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Food export restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic: Real and potential effects on food security



Figure 1

Countries imposing food export restrictions in 2008 and/or in 2020.Note: Countries that introduced food export restrictions in both periods, viz., 2007–2008 and 2020 – colored with dark blue; countries that introduced such restrictions in 2007–2008 alone – medium blue; countries that introduced the restrictions in 2020 alone – light blue.Source: Own elaboration based on Tables 1 and 2.
Countries imposing food export restrictions in 2008 and/or in 2020.Note: Countries that introduced food export restrictions in both periods, viz., 2007–2008 and 2020 – colored with dark blue; countries that introduced such restrictions in 2007–2008 alone – medium blue; countries that introduced the restrictions in 2020 alone – light blue.Source: Own elaboration based on Tables 1 and 2.

Food export restrictions implemented during the COVID-19 crisis

No. Country Product Implementation date Duration in days
1 Algeria Semolina, flour, pulses and rice, pasta, oils, sugar, coffee, mineral water, tomato paste, food preparations, milk in all its forms including those intended for children, fresh vegetables and fruits with the exception of dates, red and white meats V 2020 30
2 Argentina Maize XII 2020 60
3 Armenia Onions, garlic, turnips, rye, rice, buckwheat, millet, cereals, wholemeal and granules from cereal grains, peeled buckwheat, foods prepared from buckwheat, and crushed and uncrushed soybeans III 2020 81
Sunflower seeds VII 2020 61
4 Belarus Onions, garlic, buckwheat III 2020 90
Turnips, rye, rice, millet, cereals, wholemeal and granules from cereal grains, peeled buckwheat, foods prepared from buckwheat, and crushed and uncrushed soybeans III 2020 81
Sunflower seeds VII 2020 61
5 Cambodia Rice, white rice III 2020 44
6 Egypt All pulses, excluding kidney beans III 2020 30
7 El Salvador Red beans III 2020 280
8 Gambia Rice, sugar, wheat flour, maize flour, millet, fish, vegetables, oils III 2020 107
9 Ghana Soybeans IV 2020 30
10 Honduras Red beans III 2020 60
11 Kazakhstan Buckwheat III 2020 59
Potatoes III 2020 47
Wheat, rye, including flours and sugar, carrots, turnips, beets, onions, cabbages, sunflower seeds and oil III 2020 9
Onions, garlic, turnips, rye, rice, buckwheat, millet, cereals, wholemeal and granules from cereal grains, peeled buckwheat, foods prepared from buckwheat, and crushed and uncrushed soybeans III 2020 81
Sunflower seeds VII 2020 61
12 Kyrgyzstan Wheat, flour, vegetable oil, sugar, chicken eggs, rice, pasta, onions, garlic, turnips, rye, rice, buckwheat, millet, cereals, wholemeal and granules from cereal grains, peeled buckwheat, foods prepared from buckwheat III 2020 182
Crushed and uncrushed soybeans, potatoes III 2020 61
Sunflower seeds VII 2020 81
13 Moldova Grains IV 2020 12
14 Myanmar Rice III 2020 195
15 North Macedonia Wheat, meslin III 2020 38
16 Pakistan Onions, wheat III 2020 67
17 Romania Wheat, barley, oat, maize, rice, wheat flour, soybean, sunflower, seed oil, sugar, and some bakery and pastry products IV 2020 6
18 Russia Processed grains, turnips, rye, rice, buckwheat, millet, cereals, wholemeal and granules from cereal grains, peeled buckwheat, foods prepared from buckwheat, crushed and uncrushed soybeans, meslin III 2020 40
Onions, garlic, wheat III 2020 90
Sunflower seeds VII 2020 61
19 Serbia Sunflower oil, molasses, yeast III 2020 30
20 Sudan Maize IV 2020 170
21 South Africa Spirits III 2020 12
Wine III 2020 14
Beer III 2020 21
22 Syria Eggs, cheese and yogurt, canned and packed cereals and beans VIII 2020 30
23 Tajikistan Maize, rice, wheat IV 2020 153
24 Thailand Chicken egg III 2020 7
25 Turkey Lemon VIII 2020 145
26 Ukraine Buckwheat IV 2020 89
Wheat IV 2020 57
27 Vietnam Rice IV 2020 20

Changes in GFSI scores of countries that imposed food export restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic

Country GFSI

2020 2021 Change 2021/2020
Algeria 61.6 63.9 +2.3
Argentina 63.1 64.2 +1.1
Armenia N/A N/A N/A
Belarus 70.4 70.9 +0.5
Cambodia 51.3 53 +1.7
Egypt 59.8 60.8 +1.0
El Salvador 57.8 59.5 +1.7
Gambia N/A N/A N/A
Ghana 52.8 52.0 −0.8
Honduras 58.1 59.4 +1.3
Kazakhstan 71.9 69.2 +2.7
Kyrgyzstan N/A N/A N/A
Moldova N/A N/A N/A
Myanmar 54.0 56.7 +2.7
North Macedonia N/A N/A N/A
Pakistan 55.7 54.7 −1.0
Romania 73.8 72.4 −1.4
Russia 73.9 74.8 +0.9
Serbia 61.2 61.4 −0.2
Sudan 36.4 37.1 +0.7
South Africa 58.0 57.8 −0.2
Syria 39.5 37.8 −1.7
Tajikistan 52.5 51.6 −0.9
Thailand 63.6 64.5 +0.9
Turkey 61.2 65.1 +3.9
Ukraine 58.8 62.0 +3.2
Vietnam 62.7 61.1 −1.6

Food export restrictions implemented in 2007–2008

No. Country Product Implementation date Duration in days
1 Argentina Wheat III 2008 57
Rice III 2008 34
Soybeans, corn, beef IV 2008 42
Grains and oilseeds, soy and sunflower seed, oilseeds and cereal, bovine meat IV 2008 42
2 Bangladesh Rice, soybeans, and palm oil IV 2008 182
3 Bolivia Maize IX 2007 360
Vegetable, grain, and meat IV 2008 150
4 Brazil Rice IV 2008 N/A
5 Cambodia Rice IV 2008 60
6 China Rice, maize, grain powder products I 2008 270
Wheat, buckwheat, barley, oats III 2008 153
7 Ecuador Rice I 2008 90
8 Egypt Rice IV 2008 182
9 Ethiopia Cereals, grain II 2008 90
10 India Milk powder XII 2007 N/A
Maize, non-basmati rice, wheat, and edible oils III 2008 221
Pulses III 2008 365
Rice IX 2008 60
11 Indonesia Key agricultural commodities IV 2008 153
12 Iran Wheat V 2008 27
13 Kazakhstan Wheat, sunflower seeds, cereals II 2008 180
14 Madagascar Rice V 2008 34
15 Malaysia Flour III 2009 30
16 Myanmar Rice V 2008 182
17 Nepal Paddy rice, wheat IV 2008 192
18 Niger Key agricultural commodities III 2008 135
19 Pakistan Wheat and wheat products IV 2008 157
20 Russia Wheat II 2008 240
21 Tanzania Key agricultural commodities II 2008 85
22 Thailand Rice VII 2008 N/A
23 Vietnam Rice III 2008 90
24 Zambia Maize I 2008 243