
[1] The development of approaches in the care of monuments was dealt with by Ingrid Ciulisová in her publication “Historizmus a moderna v pamiatkovej ochrane” (Historicism and Modernity in Monument Protection), where she focused on the period up to the middle of the 20th century. Several articles in periodicals, authored by Vendelín Jankovič, are dedicated to the post-war development. However, a comprehensive overview of the development of monument care after the Second World War has not been compiled yet. Search in Google Scholar

[2] We consider the immediate events preceding the present to be the youngest history. Search in Google Scholar

[3] Innovations in monument care we understand as the imposing of something new in terms of methodology, morphology, or material. Search in Google Scholar

[4] Alfréd Piffl is mentioned as the author of the restoration of the church in Bíňa. However, it is clear from Lucia Porubská’s document “Alfréd Piffl a pamiatková obnova vo svetle dokumentov Archívu PÚ SR” (Alfred Piffl and Monument Restoration in the Light of the Documents of The Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic) that the final form reflects his project only partially, which fact is also confirmed by our research. Search in Google Scholar

[5] Slovak Institute of Monument Care and Nature Protection. (1967) “Súpis pamiatok na Slovensku. Zväzok prvý A-J” (List of Monuments in Slovakia. Volume One A-J), Obzor, Bratislava, Slovakia. Search in Google Scholar

[6] Chudomelka, K. (1957) “Rekonštrukcia kostola sv. Kataríny” (Reconstruction of the church of St. Catherine), [text part of the architectural study, pp. 1-16] A 238, Archive of The Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava, Slovakia. Search in Google Scholar

[7] Fund of Handlová Parish, box 12, 13, Diocesan Archive – Bishopric of Banská Bystrica, Badín, Slovakia. Search in Google Scholar

[8] Ciulisová, I. (2000) “Historizmus a moderna v pamiatkovej ochrane” (Historicism and Modernity in Monument Protection), Veda, Bratislava, Slovakia. ISBN 80-224-0647-3 Search in Google Scholar

[9] The Romanesque Rotunda of the Twelve Apostles stands near the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Search in Google Scholar

[10] Porubská, L. (2012) “Alfréd Piffl a pamiatková obnova vo svetle dokumentov Archívu PÚ SR” (Alfred Piffl and Monument Restoration in the Light of the Documents of The Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic). [online] Available at: [Accessed: 6 Oct 2021] Search in Google Scholar

[11] Dostál, O., Vošáhlík, A. (1965) “Obnova západního průčelí bývalého Emauzského kostela v Praze” (Restoration of the Western Facade of the Former Emmaus Church in Prague), Architektura ČSSR (Architecture of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic), 9, pp. 581-590. Search in Google Scholar

[12] Urlich, P., Vorlík, P., Filsaková, B. (2006) “Šedesátá léta v architektuře očima pamětníků” (The Sixties in Architecture through the Eyes of Witnesses), Czech Technical University Publishing House, Prague, Czech Republic. ISBN 80-01-03413-5 Search in Google Scholar

[13] As a deliberate monumental restoration, we mention the restoration after the war devastation, although in the case of the Bíňa Church, even interventions in the 19th century are considered reconstructions in terms of monument care. Search in Google Scholar

[14] The Beuron Art School had several principles for creating the proportions and dimensions of the whole work, as well as the overall effect of the space. These principles were also applied in the reconstruction of the Emmaus Church. Search in Google Scholar

[15] Part IV of the Athens Charter, “Restoration of Monuments”, refers to the use of modern materials in the consolidation of ancient monuments and is permitted where the disintegration of protected objects or the loss of their statics is thus prevented. Search in Google Scholar

[16] The recommendation for the occupation of buildings with respect to their historic or artistic character, which ensures the continuity of their life is set out in Part I “Doctrines. General Principles”, Athens Charter. Search in Google Scholar

[17] In an interview with architect Karel Kibic, the publication “Šedesátá léta v architektuře očima pamětníků” (The Sixties in Architecture through the Eyes of Witnesses) mentions the reconstruction of the Emmaus Church in the context of interesting new buildings in the historical environment. Search in Google Scholar

[18] The effort to maximize the preservation of destroyed architectural heritage sites after World War II is evidenced not only by interviews with architects in the publication “Šedesátá léta v architektuře očima pamětníků” (The Sixties in Architecture through the Eyes of Witnesses), but also by a conference paper by Milena Hauserová from a recent international conference “Monuments and Monument Care in Czechoslovakia and Other Central European Countries during the Second Half of the 20th Century” held online in April 2021. Search in Google Scholar

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Argomenti della rivista:
Architecture and Design, Architecture, Architects, Buildings, Landscape Architecture, Landscape Architects, Design, Designers, other