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Behavioral additionality: the role of cooperation with research institutions in fostering technological maturity of enterprises



Figure 1

Survey results—comparison of firms cooperating and not cooperating with research institutes. TAM—technical advancement versus other companies operating in the market (answers: 1—Highly advanced, 2—Moderately advanced, 3—Not advanced); TRL—technology readiness level (TRL 1—Basic principles observed, TRL 2—Technology concept formulated, TRL 3—Experimental proof of concept, TRL 4—Technology validated in lab, TRL 5—Technology validated in relevant environment (industrially relevant environment in the case of key enabling technologies), TRL 6—Technology demonstrated in relevant environment (industrially relevant environment in the case of key enabling technologies), TRL 7—System prototype demonstration in operational environment, TRL 8—System complete and qualified, TRL 9—Actual system proven in operational environment (competitive manufacturing in the case of key enabling technologies; or in space)); ATD (answers: 1—received awards, 0—no awards); DMP—domestic market position (answers from 1—a national leader to 5—very weak market position; 6—don’t know; 7—answer refused); INB—innovations (1—innovations implemented, 2—no innovations); PTD—number of patents, trademarks.Source: own research.
Survey results—comparison of firms cooperating and not cooperating with research institutes. TAM—technical advancement versus other companies operating in the market (answers: 1—Highly advanced, 2—Moderately advanced, 3—Not advanced); TRL—technology readiness level (TRL 1—Basic principles observed, TRL 2—Technology concept formulated, TRL 3—Experimental proof of concept, TRL 4—Technology validated in lab, TRL 5—Technology validated in relevant environment (industrially relevant environment in the case of key enabling technologies), TRL 6—Technology demonstrated in relevant environment (industrially relevant environment in the case of key enabling technologies), TRL 7—System prototype demonstration in operational environment, TRL 8—System complete and qualified, TRL 9—Actual system proven in operational environment (competitive manufacturing in the case of key enabling technologies; or in space)); ATD (answers: 1—received awards, 0—no awards); DMP—domestic market position (answers from 1—a national leader to 5—very weak market position; 6—don’t know; 7—answer refused); INB—innovations (1—innovations implemented, 2—no innovations); PTD—number of patents, trademarks.Source: own research.

Figure 2

Innovations—comparison of firms cooperating and not cooperating with research institutions. 1—innovations implemented; 2—no innovation implemented.Source: Own research.
Innovations—comparison of firms cooperating and not cooperating with research institutions. 1—innovations implemented; 2—no innovation implemented.Source: Own research.

Figure 3

Usage of public support and cooperation with research institutes on R&D projects.Source: Own research.
Usage of public support and cooperation with research institutes on R&D projects.Source: Own research.

The results of Mann–Whitney and t-test

Description Test Statistic p-value
Technical advancement versus other companies operating in the market Mann–Whitney 13309 0.38357
TRL Mann–Whitney 13469.5 0.17806
Achievements in technology development Mann–Whitney 26290.5 0.01411
Domestic market position Mann–Whitney 19605 0.00235
Implementation of innovations Mann–Whitney 17739 0.000002
Patents, trademarks, designs t-test 0.896 0.37074