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Some Contemporary Aspects Related to the Big Data



The XXI century may well become not only the era of postmodernity, but also the era of ‘post-humanity’ in the sense that artificial intelligence and robots will displace human beings and, to some extent, human thinking. The article points out that the artificial intelligence, Internet of things and Big data are three factors that are crucial for the implementation of the 4.0 industry. At the same time the author stresses that depersonalization of a human being can gradually wean him to think, analyze and be content only with aggressively introduced patterns of stereotypical behaviour in the virtual space. The difference between the two concepts, namely ‘big data’ and ‘business intelligence’has also been discussed. The so-called ‘three V’, namely: Volume, Velocity, and Variety are underlined as the main characteristics of the Big data. The author concludes that in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic the educational process in the Bulgarian universities was carried out under the influence of big data.