
Pearson's correlation between determinants of MM (PEOU, PU, PCRED, and PR) and behavioral intention to use MM services (Source: IBM SPSS statistics version 25)

MM determinants Behavioral intention
MM determinants Pearson's correlation 1 572**
Sig. (two tailed) 0
n 249 249
Behavioral intention Pearson's correlation 572** 1
Sig. (two tailed) 0
n 249 249

Exploratory factor analysis of the measurement of determinants of MM (PEOU, PU, PCRED, and PR) (Source: IBM SPSS statistics version 25)

Item Mean SD Factor loading Item total correlation
Mobile money determinants Factor
PU 4.57 1.621 0.852 0.521
PEOU 4.46 0.433 0.781 0.454
PR 4.32 0.512 0.705 0.412
PCRED 4.12 1.132 0.699 0.399

Determinants of MM as predictors of behavioral intention (Source: IBM SPSS statistics version 25)

R R2 Adjusted R2 F B T Sig.
0.721a 0.512 0.474 21.162 --- --- 0.000b
PEOU 0.172 2.461 0.002
PU 0.188 3.212 0.001
PCRED 0.161 3.035 0.011
PR 0.157 2.482 0.021
(Constant) --- 2.637 0.005