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The Narrow and Expanded Money Supply and Its Impact on Interest Rate and Product of the Private Sector in Jordan during the Period (1990–2019)




There is a great debate about the importance of money supply in economic activity. Although an increase in money supply leads to a decrease in interest rate and accordingly an increase in the size of investments and production, this increase in the money supply may lead to outflow of foreign currencies abroad, the deterioration of the local currency exchange rate and a decrease in the size of production and economic activity.

The Jordanian government counts a lot on the importance of the private sector as an economic partner in the processes of growth and economic development. Therefore, it tries to follow the economic policies that it believes are appropriate to encourage this sector. Monetary policy is one of these policies. Monetary policy is referred to as either being expansionary or contractionary.

Hence this study aims to analyze the money supply and its impact on the gross domestic product (GDP) of the private sector during the study period (1990–2019) in order to show the appropriateness of monetary policies used to encourage the private sector production through the tools provided by the central bank of the state to promote sustainable economic growth by controlling the overall supply of money available to banks, consumers and businesses.

Therefore, this study aims to analyze the impact of money supply on the GDP of the private sector in Jordan due to opinions multiplicity about the impact of money supply on GDP in order to determine the nature of relationship between the narrow and expanded money supply in Jordanian economy.

We used the period 1990–2019 as data availability.

The study hypotheses can be formulated as follows:

There is a positive statistically significant relationship of money supply (narrow and expanded) on the product of private sector in Jordan during the period 1990–2019;

There is a negative statistically significant relationship of money supply (narrow and expanded) on interest rate in Jordan during the period 1990–2019.

Theoretical framework and previous studies

The Fisher's quantity theory of money presented an explanation of changes that occur on the purchasing power of money unit in the context of changes in the quantity of money supply. Fisher tried to explain the prices general level in the relationship between the total quantity of money supply and the total amount of spending on goods and services.

The quantity theory concluded that, on the long term, the equilibrium price level reflects the extent of change in the nominal money supply. In addition, Fisher's theory showed that monetary authorities can only influence on the short term both the income level and the price level through controlling the quantity of money, but on the long term, only prices change.

Economists have been divided based on their analysis of relationship between the quantity of money and income into two schools: The Keynesian school, headed by Keynes, which believes that an increase in the quantity of money leads to a decrease in the interest rate and an increase in income. Therefore, Keynes implicitly assumes that the quantity of money is a decreasing significance with the rate of interest and an increasing significance with income.

With regard to Friedman's monetary theory, the quantity of money does not necessarily lead to a decrease in the rate of interest, but may increase or remain stable as well, depending on the increase in the size of money quantity. Friedman believes that the change in the quantity of money affects the change on the general level of prices and on real income on short term. But, on medium and long terms, its impact is limited to general level of prices.

There are many studies that have tried to analyze the relationship between the growth of money supply and investment in the private sector. Olweny and Chiluwe (2012) try to analyze the relationship between changes in money supply on investment in the private sector in Kenya and used quarterly data for the period from 1996 to 2009. It found a positive relationship between the growth of money supply and investment in the private sector. This is the same result concluded by Anastasia, et al. (2011) by studying the impact of money supply on investment in the private sector in Nigeria for the period from 1980 to 2008, where the results indicated a strong relationship between money supply and private investment.

Perhaps this is also confirmed by Al-Enezi (2004) study, where he analyzed the impact of growth of money supply on the growth of the GDP of private sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during the period 1990–2002, where he found a long-term relationship between the growth of money supply and the growth of production in the private sector.

On the other hand, the results of Githinji (2015) study have been concluded by using the ordinary least squares (OLS) method as an estimation method. The interest rate volatility has a negative statistically significance in determining the money demand in Kenya. It means that interest rate fluctuations must affect the economic performance and monetary policy decisions of Kenya through the demand for money.

The results of Anwar El Nakeeb (2019) study indicates that the interest rate has a low impact which means that the interest rate is a disruptive transmission mechanism in Egyptian economy. The effect of the interest rate on the real demand for money has not had a statistical significance as well as the real private investment spending is inelastic with regard to the interest rate and the effect of the interest rate on real GDP is very low.

The results of Jamal (2018) study indicates that monetary policy variables including the growth rate of money supply, interest rates and domestic credit are among the factors affecting economic activity in short and medium term for five Arab countries for the period 1980–2015. The results have shown that the increase in the rate of growth of money supply contributed to the explanation of the fluctuations of GDP in varying proportions. It is 4% in the UAE, 7.1 % in Egypt in the second year, 6% in Jordan, 10% in Morocco and 6% in Saudi Arabia. This means that the offer of cash has a significant impact on explanations of nonoil GDP fluctuations in some Arab countries. This means that the money supply has a significant impact on explanations of nonoil GDP fluctuations in some Arab countries.

An analysis of the study by Zacharias, et al. (2005) suggests using proposed data to investigate the causal relationships between US money, interest rates and output of significant changes in the productive content of the narrow money supply and the expanded money supply and the growth rate of real GDP for federal money during the period 1959–2001. In their belief that this evidence differs in nature from the predictive power of financial variables, it is not surprising with respect to the necessary changes that have occurred in the monetary policy process, operating procedures, and developments in the financial sector.

It is noted from previous studies that there is a positive effect of the narrow and expanded money supply on the real GDP, which is supported by economic theory. It is noted that most of the previous studies were conducted in countries characterized by the development of the monetary system, but in countries that are characterized by the inefficiency of the monetary system, monetary policy may not play its role in economic growth, and Jordan, like other less developed countries, suffers from weak effectiveness of monetary policy, so the researcher tries to study a presentation The Narrow and Expanded Criticism of Real Growth in Jordan

Standard analysis and estimation results

To achieve the study goal, it assumes that the real private sector product is a significance in each of the following factors (Al-Anzi, 2004):

Therefore, the study model related to the size of local gap can be formulated as follows: LogRGDPst=β0+β1LogRMtS+β2LogRSt+β3LogRIt+U1t {\rm{LogRGD}}{{\rm{P}}_{{\rm{st}}}} = {\beta _0} + {\beta _1}{\rm{LogR}}{{\rm{M}}_{\rm{t}}}^{\rm{S}} + {\beta _2}{\rm{LogR}}{{\rm{S}}_{\rm{t}}} + {\beta _3}{\rm{LogR}}{{\rm{I}}_{\rm{t}}} + {{\rm{U}}_{{\rm{1t}}}} where

RGDPst: real private sector GDP, which is the nominal GDP divided by the price level,

MtS: narrow or expanded real money supply, which is the nominal money supply divided by the price level,

RSt: real domestic saving, which is the nominal domestic saving divided by the price level,

RIt: the real interest rate on loans and advances after subtracting the inflation rate from the nominal interest rate,

U1t: random error threshold.

This equation can be estimated by the method of ordinary least squares (OLS), assuming that the random errors are distributed normally with an arithmetic mean equal to zero and a constant variance equal to σU2 \sigma _U^2 with the absence of autocorrelation between the values of sequential random errors, as well as the absence of a correlation between the explanatory variables among them and between them and random error limit. The time series of variables must be stationary, meaning that the mean, variance, and covariance are stable over time. In case one of these conditions is not met, the data will not be stable, so in this case, the model estimation of coefficients using ordinary least squares method is not appropriate and true but may indicate an estimation of a false or misleading regression (spurious regression). In addition, if at least one of these explanatory variables is not static, the trend will appear in the equation and the coefficients of the explanatory variables will be unstable and not statistically significant as well as the coefficient of determination R2 will be of high value and the result will be misleading and unrealistic. Accordingly, the unit root test, the Granger Causality test and the co-integration test will be conducted on the time series of study variables in the following.

Unit root test

The study requires testing the various time series of the variables included in the models to ensure that they are stable at the level and for the unit root test (the static test). Therefore, the common test is Augmented Dickey-Fuller test (ADF) which is considered as development of the Dickey-Fuller test (DF) that takes into account the possibility of autocorrelation between random errors in unit root test equations.

The time series that has at least a unit root equal to one is considered as non-stationary time series. In case that the time series are not stationary at their levels, the first and the second differences are taken, and so on until the time series becomes stable. If the first difference series is stable, then the original series is co-integration of order one I(1). If the series is stable after obtaining the second difference, then the original series is co-integrated of order two I(2). If the original series is stable, it is integrated from the order zero I(0) meaning it is stationary at the level.

When using the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test to find out whether the study variables have a unit root (non-stationary), the following hypotheses are tested: TheserieshasunitrootH0:α=0TheserieshasnounitrootH1:α0 \matrix{ {{\rm{The}}\;{\rm{series}}\;{\rm{has}}\;{\rm{unit}}\;{\rm{root}}} \hfill & {{{\rm{H}}_0}:\alpha = 0} \hfill \cr {{\rm{The}}\;{\rm{series}}\;{\rm{has}}\;{\rm{no}}\;{\rm{unit}}\;{\rm{root}}} \hfill & {{{\rm{H}}_1}:\alpha \ne 0} \hfill \cr }

If the absolute value of test statistic is less than the critical value, then the null hypothesis (H0) is accepted which means that there is a unit root (the time series is unstable) which requires removing the static in the series by treating the non-stationary of series variance as well as removing the general trend by using the difference method (Atiya, 2005).

The time series stationary was tested using Augmented Dickey-Fuller test on the basis of the level and on the basis of the first difference which takes the logarithmic form. If the trend (T) is not included, it is estimated according to the following Dickey-Fuller formula for the level (Maddala and Kim, 1990): Xt=μ+γXt1+εt {X_t} = \mu + \gamma {X_{t - 1}} + {\varepsilon _t}

For differences, the mathematical formula is as follows: ΔXt=μ+γXt1+i=1nϕΔXti+εt \Delta {X_t} = \mu + \gamma {X_{t - 1}} + \sum\limits_{i = 1}^n {\phi \Delta {X_{t - i}} + {\varepsilon _t}}

If the trend is included, the mathematical formula for the level is as follows: Xt=μ++βT+γXt1+εt {X_t} = \mu + + \beta T + \gamma {X_{t - 1}} + {\varepsilon _t}

When taking the differences, the formula becomes ΔXt=μ++βT+γXt1+i=1nϕΔXti+εt \Delta {X_t} = \mu + + \beta T + \gamma {X_{t - 1}} + \sum\limits_{i = 1}^n {\phi \Delta {X_{t - i}} + {\varepsilon _t}}

Table 1 shows the results of this test for all-time series of study variables.

Unit-root test results for all variables in logarithmic form (Source: Author calculations)

Series Level I (0) First difference I (1)
Prob.* ADF(1) Prob.* ADF(0)
RM1 −1.061977 0.9014 −4.154914 0.0281
RM2 −0.454775 0.9730 −5.336574 0.0076
RI −1.777415 0.6643 −5.279076 0.0048
RS −3.196090 0.1222 −4.128478 0.0347
RGDP 1.782549 0.9999 −3.903325 0.0284

According to Augmented Dickey Fuller test, the overview of different time series by level shows that all of their coefficients have a unit root, and they are not static at level 5% and level 10% level.

After taking the first difference for the time series, all the time series (with a trend and a segment) became static at a significance level of 5%.

Grainger's causality test

The causality test is one of the important statistical tests in order to determine the direction of the relationship between economic variables. To verify the direction of the relationship between the variables of time series models, Granger has introduced Granger's causality which is used to test the direction of the relationship between variables and determine whether the causal relationship goes from X to Y or from Y to X.

The idea of Granger causality is based on the assumption that the past can cause the present, but the future cannot affect the present or the past. Granger believes that the problem of autocorrelation is one of the problems inherent in the analysis of time series which makes the process of determining the direction of causation difficult (Gujarati, 2003).

Moreover, if the hysteresis values of the independent variable X play an important role in explaining the change in the dependent variable Y, then in this case it can be said that there is a unidirectional causal which means that there is a causal relationship goes from X to Y (X Granger Causes Y) and also there can be a one-way causation from Y to X (Y Granger Causes X). But, in case that the hysteresis values of each independent and dependent variables affect the other, there is a bilateral causality and none of the causal relationships between the two variables may exist (Greene, 1993).

After conducting Grainger's causal test for the variables included in the analysis for each of product significance, narrow money supply significance and product significance in the presence of expanded money supply, the results are as shown in Tables 2 and 3 as follows.

Results of Grainger's causality test for variables of the GDP significance and narrow money supply (Source: Author calculations)

Pairwise Granger Causality tests
Date: 07/27/21 Time: 15:45
Sample: 1990–2019
Lags: 2
Null hypothesis Obs F-Statistic Prob.
RM1 does not Granger Cause RGDP 14 3.11350 0.0938
RGDP does not Granger Cause RM1 4.21957 0.0510
RS does not Granger Cause RGDP 14 3.22124 0.0881
RGDP does not Granger Cause RS 6.28570 0.0196
RI does not Granger Cause RGDP 14 0.65219 0.5439
RGDP does not Granger Cause RI 2.67863 0.1223
RS does not Granger Cause RM1 14 1.03800 0.3930
RM1 does not Granger Cause RS 0.83248 0.4659
RI does not Granger Cause RM1 14 0.79127 0.4824
RM1 does not Granger Cause RI 5.47108 0.0279
RI does not Granger Cause RS 14 0.17800 0.8398
RS does not Granger Cause RI 0.75382 0.4981

The results of Grainger causality test for the variables of GDP significance and expanded money supply (Source: Author calculations)

Pairwise Granger Causality tests
Date: 08/27/21 Time: 15:57
Sample: 1990–2019
Lags: 2
Null hypothesis Obs F-Statistic Prob.
RM2 does not Granger Cause RGDP 28 4.29357 0.0491
RGDP does not Granger Cause RM2 1.08341 0.3788
RS does not Granger Cause RGDP 28 3.22124 0.0881
RGDP does not Granger Cause RS 6.28570 0.0196
RI does not Granger Cause RGDP 28 0.65219 0.5439
RGDP does not Granger Cause RI 2.67863 0.1223
RS does not Granger Cause RM2 28 0.08400 0.9201
RM2 does not Granger Cause RS 4.99296 0.0348
RI does not Granger Cause RM2 28 0.30317 0.7457
RM2 does not Granger Cause RI 4.25087 0.0501
RI does not Granger Cause RS 28 0.17800 0.8398
RS does not Granger Cause RI 0.75382 0.4981
The product significance and the narrow money supply

The existence of two-way causal relationship between the narrow money supply and the product of the private sector, thus rejecting the null hypothesis at significance level 10%;

The existence of a one-way causal relationship from the product of the private sector to domestic savings at significance level of 10%; therefore, the null hypothesis which states that there is no causal relationship in this direction is rejected;

The existence of a one-way causal relationship from the narrow money supply to the real interest rate at a significant level of 10%; therefore, the null which states that there is no causal relationship in this direction hypothesis is rejected.

The significance of product and expanded money supply

The existence of a one-way causal relationship from the expanded money supply to the product of the private sector, thus rejecting the null hypothesis at level of significance 10%.

The existence of a two-way causal relationship between real domestic saving and private sector product, thus rejecting the null hypothesis at the existence of 10%.

The existence of a one-way causal relationship from the expanded money supply to real domestic savings level of significance 10%; therefore, the null hypothesis which states that there is no causal relationship in this direction is rejected.

The existence of a one-way causal relationship from the expanded money supply to the real interest rate at a significance level of 10%; therefore, the null hypothesis which states that there is no causal relationship in this direction is rejected.

Co-integration test

After verifying that the time series are unstable at their levels, the co-integration test has been conducted between the study variables. The theoretical framework of this test showed that if the two series (Xt, Yt) are unstable at the level, it is not necessary, when using them in the estimation of a relationship, to obtain a misleading regression, especially if they are co-integral.

Co-integration is defined in economic terms that any two variables have joint integration if they have a long-term equilibrium relationship (Gujarati, 2003). In other words, the fluctuations of one of these two variables lead to canceling the fluctuations in the second variable in a way that makes the ratio between their values stable over time, thus the time series becomes stable if they are taken as one group.

The occurrence of co-integration requires that the two series (Xt, Yt) be complementary of first order of each. This in turn will make the residuals resulting from the estimation of relationship between them integrated from the order zero I(0). The comparison is made between the test statistic and the critical values.

If the test statistic is higher than the critical value, we reject the null hypothesis, which states that there is no co-integration. Therefore, the residual series is stable at the level. So, it can be said that the series Xt and Yt are characterized by the co-integration property, and the estimated regression is not misleading (Atiya, 2005).

The results of co-integration test for the variables included in each of the significance of private sector product and narrow money supply and the significance of private product and expanded money supply indicate that there is a co-integration between these variables.

And by studying in Table 4, it shows that there are two complementary vectors of the first significance at significance level 5%, which means accepting the alternative hypothesis r = 1 and r = 2 and rejecting the null hypothesis r = 0, knowing that r expresses the number of integral vectors.

The co-integration test of the product significance and narrow money supply (Source: Author calculations)

Date: 08/27/21 Time: 16:10
Sample (adjusted): 1992–2021
Included observations: 28 after adjustments
Trend assumption: Linear deterministic trend
Series: RGDP RM1 RS RI
Lags interval (in first differences): 1 to 1
Unrestricted Co-integration Rank test (Trace)
Hypothesized No. of CE(s) Eigenvalue Trace Statistic
None* 0.988578 100.7746
At most 1* 0.805223 38.16362
At most 2 0.458768 15.26105
At most 3 0.378841 6.666354

Trace test indicates 2 co-integrating eqn(s) at 0.05 level

Denotes rejection of the hypothesis at 0.05 level

MacKinnon-Haug-Michelis (1999) p-values

Table 5 shows that there are four integrative vectors in the second significance as the test statistic values are higher than the critical values at levels of significance 5% and 10%, and thus accepting the alternative hypothesis r = 1, r = 2, r = 3 and r = 4 versus rejecting the null hypotheses r = 0 and r < 1.

The product and expanded money supply co-integration test (Source: Author calculations)

Date: 08/27/21 Time: 16:17
Sample (adjusted): 1994–2021
Included observations: 28 after adjustments
Trend assumption: Linear deterministic trend
Series: RGDP RM2 RS RI
Lags interval (in first differences): 1 to 1
Unrestricted Co-integration Rank test (Trace)
Hypothesized No. of CE(s) Eigenvalue Trace Statistic 0.05 Critical Value Prob.**
None * 0.986910 105.5298 47.85613 0.0000
At most 1 * 0.797305 44.82701 29.79707 0.0005
At most 2 * 0.692529 22.48226 15.49471 0.0038
At most 3 * 0.347210 5.970999 3.841466 0.0145

Trace test indicates 4 co-integrating eqn(s) at 0.05 level

Denotes rejection of the hypothesis at 0.05 level

MacKinnon-Haug-Michelis (1999) p-values

If there is a co-integration between the model variables, two methods can be used to estimate the economic significance: the first is the error correction model (ECM), which provides a methodology capable of examining the issue of non-stationarity of time series and misleading correlation, implicitly assuming the existence of a short-term relationship between the variables of the model. The second method is the fully modified ordinary least squares (FM-OLS) method of Phillips and Hansen (1990), which will be used in this study.

This method is used to obtain a better estimate than the estimation of the ordinary least squares method; in other words, this method is used to eliminate parameter errors that affect the approximate distribution of the ordinary least squares estimator by correcting that estimator to get rid of the problem of autocorrelation between random errors (serial correlation) and the problem of endogeneity between time series. To apply the fully modified ordinary least squares method to estimate long-term parameters, there is a condition that must be met, which is the existence of co-integration between the study variables of the first order I(1).

The general idea of the fully modified ordinary least squares method (FM-OLS) is based on estimating the relationship between an integrated dependent variable of the first order I(1) and a set of independent and integral variables of the first order I(1) according to the following formula (Maddala and Kim, 1998): Y1t=βY2t+u1tΔY2t=u2t \matrix{ {{Y_{1t}} = \beta '{Y_{2t}} + {u_{1t}}} \hfill \cr {\Delta {Y_{2t}} = {u_{2t}}} \hfill \cr } where:

Y2t: a vector representing the explanatory variables of first-order co-integration;

Y1t: vector representing the dependent variable of first-order co-integration;

u1t: random error, which is of the zero order due to the presence of the co-integration relationship and u2t is also of the zero order because Y2t is of the first order.

We also assume that each element of Y2t has only one unit root with no co-integration relationships between variables. And we assume that they are stationary with an arithmetic mean equal to zero, and the covariance matrix is equal to =[σ11σ21σ2122],0 \sum = \left[ {\matrix{ {{\sigma _{11}}} & {\sigma _{21}^\prime} \cr {{\sigma _{21}}} & {{\sum _{22}}} \cr } } \right],\,\sum \succ 0

This matrix is called the long-term covariance matrix which is indicated by Ω and expressed as follows: Ω=limT1Tt=1Ts=1TE(utus) \Omega = \mathop {\lim }\limits_{T \to \infty } {1 \over T}\sum\limits_{t = 1}^T {\sum\limits_{s = 1}^T {E\left( {{u_t}u_s^\prime} \right)} }

It is a set of forward and backward covariances and joint covariances; in other words, it contains the covariance and joint covariance between ut and us, so that Ω=Σ+Λ+Λ \Omega = \Sigma + \Lambda + \Lambda ' since

Σ: covariance matrix Σ=E(u0u0) \Sigma = E\left( {{u_0}u_0^\prime} \right)

Λ: the sum of the frontal joint variances Λ=t=1E(u0u1) \Lambda = \sum\limits_{t = 1}^\infty {E\left( {{u_0}u_1^\prime} \right)}

′Λ: the sum of the posterior joint variances Λ=t=1E(utu0) \Lambda^\prime = \sum\limits_{t = 1}^\infty {E\left( {{u_t}u_0^\prime} \right)}

β^ \hat \beta is estimated by using the ordinary least squares (OLS) method, according to the following formula: β^=(Y2Y2)1Y2Y1 \hat \beta = {\left( {Y_2^\prime{Y_2}} \right)^{ - 1}}\,Y_2^\prime{Y_1}

where Y1 is the observations vector for the dependent variable Y1t and Y2 is the observations matrix for the independent variable Y2t, and the ordinary least squares estimate for the parameter β^ \hat \beta is a super consistent estimate but its distribution is an approximate distribution (asymptotic) that depends on some influential parameters that arise from the problem of overlapping dependence of time series (endogeneity) and autocorrelation of errors.

The fully modified ordinary least squares method is one of the methods used to address the two problems of overlapping dependence of the time series of variables and the autocorrelation of errors. This method corrects the parameter β^ \hat \beta estimated by the ordinary least squares method, as follows:

Correct Y1t so that it becomes y^1t+=y1tω^12Ω^11Δy2t {\hat y_{1t}}^ + = {y_{1t}} - {\hat \omega _{12}}{\hat \Omega _{11}}\Delta {y_{2t}} And correct the random error ut so that it becomes u^1t+=u1tω^12Ω^11Δy2t {\hat u_{1t}}^ + = {u_{1t}} - {\hat \omega _{12}}{\hat \Omega _{11}}\Delta {y_{2t}} This is to solve the problem of overlapping dependence of time series for independent variables.

Addressing the problem of self-correlation of errors, which is symbolized by the symbol δ^+ {\hat \delta ^ + } , so that it becomes δ^+=k=0(u+1ku21) {\hat \delta ^ + } = \sum\limits_{k = 0}^\infty {\left( {{u^ + }_{1k}u_{21}^\prime} \right)} where u1t+=u1tω12Ω11Δy2t u_{1t}^ + = {u_{1t}} - {\omega _{12}}{\Omega _{11}}\Delta {y_{2t}}

Therefore, the fully modified ordinary least squares method combines these two corrections to estimate the ordinary least squares estimator β^ \hat \beta according to the following formula: β^=(Y2Y2)1(Y2y^1+Tδ^+) \hat \beta = {\left( {Y_2^\prime{Y_2}} \right)^{ - 1}}\left( {Y_2^\prime\hat y_1^ + - T{{\hat \delta }^ + }} \right)

Thus, the fully modified ordinary least squares method is similar to the unit root test according to the Philips-Peron (PP) method, as it starts with the estimation according to the ordinary least squares method, and then does the correction process for the estimated parameters in order to address the problem of interdependence and the problem of autocorrelation of errors (Maddala and Kim, 1998).

It should be noted that there are studies conducted using the Monte Carlo method of researcher Johansen. These studies have proven that the FM-OLS method is superior to it because it uses Single Equation Estimation Technique while Johansen's method uses Multivariate Co-integration Technique (Athukorala and Riedel, 1996).

The fully modified ordinary squares method was used, which is one of the methods of co-integration analysis to estimate the parameters of the product and money supply significance as it works to correct the two problems of interdependence of data and bias of parameters, and the following results were concluded.

The significance of private GDP and narrow money supply

To measure the impact of money supply on the domestic product of the private sector in Jordan, equation (1) has been estimated according to the fully modified ordinary least squares method using time series data for these variables, for the period from 1990 to 2019. These results have been reached in Table 6, which indicates the following:

The results of estimating the significance of product and narrow money supply showed that there is a positive and significant effect of narrow money supply on the real domestic product of the private sector, as this effect reached to 0.163907 which is statistically acceptable at a level of significance 5%, and this value means that if the narrow money supply increases by one percentage point while other variables remain the same, the real GDP of the private sector will increase by 0.163907 percentage points.

There is a negative and significant effect of the real interest rate on the real GDP of the private sector, as this effect reached −0.063862 which is statistically acceptable at the level of significance 5%, and this value means that if the real interest rate increases by one percentage point while other variables remain the same, the real product size of private sector GDP will decrease by 0.063862 percentage points.

There is a positive effect of real domestic saving on real GDP, but the effect is not statistically significant.

The results of the estimates of the equation based on the fully modified ordinary least squares model had a high explanatory power measured by determination coefficient (0.983).

The results of estimating the narrow money supply and its impact on the product of the private sector for the period 1990–2019 (Source: Author calculations)

Dependent Variable: LOG (RGDP (−1))
Method: Fully Modified Least Squares (FMOLS)
Date: 08/27/21 Time: 16:55
Sample (adjusted): 1992–2019
Included observations: 28 after adjustments
Co-integrating equation deterministic: C @TREND
Long-run covariance estimate (Bartlett kernel, Newey-West fixed bandwidth = 3.0000)
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
LOG (RM1(−1)) 0.163907 0.051114 3.206691 0.0107
LOG (RI (−1)) −0.063862 0.024318 −2.626062 0.0275
LRS (−1) 0.001379 0.006432 0.214375 0.8350
C 6.919875 0.424254 16.31067 0.0000
@TREND 0.041141 0.002861 14.38172 0.0000
R-squared 0.983108 Mean dependent var 8.440703
Adjusted R-squared 0.975601 S.D. dependent var 0.222873
S.E. of regression 0.034813 Sum squared resid 0.010908
Durbin-Watson stat 2.002496 Long-run variance 0.000560

These results are consistent with what has been assumed in the research and what is supported by economic theory, where the relationship is directly proportional to the growth of narrow money supply M1 and inversely proportional to the real interest rate on the real GDP of the private sector.

The significance of private domestic product and expanded money supply

To measure the impact of expanded money supply on the domestic product of private sector in Jordan, equation (1) has been estimated according to the fully modified ordinary least squares method using time series data for those variables for the period from 1990 to 2019. Table 7 shows the results which indicate the following:

The results of estimating the significance of product and narrow money supply showed that there is a positive and significant effect of the narrow money supply on the real domestic product of the private sector, as this effect reached to 0.476792, which is statistically acceptable at a level of significance 1%, and this value means that if the narrow money supply increases by one percentage point while other variables remain unchanged, the real GDP of the private sector will increase by 0.476792 percentage points.

There is a negative and significant effect of the real interest rate on the real GDP of the private sector, as this effect reached to −0.068219, which is statistically acceptable at a level of significance 1%, and this value means that if the real interest rate increases by one percentage point while other variables remain the same, the real GDP will decrease by 0.068219 percentage points.

There is a positive effect of real domestic saving on real GDP, but the effect is not statistically significant.

The results of the estimates of the equation based on the fully modified ordinary least squares model had a high explanatory power measured by the coefficient of determination (0.987).

The results of estimating the expanded money supply and its impact on the product of the private sector for the period 1990–2019 (Source: Author calculations)

Dependent Variable: LOG (RGDP (−1))
Method: Fully Modified Least Squares (FMOLS)
Date: 04/27/13 Time: 16:50
Sample (adjusted): 1994–2007
Included observations: 28 after adjustments
Co-integrating equation deterministic: C @TREND
Long-run covariance estimate (Bartlett kernel, Newey-West fixed bandwidth = 3.0000)
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
LOG (RM2(−1)) 0.476792 0.098343 4.848279 0.0009
LOG (RI (−1)) −0.068219 0.017718 −3.850202 0.0039
LRS (−1) 0.005757 0.005222 1.102459 0.2989
C 6.256834 0.418663 14.94479 0.0000
@TREND 0.021296 0.005508 3.866342 0.0038
R-squared 0.987006 Mean dependent var 8.440703
Adjusted R-squared 0.981230 S.D. dependent var 0.222873
S.E. of regression 0.030534 Sum squared resid 0.008391
Durbin-Watson stat 2.119070 Long-run variance 0.000363

These results are consistent with what has been assumed in the research and what is supported by economic theory, where the relationship is directly proportional to the growth of the expanded money supply and inversely proportional to the real interest rate on the real domestic product of the private sector.

Conclusions and recommendations

The result of the study shows that there is a positive and significant impact of the narrow and expanded money supply on the real GDP of the private sector. There is a negative and significant impact of the real interest rate on the real domestic product of the private sector. The results also show a statistically insignificant impact of real domestic savings on the real domestic product.

These results are consistent with what has been assumed in the research and what is supported by economic theory, where the relationship is positive for the growth of the narrow and expanded money supply and inverse to the real interest rate. Therefore, it can be said that the expansionary monetary policy and the increase of money supply led to a decrease in the interest rate and thus increase the size of investments and production.

This study recommends the central bank, researchers and policy makers to provide policy advice on how to avoid the expected side effects of implementing unconventional monetary policy by avoiding or exiting from it, in order to develop monetary policy systems in Jordan, and policy decision-makers be able to investigate other aspects of the interest rate in Jordan and not to manipulate the interest rate, which leads to the impact of the interest rate on the Jordanian economy and the local currency if the Jordanian monetary authority decides to link the Jordanian dinar to the US dollar or other currencies.