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Professionalisation of Family Firms and Accounting Function: Empirical Evidence



Figure 1

Research Model
Research Model

Figure 2

Interaction Plots for F-PEC-P and Firm Size Categories
Interaction Plots for F-PEC-P and Firm Size Categories

Descriptive Statistics for Variables Used in Regressions

descriptive statistics dependent variable … consists of dichotomized values of … independent variables
count variable Accountant for FA and MA Work in the same department MA and FA co-operate closely Integrated IT systems Use of same database Size F_PEC_P
N Valid 231 231 230 231 230 230 230 231
Missing 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0
Mean 2.411 3.459 3.609 3.870 4.139 4.122 226.26 1.029
Median 3 4 4 4 5 5 108.50 1
Std. Deviation 2.083 2.200 2.328 2.305 2.195 2.261 401.11 0.727
Minimum 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Maximum 5 7 7 7 7 7 3500 3
control variables
N Valid 231 231 231 231 231
Missing 0 0 0 0 0
Mean 1.441 0.346 0.506 0.203 0.511
Median 1.415 0 1 0 1
Std. Deviation 0.364 0.477 0.501 0.403 0.501
Minimum 0.301 0 0 0 0
Maximum 2.303 1 1 1 1

Correlations between Variables

Bayes Factor Inference on Pairwise Correlations
INTEGRATION Pearson Correlation 1 −0.131 0.097 0.144 0.035 0.004 −0.090 −0.027
Bayes Factor 2.714 6.487 1.763 16.576 19.103 7.623 17.584
N 230 231 231 231 231 231 231
logSIZE Pearson Correlation 1 −0.217 0.241 0.179 −0.141 0.206 0.010
Bayes Factor 0.078 0.022 0.464 1.962 0.136 18.883
N 230 230 230 230 230 230
F_PEC_P Pearson Correlation 1 −0.001 0.080 0.004 −0.027 0.053
Bayes Factor 19.130 9.215 19.103 17.576 13.852
N 231 231 231 231 231
logAGE Pearson Correlation 1 0.208 −0.155 0.062 −0.554
Bayes Factor 0.125 1.197 12.342 0.000
N 231 231 231 231
INDUSTRY Pearson Correlation 1 −0.737 0.197 −0.016
Bayes Factor 0.000 0.208 18.598
N 231 231 231
SERVICES Pearson Correlation 1 −0.125 0.073
Bayes Factor 3.189 10.345
N 231 231
IFRS Pearson Correlation 1 0.064
Bayes Factor 11.921
N 231
PL Pearson Correlation 1.000
Bayes Factor
N 231
Bayes factor: Null versus alternative hypothesis.

Results for Poisson Regression, DV = INTEGRATION

incidence 90% CI pd p value ROPE [−0.1, 0.1] Rhat ESS
rate ratio lower bound upper bound one-sided % in ROPE
(Intercept) 2.044 1.22 3.35 98.83% 1.17% 0.00% 1.000 3596
F_PEC_P 0.963 0.88 1.06 74.12% 25.88% 87.06% 1.001 5172
SIZE_100_249 0.921 0.77 1.11 76.98% 23.02% 54.49% 1.000 3997
SIZE_250_499 0.875 0.70 1.09 83.93% 16.07% 38.49% 1.000 3920
SIZE_LARGE 0.785 0.57 1.13 87.40% 12.60% 22.52% 1.001 3848
logAGE 1.366 1.02 1.77 96.70% 3.30% 8.34% 1.000 3439
INDUSTRY 1.096 0.86 1.42 72.12% 27.88% 44.78% 0.999 3023
SERVICES 1.018 0.80 1.28 53.97% 46.03% 52.93% 0.999 3266
IFRS 0.998 0.81 1.25 50.28% 49.72% 59.38% 1.000 5589
PL 1.451 1.21 1.75 99.92% 0.08% 0.00% 1.000 4059

Descriptive Statistics for Sample

Variables Subset Germanyn = 113 Subset Polandn = 118 Total samplen = 231
year of foundation
mean 1959.19 1997.85 1978.94
min 1817 1947 1817
max 2013 2016 2016
Position of respondents*
staff management accounting 21 17% 8 7% 29 12%
head of management accounting 40 32% 0 0% 40 17%
staff financial accounting 6 5% 31 28% 37 16%
head of financial accounting 27 22% 68 62% 95 41%
owner of firm 10 8% 2 2% 12 5%
manager 20 16% 1 1% 21 9%
subtotal 124 100% 110 100% 234 100%
*multiple answers possible
Type of industry
missing 9 8% 0 0% 9 4%
manufacturing 36 32% 21 18% 57 25%
mining, utilities 1 1% 5 4% 6 3%
construction 3 3% 14 12% 17 7%
retail 14 12% 30 25% 44 19%
transportation, logistics 3 3% 10 8% 13 6%
media, communication 9 8% 3 3% 12 5%
financial services 2 2% 3 3% 5 2%
other services 25 22% 18 15% 43 19%
real estate 1 1% 3 3% 4 2%
health & social services 6 5% 9 8% 15 6%
others 4 4% 2 2% 6 3%
subtotal 113 100% 118 100% 231 100%
Legal form
missing 9 8% 0 0% 9 4%
sole proprietorship 4 4% 5 4% 9 4%
limited partnership 2 2% 4 3% 6 3%
private company (GmbH&Co KG) 32 28% 14 12% 46 20%
limited liability company 44 39% 70 59% 114 49%
corporation 11 10% 4 3% 15 6%
others 11 10% 21 18% 32 14%
subtotal 113 100% 118 100% 231 100%
Group affiliation
yes 39 35% 39 33% 78 34%
no 74 65% 79 67% 153 66%
subtotal 113 100% 118 100% 231 100%
if yes
parent company 15 38% 12 31% 27 35%
subsidiary 22 56% 22 56% 44 56%
joint venture 1 3% 3 8% 4 5%
associated (at equity) 1 3% 1 3% 2 3%
special purpose entity 0 0% 1 3% 1 1%
subtotal 39 100% 39 100% 78 100%