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Hang with Me—Exploring Fandom, Brandom, and the Experiences and Motivations for Value Co-Creation in a Music Fan Community



Figure 1

Helping, recommending and supporting in KB. KB: Konichiwa Bitches.
Helping, recommending and supporting in KB. KB: Konichiwa Bitches.

Figure 2

Online dance parties, by fans and Robyn herself.
Online dance parties, by fans and Robyn herself.

Figure 3

Distinction between brandom, fandom and joint sphere. Inspired by Grönroos and Voima's model of value-creation spheres (2013:141).
Distinction between brandom, fandom and joint sphere. Inspired by Grönroos and Voima's model of value-creation spheres (2013:141).

Data structure

1st Order concepts 2nd Order themes Aggregate dimensions

Experiencing music and artist; enjoying, feeling passionate about, loving

Experiencing self-value; pride, reward

Sense of belonging/togetherness; feeling of intimacy, belonging, part of something

Individual emotions/fan feelings Individual fan motivations

Identifying with artist values; independent, innovative, creative, equal, honest, unique

Identifying with group; free, open, collaborative, diverse, creative

Expressing one-self/the identity; persona on social media

Finding/expressing role in the group; level of activity/engagement, closeness to the centre, fan-superfan-executive

Self-identity/being a fan

Expressing/showing one-self; both online and offline

Sharing/spreading information/content (active)/following group activities (passive)

Sharing/helping others, connecting

Create/initiate activity and interaction (online and offline)

Individual activity

Sharing experiences

Being together; intimacy, part of something, friendship, inclusiveness, inviting, generous

Welding/motivational emotions; feelings of being part of something, joyful, open, positive, cool, unpretentious belonging

Shared emotion/collective feelings Collective fan motivations

Sharing common interest

Family feelings and values; belonging together, watch each other grow, warm, positive, inclusive community

Group-identity/being part of fandom

Sharing/helping each other; getting access, information/news, connecting, travelling together, offering accommodation

Co-creating, collaborating; e.g. fan dance parties, meetups, playlists

Relationship/group building; bring people together

Common/collective activity

Start communication, initiate, facilitate

Create activities; app competition for secret party, playlists, online DJ parties

Connecting to/with executive fans

Facilitating activity Brand Motivations

Create branded content; record release, competitions e.g. for tickets, meme competitions • Create activities; app competition for secret party, playlists, online DJ parties

Sharing news, exclusive access

Brand building