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Can Personal Budget Management Services Improve Debt Repayments? A Study Using Budget Data*



Figure 1.

Debt repayments median values In dollars over 12 months and debt repayment to income ratio in percent.
Debt repayments median values In dollars over 12 months and debt repayment to income ratio in percent.

Figure 2.

Median funds for living expenses/saving in dollars and its income ratio in percent.
Median funds for living expenses/saving in dollars and its income ratio in percent.

Descriptive statistics (median value and IQR for each quarter, divided by three) on the income and expenses data provided. There were 4,256 participants considered for this study.

Variable QI Q2 Q3 Q4
Income received 5,516 5,600 5,531 5,502
4,028-7,762 4,060-7,760 4,000-7,729 3,968-7,718
Debt repayment 639 653 631 567
327-1,116 311-1,145 271-1,133 229-1,060
Funds for living expenses/saving 2,624 2,756 2,740 2,821
1,882-3,701 1,938-3,946 1,883-4,032 1,903-4,148

Descriptive statistics on the sociodemographic data provided by the financial Institution and used for this study. There were in total 4,256 participants considered for this study.

Variable Description # Participants Missing Min Max Median (IQR)
Adults Count of adult account holders on the account 4,256 - 1 2 1 (1-2)
One adult 2,380
Two adults 1,876
Children Number of children in the family unit - 0 8 1 (0-2)
No child 1,991 -
One or more child 2,265 - 1 8 2(1-3)
Age Age of main account holder 4,256 - 20 64 37(31-46)
Initial Income Expected annual income provided by participants at the time of joining 4,256 4 14,544 623,674 65,318(47,779 - 90,483)

Comparing beginning (first quarter) and ending (fourth quarter) income received, debt repayment, debt repayment to income ratio, and funds available for living expenses/saving and its income ratio.

Variable Z (no grouping) Z (single) Z (Joint) Z (no children) Z (children)
Income received -0.68 (P=0.49) -0.11 (P=0.92) -0.81 (P=0.42) -1.44(P=0.15) -1.99*
Debt repayment -8.82** -4.53** -7.86** -4.03** -8.20**
Debt repayment to income ratio -8.10** -4.24** -7.58** -3.71** -7.82**
Funds available for living expenses/saving -12.25** -7.57** -9.71** -9.09** -8.32**
Funds available for living expenses/saving to income ratio -15.35** -9.19** -13.19** -10.10** -11.70**

Correlation coefficients for Income, debt repayment, debt repayment to Income ratio, funds for living expense/saving, its income ratio and age.

Variable 1 Variable 2 Spearman’s rho
Income for the first quarter Income for the fourth quarter 0.84**
Income for the first quarter Debt repayment for the first quarter 0.45**
Debt repayment for the first quarter Debt repayment for the fourth quarter 0.59**
Debt repayment to income ratio for the first quarter Debt repayment to income ratio for the fourth quarter 0.55**
Income for the first quarter Funds for living expense/saving for the first quarter 0.84**
Funds for living expense/saving for the first quarter Funds for living expense/saving for the fourth quarter 0.75**
Funds for living expense/saving to income ratio for the first quarter Funds for living expense/saving to income ratio for the fourth quarter 0.51**
Age of main account holder Income for the first quarter 0.21**
Age of main account holder Debt repayment for the first quarter 0.04**
Age of main account holder Funds for living expense/saving for the first quarter 0.12**

Results of testing the differences in distribution of income, debt repayment, debt repayment to income ratio, and funds available for living/saving using Mann-Whitney U test.

Variable Za Zb
Income for the first quarter -42.35** -26.02**
Income for the fourth quarter -40.32** -23.62**
Debt repayment for the first quarter -18.44** -4.13**
Debt repayment to income ratio for the first quarter -2.32* -9.72**
Debt repayment for the fourth quarter -13.21** -1.17 (P= 0.24)
Debt repayment to income ratio for the fourth quarter -3.59** -9.84**
Funds for living expense/saving for the first quarter -37.33** -26.5**
Funds for living expense/saving to income ratio for the first quarter -3.01** -4.11**
Funds for living expense/saving for the fourth quarter -33.33** -22.02**
Funds for living expense/saving to income ratio for the fourth quarter -0.63 (P=0.53) -3.36**

Beginning (first quarter) and ending (fourth quarter) Income received, debt repayment, debt repayment to Income ratio, and funds available for living expenses/saving and Its Income ratio. Ratios are given In percent and we observed similar trends In mean values also.

Variable Quarter Z(no grouping) Z(single) Z(Joint) Z(no children) Z (children)
Income received First 5,516 4,308 7,724 4,397 6,716
Fourth 5,502 4,302 7,674 4,458 6,649
Debt repayment First 639 513 863 598 673
Fourth 567 478 732 563 570
Debt repayment to income ratio First 11.63 11.97 11.30 13.28 10.40
Fourth 10.57 11.21 9.93 12.62 9.11
Funds available for living expenses/saving First 2,624 2,060 3,603 2,099 3,216
Fourth 2,821 2,184 3,951 2,255 3,444
Funds available for living expenses/saving to income ratio First 48.22 48.89 47.64 47.21 48.98
Fourth 51.68 51.64 51.73 50.67 52.48