
Concentrations (mg kg-1) of Mn in standing leaves and litterfall as well as fluxes of Mn (kg ha-1 yr-1) in the litterfall in the three forested plots. Values with different letters in the same row differ significantly for at least 0.05 probability level

Standing leaves of the dominant trees in the three forested stands
Average Holm oak Beech Fir
561 a 1876 b 299 a
(33) (13) (33)
Average Maquis Beech Fir
405 a 1475 b 354 a
(23) (19) (15)
Litterfall fluxes
Average Maquis Beech Fir
2.00 a 7.66 b 2.09 a
(29) (26) (29)

Pearson correlation coefficients between available Mn and soil properties

CEC pH Clay Organic C Total Mn
Available Mn 0.588* 0.264 –0.62 0.962** 0.867**

Selected soil properties in the soil layers of the three forested stands. Clay and CEC are expressed in percentages (%) and CEC in meq/100 g of soil

Layer pH Clay CEC C
1 2 3 4 5
L 49.4 (2.8)
FH 6.6 (3.7) 71.6 (8.1) 26.0 (7.1)
0–10 cm 6.26 (2.0) 23.6 (6.2) 24.5 (12) (5.0 14)
10–20 cm 6.18 (6.6) 24.2 (14) 15.8 (20) 2.73 (17)
20–40 6.12 (2.3) 26.0 (19) 12.8 (11) 1.44 (17)
40–80 6.53 (5.7) 29.3 (15) 13.7 (13) 0.86 (14)
L 47.3 (0.6)
FH 5.75 (4.9) 41.2 (12) 26.9 (3.5)
0–10 cm 4.83 (2.4) 20.0 (5.5) 2.13 (18) 4.32 (4.5)
10–20 cm 5.08 (2.1) 21.8 1.44 (9.2) 2.95 (8.7)
20–40 cm 5.24 (0.6) 21.5 (0.3) 1.20 (4.8) 2.09 (12)
40–80 cm 5.27 (1.1) (15 4.1) 0.973 (9.3) 0.91 (3.2)
L 50.8 (0.7)
FH 6.48 (0.2) 57.8 (9.5) 23.0 (14)
0–10 cm 6.07 (2.0) 27.2 (2.0) 17.9 (15) 5.12 (20)
10–20 cm 5.77 (3.1) 31.2 (2.1) 10.9 (15) 3.36 (10)
20–40 cm 5.54 (1.2) 33.0 (6.7) (7.5 7.9) 2.75 (3.5)
40–80 cm 5.32 (1.5) 34.9 (14) 3.8 (15) 1.53 (19)

Characteristics of the areas from which the soil samples were selected

Area Altitude (m) Soil parent material Soil type (FAO 1988) Vegetation
Amfilohia 360 Sandy flysch Haplic Luvisol Quercus ilex, L., Arbutus unedo, L. Phyllirea latifolia, L.
Ossa-Mountain 890 Mica schist Haplic Alisol Fagus sylvatica, L.
Karpenisi 1170 Argil-laceus flysch Humic Alisol Abies borisii-regis, M.

Concentrations (mg kg-1) of total and available Mn in the soil layers of the three-forested stands. Values with different letters in the same row differ significantly for at least 0.05 probability level

Maquis Beech Fir
1 2 4 4
Total Mn
L 306 a (65) 1745 b (12) 613 a (52)
FH 1790 a (12) 4398 b (10) 1730 a (4.2)
0–10 cm 687 a (13) 1130 b (12) 1208 bc (6.3)
10–20 cm 607 a (7.0) 842 ab (4.7) 969 b (26)
20–40 cm 665 a (6.8) 1087bc (7.0) 1015 c (30)
40–80 cm 644 a (5.1) 697 a (13) 650 a (49)
Available Mn
FH 738 a (21) 561 b (20) 370 c (21)
0–10 cm 114 a (15) 196 b (11) 151 c (15)
10–20 cm 95.4 a (62.8) 148 b (6.8) 116 ab (14)
20–40 cm 62.8 a (5.9) 113 b (4.5) 92.6b (28)
40–80 cm 61.5 a (24) 46.2 a (24) 56.6 a (40)
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4 volte all'anno
Argomenti della rivista:
Life Sciences, Plant Science, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine