Accesso libero

Possibilities in the application of machine learning on bioimpedance time-series



Figure 1

An overview over typical ways to present bioimpedance data, showing the level of complexity within the realm of presenting and analyzing bioimpedance data.
An overview over typical ways to present bioimpedance data, showing the level of complexity within the realm of presenting and analyzing bioimpedance data.

Figure 2

Overview of the methodology used for investigating the performance of different neural networks for predicting duration of ischemia based on bioimpedance using simulated measurements.
Overview of the methodology used for investigating the performance of different neural networks for predicting duration of ischemia based on bioimpedance using simulated measurements.

Figure 3

Simulated liver resistance and reactance profiles during ischemia.
Simulated liver resistance and reactance profiles during ischemia.

Figure 4

Example of simulated resistance and reactance data at 100kHz for five livers (in colors) having random onsets of ischemia (marked with arrows). Five non-ischemic control livers are added in gray. The data are simulated with a 5% liver variation, no drift, and a noise level of 30 dBW.
Example of simulated resistance and reactance data at 100kHz for five livers (in colors) having random onsets of ischemia (marked with arrows). Five non-ischemic control livers are added in gray. The data are simulated with a 5% liver variation, no drift, and a noise level of 30 dBW.

Figure 5

The distribution of prediction accuracies according to the different levels of cases included in the simulated data. The distributions are shown as violin plots with medium smoothing, where the dashed and dotted lines show the median and quartiles respectively.
The distribution of prediction accuracies according to the different levels of cases included in the simulated data. The distributions are shown as violin plots with medium smoothing, where the dashed and dotted lines show the median and quartiles respectively.

Figure 6

Predictions on 50 examples of liver ischemia and 50 controls from the test data for the different cases presented in table 2. Colors indicate different livers.
Predictions on 50 examples of liver ischemia and 50 controls from the test data for the different cases presented in table 2. Colors indicate different livers.

List of all variables used for comparing different varieties of the bioimpedance input data and hyperparameters in the machine learning for prediction of ischemic duration.

VariableDescriptionTested levelsValues
Measurement noiseSetting for simulated input data30, 10, 30
Liver varianceSetting for simulated input data25, 20
DriftSetting for simulated input data30 ±50 +100
FrequenciesSelection of input variables3{102 104 106}, 101:7, 101:0.1:7
Sample sizeTraining and testing data size220, 100
RegularizationNeural network hyperparameter310-1, 10-2, 10-3
Hidden layer sizeNeural network hyperparameter32, 5, 25
Minibatch sizeNeural network hyperparameter216, 32
EpochsNeural network hyperparameter2250, 500

Comparison of prediction performance for the different ANN architectures in three different cases of difficulty based on the liver-to-liver variance, noise and drift in the measurement. The selection of input frequencies and hyperparameters for the best prediction performance of the different ANN architectures is provided in the rows below the prediction performances. The last row presents the best prediction performance when all 70 frequencies are used as input to the ANN. RMSEP=root mean square error of prediction, RMSEC=root mean square error of calibration, both having units of ischemia duration in hours.

Liver variance5 %5 %20 %
Drift directionNoneIncreasingBoth
Training examples100100100
Mean RMSEP0.1240.0160.0170.1730.0290.0260.2560.0790.066
Std RMSEP0.0250.0030.0090.0440.0030.0120.0440.0130.015
Mean RMSEC0.1120.0140.0150.1750.0260.0210.2560.0370.038
Std RMSEC0.0290.0050.0070.0290.0060.0090.0290.0060.018
Hidden layer size25255552522525
l2 regularization0.10.0010.0010.0010.0010.0010.0010.0010.001
Training epochsNA500500NA500500NA500500
Minibatch sizeNA3232NA3232NA3216
Mean RMSEP (freq=70)0.1240.0560.0220.1730.0730.0350.2560.1420.106