
Academic expectations are a game changer when it comes to students’ learning experiences. As part of their university studies, learners are asked to read research, articles, textbooks, lecture notes, etc., and critically engage with the content in order to analyze it, evaluate it, make connections, draw conclusions, or find new ways to reorganize, reinterpret, and recycle information. Learning to read critically helps students navigate the deep waters of academic requirements, and will ultimately empower them to function more effectively in the educational environment and beyond. This article presents critical reading as an essential skill whose mastery will enable students to deepen their understanding and awareness of both language and content. By discussing critical reading skills from the perspective of traditional and modern approaches and by deconstructing this receptive ability from the point of view of the various strategies and techniques it entails, the present paper aims to address useful aspects related to both the theoretical fundamentals and the practical construction of critical reading competence, and to highlight the importance of critical thinking skills as essential prerequisites for building 21st century literacy.