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Labor Market in Poland - Analysis of Diversity

   | 17 dic 2021


The main aim of below consideration is presentation Polish Labor Market and changes inside, along last years. Labor market considerations are extremely important and have a large impact on the daily behavior of entities in this market. The extent, to which we are able to analyze changes taking place in individual areas of the surveyed area will allow us to make appropriate decisions on both – the demand and supply side of this labor. Author would like to present base issues connected with supply and demand taking place at this field in Poland. Getting to know the directions of changes taking place on the Labor Market may allow for an appropriate approach to human resource management. The article consists of short introduction, theoretical part, empirical part and summary at the end. Theoretical part includes base information and definition about Labor Market. Empirical section shows data analyzing, methods, tables and graphs. In the summary author would like to recapitulate analyzing case and draw some conclusions.
