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Screening post-menopausal women for bone mineral level by bioelectrical impedance spectroscopy of dominant arm



Figure 1

Placement of electrodes and the BIS device.
Placement of electrodes and the BIS device.

Figure 2

Comparison of Hip and Lumbar Spine DXA BMD. Results by Bland Altman method.
Comparison of Hip and Lumbar Spine DXA BMD. Results by Bland Altman method.

The classification and statistical analysis of patients based on lumbar spine BMD values.

ParameterTypeNMean ± SD [Min, Max]OsteopeniaOsteoporosis
Age (year)Normal2160.2 ± 9.68 [43, 79]NSNS
Osteopenia2257.7 ± 9.1 [45, 86]-NS
Osteoporosis560.4 ± 8.88 [47, 69]--
Age at Menopause (year)Normal2148.4 ± 5.2 [40, 58]NSNS
Osteopenia2246.05 ± 3.6 [40, 52]-NS
Osteoporosis545.6 ± 7.01 [40, 57]--
BMI (kg/m2)Normal2130.76 ± 5.51 [19.82, 43.57]NSNS
Osteopenia2229.97 ± 6.02 [16.41, 43.42]-NS
Osteoporosis525.25 ± 1.33 [24.03, 27.33]--
Dominant arm Characteristic Frequency (kHz)Normal2151.72 ± 8.57 [39.92, 69.57]NSP < 0.005
Osteopenia2255.91 ± 10.01 [39.96, 75,68]-NS
Osteoporosis565.42 ± 12.96 [57.98, 88.30]--
Total Lumbar Spine BMD (g∙cm-2)Normal211.048 ± 0.08 [0.934, 1.259]P < 0.001P < 0.001
Osteopenia220.855 ± 0.05 [0.784, 0.929]-P < 0.001
Osteoporosis50.732 ± 0.04 [0.694, 0.773]--
Total Lumbar Spine Z ScoresNormal211.52 ± 1.08 [-0.4, 3.6]P < 0.001P < 0.001
Osteopenia22-0.53 ± 0.6 [-1.5, 0.9]-NS
Osteoporosis5-1.4 ± 0.89 [-2.7, 0.5]--
Total Lumbar Spine T ScoresNormal210.0 ± 0.78 [-1.0, 1.9]P < 0.001P < 0.001
Osteopenia22-1.8 ± 0.43 [-2.4, -1.1]-P < 0.001
Osteoporosis5-2.86 ± 0.34 [-3.2, -2.5]--
Total Lumbar BMC (g)Normal2159.36 ± 8.31 [45.88, 80.05]P < 0.001P < 0.001
Osteopenia2246.94 ± 5.44 [39.56, 60.49]-NS
Osteoporosis539.7 ± 6.52 [32.98, 49.6]--

The disagreement between DXA results from hip and lumbar spine regions. Lumbar spine and hip DXA results were consistent in 26 participants.

Number of PatientsHip ResultsLumbar Results

The classification and statistical analysis of patients based on hip BMD values.

ParameterTypeNMean ± SD [Min, Max]OsteopeniaOsteoporosis
Age (year)Normal3060.2 ± 10.1 [45, 86]NSNS
Osteopenia1558.1 ± 6.2 [49, 69]-NS
Osteoporosis325.8 ± 3.5 [43, 68]--
Age at Menopause (year)Normal3047.4 ± 4.9 [40, 58]NSNS
Osteopenia1547.4 ± 4.5 [40, 57]-NS
Osteoporosis341.0 ± 1.0 [40, 42]--
BMI (kg/m2)Normal3032.05 ± 4.51 [24.46, 43.57]P < 0.001NS
Osteopenia1526.01 ± 5.81 [16.41, 37.89]-NS
Osteoporosis325.77 ± 3.49 [23.12, 29.72]--
Dominant arm Characteristic Frequency (kHz)Normal3051.63 ±8.48 [39.92, 71.35]P < 0.001P < 0.001
Osteopenia1559.69 ± 11.41 [43.12, 88.30]-NS
Osteoporosis366.40 ± 6.32 [59.14, 70.70]--
Total Hip BMD (g∙cm-2)Normal300.939 ± 0.1 [0.821, 1.232]P < 0.001P < 0.001
Osteopenia150.736 ± 0.05 [0.657, 0.805]-P < 0.001
Osteoporosis30.569 ± 0.07 [0.497, 0.631]--
Total Hip Z ScoresNormal300.9 ± 0.7 [-0.1, 2.6]P < 0.001P < 0.001
Osteopenia15-0.8 ± 0.41 [-1.7, -0.1]-P < 0.001
Osteoporosis3-2.4 ± 0.86 [-3.30, -1.6]--
Total Hip T ScoresNormal30-0.1 ± 0.74 [-1.0, 1.7]P < 0.001P < 0.001
Osteopenia15-1.7 ± 0.39 [-2.3, -1.1]-P < 0.001
Osteoporosis3-3.0 ± 0.55 [-3.6, -2.5]--
Total Hip BMC (g)Normal3033.40 ± 7.25 [26, 62.03]P < 0.001P < 0.001
Osteopenia1523.86 ± 2.13 [21.4, 28.2]-NS
Osteoporosis320.03 ± 4.04 [15.7, 23.7]--

ROC curve analysis.

Area Under Curve (AUC) [95% CI]Significance level PCut-off Dominant Arm Characteristic Frequency (kHz)Sensitivity (%) [95% CI]Specificity (%) [95% CI]Youden’s Index
Characteristic Frequency (osteoporosis vs. normal & osteopenia) (hip)0.87 [0.60-1.00]< 0.00558.58100.0 [100.0100.0]75.6 [63.0-88.1]0.756
Characteristic Frequency (osteoporosis vs. normal & osteopenia) (lumbar)0.80 [0.55-1.0]0.008557.07100.0 [100.0-100.0]69.8 [56.0-83.5]0.698
Characteristic Frequency (normal vs. osteopenia and osteoporosis) (hip)0.76 [0.62-0.91]< 0.00154.072.2 [51.5-92.9]73.3 [57.5-89.2]0.456
Characteristic Frequency (normal vs. osteopenia and osteoporosis) (lumbar)0.66 [0.51-0.82]0.018450.4374.1 [57.5-90.6]52.4 [31.0-73.7]0.2654
Characteristic Frequency (normal vs. osteoporosis) (hip)0.91 [0.79 – 1.0]< 0.00159.1483.3 [70.0 - 96.7]100.0 [100.0 – 100.0]0.8333
Characteristic Frequency (normal vs. osteoporosis) (lumbar)0.87 [0.72 – 1.0]< 0.00157.9876.2 [58.0 – 94.4]100.0 [100.0 – 100.0]0.7619
Characteristic Frequency (normal vs. osteopenia) (hip)0.74 [0.59 – 0.88]< 0.00152.7963.3 [46.1 – 80.6]80.0 [59.8 – 100.0]0.4333
Characteristic Frequency (normal vs. osteopenia) (lumbar)0.62 [0.45 – 0.79]0.09----
Characteristic Frequency (osteopenia vs osteoporosis) (hip)0.78 [0.45 – 1.0]0.05----
Characteristic Frequency (osteopenia vs osteoporosis) (lumbar)0.73 [0.46 – 1.0]0.05----

The relationship between lumbar spine or hip BMD, the dominant arm characteristic frequency, age, and age at menopause.

SubjectsRelationshipNumber of SubjectsSpearman Correlation CoefficientSignificance level P
AllTotal Hip BMD and Total Lumbar BMD480.5503< 0.0001
Total Hip BMD and Characteristic Frequency48-0.5311< 0.0001
Total Lumbar BMD and Characteristic Frequency48-0.36690.0107
Total Hip BMC and Characteristic Frequency48-0.4340< 0.005
Total Lumbar BMC and Characteristic Frequency48-0.4699< 0.001
Normal (hip)30-0.25980.1657
Osteopenia (hip)Total Hip BMD and Characteristic Frequency15-0.36070.1870
Osteoporosis (hip)30.50001
Normal (lumbar)21-0.21430.3493
Osteopenia (lumbar)Total Lumbar BMD and Characteristic Frequency22-0.07850.7280
Osteoporosis (lumbar)5-0.50000.4500
Normal (hip)30-0.09540.6146
Osteopenia (hip)Total Hip BMC and Characteristic Frequency15-0.34290.2110
Osteoporosis (hip)31.00000.3333
Normal (lumbar)21-0.24030.2928
Osteopenia (lumbar)Total Lumbar BMC and Characteristic Frequency22-0.42070.0524
Osteoporosis (lumbar)5-0.60000.3500
AllAge and Characteristic Frequency480.11830.4233
Age and Total Hip BMD48-0.12230.4076
Age and Total Lumbar BMD480.05580.7064
AllAge at Menopause and Characteristic Frequency48-0.02500.8659
Age at Menopause and Total Hip BMD480.12970.3797
Age at Menopause and Total Lumbar BMD480.07520.6115
Normal (hip)30-0.51500.0036
Osteopenia (hip)Age and Total Hip BMD15-0.33960.2155
Osteoporosis (hip)3-0.50001
Normal (lumbar)210.09880.6700
Osteopenia (lumbar)Age and Total Lumbar BMD22-0.02950.8964
Osteoporosis (lumbar)50.66690.2667
Normal (hip)300.17820.3461
Osteopenia (hip)Age at Menopause and Total Hip BMD150.39710.1427
Osteoporosis (hip)30.50001
Normal (lumbar)210.14610.5275
Osteopenia (lumbar)Age at Menopause and Total Lumbar BMD22-0.13800.5402
Osteoporosis (lumbar)5-0.40000.5167