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Editorial and recognition of the valuable role of our peer reviewers




We wanted to use the start of this editorial as an opportunity to thank our peer reviewers who have given up their time to support the Irish Journal of Management since Marian and I took over as co-editors-in-chief in January 2021. As mentioned in the last editorial (of issue 40(1) of the Irish Journal of Management), we would like to ensure ongoing recognition of peer reviewers of the Irish Journal of Management. Peer reviewers play an invaluable role in the academic publishing process. They act as a ‘critical anonymous friend’ by providing constructive feedback to help researchers to refine their ideas and extract greater contributions and impact from research. Peer reviewers also help ensure the validity, reliability and originality of research in order to maintain the integrity of science. At the Irish Journal of Management, all papers go through a double-blind peer review process to ensure articles will be of a suitable quality for our readership. We acknowledge that being a peer reviewer is an unpaid role and requires individuals to give up their time to support their discipline. Without this, the progression of science would be negatively impacted. Therefore, we want to say a big THANK YOU to all our peer reviewers who completed reviews which have resulted in final decisions on articles. A list of these reviewers, from 01/01/21 until 30/06/22, can be found in appendix 1 and will also be recognized on the Irish Journal of Management tab of the Irish Academy of Management website ( Reviewers of papers currently in the review process will be acknowledged in our annual acknowledgement going forward – both in the editorial appendix of the journal and on the website. We hope you continue to support and promote the journal as we go through a new phase of trying to grow our readership and reach. If any reviewers during this time period have been inadvertently left off this list, please email and we will ensure that your name is added to the online list. Reviewers are the bedrock of the journal, without whom the paper developmental process for the authors that submit and the resulting quality articles in the journal would not be realised.


In this issue we have five papers which starts with a thought leadership piece from Niamh Brennan, who reflects on current research and practice in order to explore the following research question “Do boards of directors act as groups of individuals or as teams?”. This article identifies that research on boards of directors as teams is embryonic. It undertakes an analysis of current research and reflects on practice, in order to highlight the importance of context. Key takeaways include that board effectiveness may need to take a contingency approach to allow adaptation of board dynamics according to context. The paper concludes that board effectiveness is enhanced in some contexts if boards act as groups of individuals however, in other contexts, effectiveness is enhanced if they act as teams.

We then have four research papers. Our next paper is by Mehmet Kiziloglu who explores the effect of organisational culture on organisation performance. Through their survey of 440 employees within the hospitality industry in the UK, it is found that organisations’ culture plays a key role for these types of firms and in turn plays an important role on their performance. In particular, this research highlights that adaptability and mission are key elements of a firm’s organisational culture which in turn influences a firm’s performance.

Our next paper is by Donie McGrath and Michelle O’Sullivan who examine the process and outcomes of legal complaints taken by employees against employers relating to reasonable accommodation provisions of the Employment Equality Acts 1998-2015. Their findings highlight that an assessment of the impact of legislation should include both its design and its operation. Their review shows that the adjudication process retains a strongly medicalised approach. They conclude by suggesting that the low employee success rate of legal complaints may be due to a significant difference between employees’ perception of being treated unfairly in the workplace and specifics of the legislation which requires employees to have been treated illegally.

Our next paper by Jane Power, Bernadette Power and Geraldine Ryan examines whether signals arising from the firm’s use of non-equity finance (i.e., their use of personal investment, family/friend-connections, and debt finance), along with their innovation activities (measured by their innovation activity, R&D frequency, and patent numbers) impact on their ability to source equity financing. They draw on novel data of 153 indigenous equity and 141 indigenous non-equity financed high-tech firms and find that the firm’s use of non-equity financing plays a significant role for external equity. They also find that innovation activity has a positive impact on the likelihood that the firm will be equity financed, highlighting the importance of equity capital for innovation.

Our final paper by Natalia Gorupec, Nataliia Brehmer, Victor Tiberius and Sascha Kraus sought to measure and systemise Real Options research by using bibliometric methods. In particular, they draw on performance analyses and bibliographic coupling, in order to explore citations as a measure of the scientific impact. They provide a holistic review on Real Options research in business and management, and they present several suggestions for future research.

As always, all of the papers in the Irish Journal of Management are open access, therefore we hope that you enjoy this issue and share it widely with colleagues who may find this research interesting.


Professor Joan Ballantine, Ulster University

Dr Lauren Bari, University College Cork

Dr Gillian Barrett, University College Cork

Professor Mattias Beck, University College Cork

Dr Esmond Bernie, Ulster University

Dr Alicja Bobek, Trinity College Dublin

Dr Karen Bonner, Ulster University

Dr Patricia Bowe, South East Technological University Waterford (formerly WIT)

Dr Julie Brueckner, Dublin City University

Dr Sinem Bulkan, University of Reading, Henley Business School

Professor John Burgess, RMIT University, Australia

Dr Ronan Carbery, University College Cork

Dr Kieran Conroy, Queen’s University Belfast

Dr Yvonne Costin, University of Limerick

Professor Joseph Coughlan, Maynooth University

Professor Christine Cross, University of Limeick

Dr Marian Crowley-Henry, Maynooth University

Dr Kate Cullen, Maynooth University

Dr Deirdre Curran, NUI Galway

Dr Shirley Davey, Ulster University

Professor Paul Donnelly, TU Dublin

Dr James Duggan, Maynooth University

Professor Tony Dundon, University of Limerick

Dr Tomás Dwyer, IT Carlow

Dr Manuela Fabro, Technische Universität Berlin

Dr Matthias Filser, ZHAW: Zurcher Hochschule fur Angewandte Wissenschaften

Peter Geraghty, TU Dublin

Dr Louise Gorman, TU Dublin

Professor Brian Harney, Dublin City University

Professor Denis Harrington, South East Technological University Waterford (formerly WIT)

Dr Michael Hayden, Maynooth University

Dr Margaret Heffernan, Dublin City University

Dr Rachel Hilliard, NUI Galway

Dr Conor Horan, TU Dublin

Dr Briga Hynes, University of Limerick

Dr Stefan Jooss, University College Cork

Professor Felicity Kelliher, South East Technological University Waterford (formerly WIT)

Dr Aileen Kennedy, TU Dublin

Dr Jonathan Lavelle, University of Limerick

Dr Christian Martin, Maynooth University

Dr Jean McCarthy, University of Limerick

Dr Stephen McCartney, Maynooth University

Dr Orla McCullagh, University of Limerick

Dr Joe MacDonagh, TU Dublin (prev IT Tallaght)

Professor Anthony McDonnell, University College Cork

Professor Pauric McGowan, Ulster University

Dr Caroline Murphy, University of Limerick

Professor Rodney McAdam, Ulster University

Dr Emma McEvoy, Maynooth University

Dr Sara Melo, Queens University Belfast

Dr Lisa Messina, Queens University Belfast

Dr Kristel Miller, Ulster University

Dr Ziene Mottiar, Technological University, Dublin

Dr Sue Mulhall, TU Dublin

Dr Joanne Murphy, Queen’s University Belfast

Dr Nicola Mountford, Maynooth University

Dr Julius Nyiawung, Maynooth University

Philip O’Donnell, Dublin City University

Dr Deirdre O’Donovan, Munster Technological University

Professor Colm O’Gorman, Dublin City University

Dr Adegboyega Ogo, Maynooth University

Dr Bastian Rake, Maynooth University

Dr Andrea Reid, Ulster University

Professor Bill Roche, University College Dublin

Dr Gail Sheppard, Maynooth University

Janette Sheerman, Ulster University

Dr Ultan Sherman, University College Cork

Dr Simon Stephens, Letterkenny Institute of Technology

Professor Jim Stewart, Liverpool John Moores University

Dr Anne Sweeney, South East Technological University Waterford (formerly WIT)

Dr Lisa van der Werff, Dublin City University
