.7 100 2,330

Tweeters of media criticism in the Swedish parliament

Party A. Media-critical MPs B. MPs on Twitter* C. Top media critics D. Top media critics (% of total)
Sweden Democrats   7 14 Martin Kinnunen (12)   5.9
Moderate Party 18 47 Lars Beckman (94) 46.5
Independent   1   3 Jeff Ahl (4)   2.0
Christian Democrats   3 11 Caroline Szyber (3)   1.5
Centre Party   3 11 Staffan Danielsson (5)   2.5
Liberal Party   3 12 Mathias Sundin (3)   1.5
Left Party   3 10 Ali Esbati/Karin Rågsjö (2)   1.0
Social Democrats   6 37 Annika Strandhäll (2)   1.0
Green Party   1 13 Anders Schröder (1)   0.5

Dimensions of media criticism within party types (per cent)

Right-wing populist (n = 42) Liberal/Conservative (n = 147) Left/Green (n = 13) All parties (n = 202)
Political bias 64.3 54.4   7.7 53.5
Name calling 35.7 32.0   7.7 31.2
Deceptive framing 19.0 18.4 38.5 19.8
News values and ethics   9.5 13.6 23.1 13.4
Inaccuracy   4.8   6.8 23.1   7.4
Ideological criticism   2.4   6.1 23.1   6.4
Systemic criticism   0.0   0.7   0.0   0.5

Sample characteristics

Party Tweeting MPs Tweeting MPs (%) Seats in parliament Seats in parliament 2014–2018 (%) Difference (+/- %) Tweets (n)
Moderate Party   47 30.3   84 24.1 +6.2 869
Social Democrats   37 23.9 113 32.4 -8.5 480
Sweden Democrats   11   7.1   46 13.2 -6.1 185
Green Party   13   8.4   25   7.2 +1.2 146
Liberal Party   12   7.7   19   5.4 +2.3 183
Centre Party   11   7.1   22   6.3 +0.9 148
Christian Democrats   11   7.1   16   4.6 +2.5   60
Left Party   10   6.5   21 6 +0.5 226
Independent     3   1.9     3   0.9 +1.0   33
All parties 155 100 349 100 n.a. 2330

Critical foci within party types (per cent)

Critical foci Right-wing populist Liberal/Conservative Left /Green All parties
Media-specific 73.8 74.1 69.2 73.8
General 16.7    15   7.7 14.9
Individual   9.4 10.9 23.1 11.3
Total 100 100 100 100
N   42 147   13 202