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New Technology Tools and Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) Applied to a Sustainable Livestock Production



Figure 1

Example of cow sensors: behaviour activity (oestrus, activity and health) measured on ears, legs and neck; calving alert using the vaginal temperature; rumen functions (temperature, pH and drinking) using a rumen bolus.
Example of cow sensors: behaviour activity (oestrus, activity and health) measured on ears, legs and neck; calving alert using the vaginal temperature; rumen functions (temperature, pH and drinking) using a rumen bolus.

Conversion of body mass into protein for some species

Body mass Conversion (%) Conversion (%) Protein
Product LW1 LW- CW (HSCW)2 CW-heCW3 Kg/LW
Beef 600 55 20 66
Pigs 120 75 25 22.5
Poultry 3 70 25 0.525

Crude protein production per ha and the human edible feed conversion efficiency index (heFCE) for some vegetable crops used for animal and human consumption

Feedstuff Production Dry Matter Crude Protein heFCE1 Index
t/ha % g/kg DM Kg/ha CP % Kg/ha heFCE/ production
Barley 6 8 125 750 80 600 0.10
Maize 12 8 106 1272 80 1017.6 0.08
Wheat 6 8 138 828 80 662.4 0.11
Soybeans 4.5 90 404 1818 80 1454.4 0.32
Rapeseed meal 2.8 8 406 1136.8 20 227.36 0.08
Soybeans meal 1.8 90 513 923.4 80 738.72 0.41
Maize silage 60 35 86 5160 0 0 0.00
Sunflower meal 2.5 8 410 1025 80 820 033

Consumption of Kcal fossil energy to produce 1 kg of different foods and LCA

Food Conversion Ratio1 Grain2 Forage2 Emission Kg CO2 Energy Kcal Water use m3 Land use m2
1 liter of milk or Kg 14 3 0.83 2.4 420 1.02 40
poultry 1 kg of meat 4 2.3 - 3-5 2390 4.525 70
1 kg meat of pig 14 5.9 - 5-8 2690 5.99 110
1 kg meat of beef 40 13 30 28-32 2500 17 1640
1 kg of maize 3500 1.22

Expected population (billion) and meat consumption increase (MT) in the world during the period: 2010-50

Item 2010 2020 2030 2050 CAGR1
% % % %
Human population 6.90 7.67 8.31 9.15 0.71 0.71
Meat consumption:
Pig 102.30 38.07 115.30 36.11 129.90 34.11 140.70 30.34 0.80
Poultry 85.90 31.97 111.00 34.76 143.50 37.68 193.30 41.68 2.05
Bovine 67.30 25.05 77.30 24.21 88.90 23.35 106.30 22.92 1.15
Sheep/Goat 13.20 4.91 15.70 4.92 18.50 4.86 23.50 5.07 1.45
Total meat 268.70 100 319.30 100 380.80 100 473.80 100 1.37

List of impact categories and environmental indicators used in environmental studies

Impact categories Environmental indicators
Consumption of non-renewable resources Fossil fuels
Greenhouse effect CO2, CH4, N2O
Fertility and soil function Accumulation of heavy metals
NH3, NOx, SO2
Water quality (ground and surface water) N-fertilizers, nutrient balance, nitrate leaching
Fertilizer, P budget, P drainage
Human and environmental toxicity Herbicides and antibiotics, nitrates
NH3, PM10, PM2.5
Biodiversity Number of species, breeds and varieties
Landscape Pastoral activities, variety of environments
Animal welfare Structures, reproduction, health care
Others Smells, noises, ozone layer, etc.

Average values of human edible fraction of protein content in some animal species

Average (g/Kg edible product) Range (g/Kg edible product)
Milk (cows) 34 33.3 -34
Beef 200 185-209
Pigs 182 150-220
Poultry 201 190-212
Eggs 125 120-130

List of precision livestock farming applications in the animal production sector

Environmental control
- weather information systems
- recording systems and microclimate control, animal housing, air quality, water quality - lighting and photoperiod control systems
- bioacoustics
Animal nutrition
- automatic forage analysis systems: in the field, at harvesting or during the storage (including biomass temperature detection systems, e.g. Near Infrared Reflectance spectroscopy (NIR) with thermography)
- integrated systems for intelligent feed preparation and distribution (e.g. corrections based on NIR analysis) - automated forage transfer systems
- feeding / nursing robots
- physical-chemical quality control systems for distributed feeds
- control systems / estimation of food intake
- food digestibility estimation systems
- control of emissions
Animal behavior and welfare
- activity detection meters (pedometers, activometers, collars, earphones)
- biomarkers in milk (somatic cell count, conductivity, lactate dehydrogenase) - calving alert detectors (vaginal temperature)
- rumen function (rumen bolus (temperature, pH, drinking) - position location (GPS)
-Boby condition score (BCS) (using 3D imaging)
Automatic Milking systems (AMS) (individual)
- individual/quarter production detection (including milk flow registration) - diagnostic breast detection (color, conductivity, enzymes, California Mastitis Test (CMT), somatic cells (UV fluorescence), thermography)
- macro-component detection (fat, protein, lactose) (Near Infrared, NIR)
- nutritional diagnostic detection (urea, ketone bodies)
- reproductive diagnostics (progesterone)
- milking robot
Animal manure
- manure cleaning robot
- manure analysis systems
- emission recordings
Management control
- energy consumption control systems
- work organization and company operational time recording
- integrated warehouse management systems
Product quality control
-integration with transformation phases
- integration of company information with other operators in the supply chain
- big data management, statistical processing and analysis, information generation within decision support systems (DSS)
- use of information for monitoring, management or genetic improvement of production animals

Overview of the protein efficiency conversion for some species

Species Body Weight Performance Dry Matter intake Forage/ concentrate Edible fraction Edible Protein (EP) Protein Edible Yield (EPY) HEPY
kg Kg/d Kg/d %DM %BW g/kg g/d BW/g/kg d
1 2 3 4 5=4*CP% 6=1*5*+95 7=6/1
Dairy cow 600 30 29 2/7 95 34 969 1.615
Fattening veal 250 1.2 7.4 4.65/2.76 50 328 196.8 0.7872
Pig 120 0.6 0.37 65 120 36 0.3
Broiler 3 0.067 0.096 60 150 5.025 1.675
Frequenza di pubblicazione:
4 volte all'anno
Argomenti della rivista:
Life Sciences, Genetics, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, other