
Fig 1

Etiology of Pancreatitis
Etiology of Pancreatitis

Fig 2

Patients with BISAP score of <2 and >3
Patients with BISAP score of <2 and >3

Comparison of BISAP score between different studies

Present study (2021) 64% 36%
Chittipotula et al(2020)[8] 64% 36%
Hagjer et al(2017)[9] 80% 20%
Chandrashekhar et al[11] 82% 18%
Venkatapuram MR et al. (2018)[12] 64% 36%
Veena P et al (2020)[14] 64% 36%
Katta et al (2016)[15] 74.51% 25.49%

Comparison of mean in according to severity of BISAP score with different parameters

BISAP ≤2 (n=32) ≥3(n=18) t-value p-Value
Mean Std. Deviation Mean Std. Deviation
HOSPITAL STAY(DAYS) 10.28 2.738 13.22 3.96 -3.094 0.003
TEMPERATURE (Degree C) 38.28 0.63 38.44 0.61 -0.88 0.38
RESPIRATORY RATE (breaths per minute) 17.19 1.12 18 1.13 -2.44 0.01
PULSE (beats per minute) 93.5 2.12 95.28 2.71 -2.56 0.01
TLC/mm3 12652.97 1873.79 13456 1311.53 -1.60 0.11
NEUTROPHILS 77.63 4.61 79.11 3.54 -1.18 0.24
LYMPHOCYTES 46.91 8.49 48.67 10.16 -0.65 0.51
BASO 0 0 0.11 0.32 -1.9 0.056
MONOCYTES 2.47 0.76 2.78 0.80 -1.34 0.18
EOSINOPHIL 4.84 1.81 5.44 1.79 -1.12 0.26
BLOOD UREA (mg/dL) 39.72 5.68 175.83 98.53 -7.85 <0.001
SERUM CREATININE mg/dL 1.022 0.25 2.594 0.843 -9.84 <0.001
SERUM AMYLASE (U/L) 329.63 63.20 413.78 153.57 -2.73 0.009
SERUM LIPASE(U/L) 624.16 171.58 830.61 166.02 -4.13 <0.001
SERUM CALCIUM (mg/dL) 8.6 0.87 8.85 0.54 -1.10 0.27

Relationship of Bisap Score Severity with Etiology

Bisap ≤2 ≥3 Total Chi square value
Etiology n % n % n % 647
Hypertriglyceridemia 3 9.40 1 5.60 4 8.00
Gall stones 7 21.90 7 38.90 14 28.00
Idiopathic 10 31.30 6 33.30 16 32.00
Alcoholic 9 28.10 3 16.70 12 24.00
Drug induced 2 6.30 0 0.00 2 4.00
Post ERCP 1 3.10 1 5.60 2 4.00
Total 32 100 18 100 50 100

Relationship of BISAP score severity with various parameters

BISAP ≤2 ≥3 Total Chi Square P-Value
N % N % N %
Temperature (≥39) 12 37.50% 9 50.00% 21 42.00% .390
Pancreatic Necrosis 6 18.75% 6 33.30% 12 24.50% .273
BUN(>25) 2 6.30% 16 88.90% 18 36.00% .001
Age(>60) 0 0.00% 8 44.40% 8 16.00% <.001
Pleural Effusion 17 53.10% 17 94.40% 34 68.00% .003
Impaired Mental Status 0 0 0 0 0 0 -
SIRS 32 100.00% 18 100.00% 50 100.00% .515
Organ Complication
No Complication 32 100.00% 0 0.00% 32 64.00% <.001
ARDS 0 0.00% 2 11.10% 2 4.00%
Cardiac 0 0.00% 1 5.60% 1 2.00%
Mods 0 0.00% 2 11.10% 2 4.00%
Renal 0 0.00% 13 72.20% 13 26.00%
Total 32 100.00% 18 100.00% 50 100.00%

Baseline characteristics of the patients

Parameters(n=50) Mean/n Std. Deviation/%
AGE (YEARS) 41.92 15.018
SEX (male ) 25 50%
TEMPERATURE (Degree C) 38.34 0.626
RESPIRATORY RATE (breaths per minute) 17.48 1.182
PULSE (beats per minute) 94.14 2.483
TLC/mm3 12942.06 1723.282
NEUTROPHILS 78.16 4.287
LYMPHOCYTES 47.54 9.072
BASO 0.04 0.198
MONOCYTES 2.58 0.785
EOSINOPHIL 5.06 1.812
BLOOD UREA (mg/dL) 88.72 88.005
SERUM CREATINE mg/dL 1.588 0.9323
SERUM AMYLASE (U/L) 359.92 111.241
SERUM LIPASE(U/L) 698.48 195.474
SERUM CALCIUM (mg/dL) 8.69 0.7726
Frequenza di pubblicazione:
3 volte all'anno
Argomenti della rivista:
Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Internal Medicine, Cardiology