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Intravascular, interstitial and intracellular volume changes during short term deep tissue massage of the calf: A case study



Figure 1

Extent of pitting edema in calf prior to DTM.
Extent of pitting edema in calf prior to DTM.

Figure 2

Position of hands during DTM.
Position of hands during DTM.

Figure 3

EIS electrode placement on the calf.
EIS electrode placement on the calf.

Figure 4

Vblood, Vinst) and Vcell volumes (mL) of the calf during start of DTM vs. Elapsed Time (min).
Vblood, Vinst) and Vcell volumes (mL) of the calf during start of DTM vs. Elapsed Time (min).

Figure 5

Vblood, Vinst and Vcell compartment volumes (mL) of the calf during the total DTM treatment and recovery periods vs. Elapsed Time (min).
Vblood, Vinst and Vcell compartment volumes (mL) of the calf during the total DTM treatment and recovery periods vs. Elapsed Time (min).

0 start treatment session - placed leg on chair
15 start massage and end of instrumentation period
20 stop massage - start recovery
60 placed leg on floor
120 end of treatment session

Vblood, Vcell, Vinstl Volumes and Changes in Volume (all mL) at Elapsed Times (min.) of changes in the DTM treatment.

ELAPSE TIME - Min. Vblood Change in Vblood Vcell Change in Vcell Vinstl Change in Vinstl
0 1035 0 926 0 1067 0
15 998 -37 907 -19 1054 -13
20 1013 15 816 -91 994 -60
60 1006 -7 556 -260 1001 7
120 957 -49 702 146 1033 31