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Sustainable development and management of medical tourism companies in Poland



Figure 1

Basic services provided by companies, N = 214 (in %, multiple choice).Source: Author's own compilation on the basis of the study.
Basic services provided by companies, N = 214 (in %, multiple choice).Source: Author's own compilation on the basis of the study.

Figure 2

Factors inhibiting company development, N = 212, (in %, multiple choice).Source: Compilation on the basis of author's own research.
Factors inhibiting company development, N = 212, (in %, multiple choice).Source: Compilation on the basis of author's own research.

Figure 3

Character features particularly useful in a “medical tourism company.”Source: Author's own compilation on the basis of research.
Character features particularly useful in a “medical tourism company.”Source: Author's own compilation on the basis of research.

Figure 4

Frequency of companies establishing cooperation to exchange knowledge and information (scale 1–7, where 1—never and 7—once a week).Source: Author's own compilation on the basis of research.
Frequency of companies establishing cooperation to exchange knowledge and information (scale 1–7, where 1—never and 7—once a week).Source: Author's own compilation on the basis of research.

Definitions of sustainable development

Author (year) Definition
Kuszczyk, 2020 People are responsible for the welfare of the contemporary and future generation. The implementation of the commitment requires cautious and lasting use of the natural environment.
Urbaniec, 2016 A change in management manner taking into account a systemic and integrated approach of an interdisciplinary character.
Kołodko, 2014 A new trend of social and economic development throughout the world.
Burchard-Dziubińska, 2014 The best possible way to arrange the modern world, giving an opportunity for sustainable and equitable development of human society, both on a global and local scale.
Borys, 2011 A process directed as meeting developmental targets of the current generation in a manner that allows implementation of the same needs by next generations.
Mayeda, 2004 Principle of shared but differentiated responsibility and caution.
Our Common Future: Report from the UN World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED), 1987 The development process (of countries, cities, business, communities) that unconditionally connects the needs of the present generation with the ability to meet the needs of future generations, as well as the needs of some people with the needs of others.