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Neither Civic nor Ethnic: Analyzing Right-Wing Politics Using a Theoretical Expansion of Kohn's “Dichotomy of Nationalism”



Figure 1

Kohn's Dichotomy of Nationalism
Kohn's Dichotomy of Nationalism

Figures 2–3

The “Culture Zone” under broad and narrow definitions of Ethnic and Civic Nationalism
The “Culture Zone” under broad and narrow definitions of Ethnic and Civic Nationalism

Figure 4

Delineating the concept of culture and placing right-wing families
Delineating the concept of culture and placing right-wing families

Figure 5

Axis of left-right ideologies on nationalism
Axis of left-right ideologies on nationalism

Figures 6–7

Ideological Contagion to the Right and Cordon Sanitaire
Ideological Contagion to the Right and Cordon Sanitaire