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Pathologies of the Riverside Built Environment Versus Success Indicators of Functional Performance



Figure 1

Downtown area of the city of Szczecin (surface area of the whole city 300.55 km3) in comparison with the downtown area of Olsztyn (surface area of the whole city 88.33 km3). Maps in the same scale, elaborated by E. Latusek on the basis of Google Maps
Downtown area of the city of Szczecin (surface area of the whole city 300.55 km3) in comparison with the downtown area of Olsztyn (surface area of the whole city 88.33 km3). Maps in the same scale, elaborated by E. Latusek on the basis of Google Maps

Figure 2

Pathologies of the built environment and repair measures, Gdańsk: (a) Photo of the ruins of granary of 11 June 2014 [10]; (b) Daleka Droga (Long Way) Granary, photo by E. Latusek of July 2021
Pathologies of the built environment and repair measures, Gdańsk: (a) Photo of the ruins of granary of 11 June 2014 [10]; (b) Daleka Droga (Long Way) Granary, photo by E. Latusek of July 2021

Figure 3

Pathologies of the built environment and repair actions, Szczecin: (a) Photos of the Bridges of the Castle Route (Trasa Zamkowa) over the West Oder River (Odra Zachodnia) of 28 July 2013 [11]; (b) Riverside Embankment of Piastowski Boulevard (Bulwar Piastowski) with the Sailors' Avenue (Aleja Żeglarzy), photo by E. Latusek, dated January 2021
Pathologies of the built environment and repair actions, Szczecin: (a) Photos of the Bridges of the Castle Route (Trasa Zamkowa) over the West Oder River (Odra Zachodnia) of 28 July 2013 [11]; (b) Riverside Embankment of Piastowski Boulevard (Bulwar Piastowski) with the Sailors' Avenue (Aleja Żeglarzy), photo by E. Latusek, dated January 2021

Figure 4

Pathologies of the built environment and repair actions, Warszawa (Warsaw): (a) Photo of the former Powiśle Power Plant taken most probably from the site of the contemporary Copernicus Science Centre (Centrum Nauki Kopernik) [14]; (b) Copernicus Science Centre (Centrum Nauki Kopernik), photo by E. Latusek, dated August 2021
Pathologies of the built environment and repair actions, Warszawa (Warsaw): (a) Photo of the former Powiśle Power Plant taken most probably from the site of the contemporary Copernicus Science Centre (Centrum Nauki Kopernik) [14]; (b) Copernicus Science Centre (Centrum Nauki Kopernik), photo by E. Latusek, dated August 2021

Figure 5

Pathologies of the built environment and repair actions, Kraków (Cracow): (a) Photos of the former Forum Hotel of 22 March 2010 [16]; (b) Riverside Embankment on the Vistula River with a view of the hotel in the background, photo by E. Latusek, dated 2021.
Pathologies of the built environment and repair actions, Kraków (Cracow): (a) Photos of the former Forum Hotel of 22 March 2010 [16]; (b) Riverside Embankment on the Vistula River with a view of the hotel in the background, photo by E. Latusek, dated 2021.

Figure 6

Pathologies of the built environment and repair actions, Wrocław: (a) Former, 19th-century, town house on the Słodowa Island [19]; (b) Concordia Design Wrocław [19]
Pathologies of the built environment and repair actions, Wrocław: (a) Former, 19th-century, town house on the Słodowa Island [19]; (b) Concordia Design Wrocław [19]

Figure 7

Pathologies of the built environment and repair actions, Poznań: (a) The area of the old channel of the River Warta prior to the implementation of the park [22]; (b) River Warta Old Channel Park (Park Stare Koryto Warty) with the Alley of the Order of the Smile and the Pavilion in the background, photo by E. Latusek, dated July 2021
Pathologies of the built environment and repair actions, Poznań: (a) The area of the old channel of the River Warta prior to the implementation of the park [22]; (b) River Warta Old Channel Park (Park Stare Koryto Warty) with the Alley of the Order of the Smile and the Pavilion in the background, photo by E. Latusek, dated July 2021

Economic indicator and related supply services of rivers in downtown areas, elaboration and photos by E. Latusek.

Economic Indicator
Photo Description
Gdańsk,Water TramWater trams providing transport services on the rivers Martwa Wisła (Dead Vistula) and Motława are a well known tourist attraction [24]. Thanks to them, it is possible to reach your destination more quickly by water, avoiding congestion caused by holiday traffic in tourist resorts. Additionally, more and more often, in the river canals, one can see means of water transport powered by solar panels mounted on top of the boats.
Szczecin,Port SzczecinThis trading sea and river port handles bulk and general cargo transport. Polish legislation deems the sea ports in the cities of Szczecin and Świnoujście to have a fundamental role in the Polish national economy; the trans-shipment and handling of goods exceed 20 million tons per year [25].
Warszawa (Warsaw),RestaurantsIn the years 2015–2019, the project of the left riverside embankment of the Vistula (Wisła) was implemented, in the section starting from the district of Powiśle to Podzamcze [26]. Since the completion of the project, the riverside promenade has been called a new ‘salon’ of the city. The waterfront located within the downtown area used to be the spot with many rafters' inns (river sailors' inns), and in the 19th and 20th centuries with many different bars and bistros. This tradition has been preserved and the contemporary riverside embankment features a lot of gastronomic establishments, which are a fashionable and profitable meeting place
Kraków (Cracow),Residential BuildingsThe whole new housing estates are built in the degraded post-industrial areas located on the waterfront. This concept is more and more often used and implemented by developers (this tendency can be clearly noticed not only in Cracow). For instance, in the district of Zabłocie, there is Atal Residence, Garden Residence Apartment and ‘Lofts in the Mill’ (Lofty w Młynie) - a residential object in a converted old mill [27].
Wrocław,Exclusive Aparthotel MarinaThe object of Exclusive Aparthotel Marina is the first apartment building constructed literally on and over the river. It has an underwater garage and terraces suspended over the water. The building constitutes a part of the prestigious Marina complex, which includes a downtown marina located in the vicinity of the University Bridge (Most Uniwersytecki) and popular restaurants [28]. A unique location and the vicinity of a prestigious marina are a magnet attracting tourists.
Poznań,Old PortIn Poznań, the infrastructure of the Old Port (Stary Port) is being built. This investment will enable a better use of the river and economic revival of the local working environment. So far, a pavilion has been built. It is a part of a greater investment. A yacht marina on the River Warta will eventually become the central port (marina) for ships in Poznań.

Environmental indicator (ecological) and related regulating services of rivers in downtown areas, elaboration and photos by E. Latusek.

Environmental Indicator
Photo Description
Gdańsk,Stępka CanalThe Stępka Canal (Ciesielski Canal) was dug in 1576. For many years, boatyards were situated along the canal [29]. Nowadays, the canal is an enclave of greenery, however, some ideas of re-canalization have been put forward. A complex of residential and services buildings “Riverview” was built in this area. It was the first housing design in the Tri-city (the metropolitan area of three cities: Gdańsk, Sopot and Gdynia) to obtain the LEED and meet the requirements of sustainable building engineering.
Szczecin,Grodzka Island [30]In 2008, the city of Szczecin presented a long-term strategy of implementing “Floating Garden 2050”, which would play the role of the city's “brand”. In accordance with this policy, the objective to build “a floating garden” was chosen [30]. The plans concern, among other places, the Grodzka Island, whose land is mainly occupied by allotments. A marina and urban summer zone have already been implemented there. Further development of the island is still under discussion and its fate is being decided.
Warszawa (Warsaw),Nature 2000In Warsaw, one riverbank, belonging to the downtown area, is urbanized. However, the other riverbank was left in its natural state, as it was included in the European Union environment protection programme Nature 2000 “Valley of the Vistula Middle Course” (Dolina Środkowej Wisły). The riverside green areas can be admired thanks to a viewing platform located on the downtown Vistula River embankments, in the section stretching from the district of Powiśle to Podzamcze.
Kraków (Cracow),Development Directions for 2030Document entitled “Directions of Development and Management of Green Areas in Cracow for the years 2017–2030” (Kierunki rozwoju i zarządzania terenami zieleni w Krakowie na lata 2017–2030) formulates a coherent, deliberate and long-term policy on the development of green areas in the cities. The document was prepared in the participatory and expert form by the Cracow Municipal Office, experts from Cracow universities and inhabitants within the framework of two-phase consultations [31]. The prepared document may constitute a model for the development of riverside embankments (boulevards) and urban waterfronts.
Wrocław,Opatowicka IslandAround 1917, in the city of Wrocław, a new navigation canal was constructed in order to provide a straight-line shortcut by water to the city centre. In this way, an island was created. Before WW1 the place served as a leisure spot. In addition, an amphitheatre was built there. At present, the island is protected as a nature and landscape park, within the framework of the Szczytnicki Nature and Landscape Park (Szczytnicki Zespół Przyrodniczo-Krajobrazowy). For instance, there is a complex of a protected plant called Galanthus Nivalis – the Snowdrop in the park.
Poznań,“Wartostrada” – The River Warta “Highway”“Wartostrada” (the River Warta ‘Highway’), in the city of Poznań, is a project aiming to improve the accessibility of riverside areas. For years, this walking and cycling route has been extended. Thanks to this route, the inhabitants of Poznań may access green areas from the crowded downtown area within a couple of minutes. “Wartostrada” has been provided with recreational places, well hidden in the greenery, such as: climbing walls, riverside beaches or municipal exhibitions, e.g. “Land Art Exhibition”.

Concurrence of notions: indicators of success within the scope of functional performance, imperative of sustainable development and ecosystem services of rivers and reservoirs, elaborated by E. Latusek

Sustainable Development: Functional Performance: Ecosystem Services:
Economic aspects Economic results Supply services
Ecological aspects Environmental results Regulating services
Social aspects Social results Cultural services

Social indicator and related cultural services provided by rivers in downtown areas, elaboration and photos by E. Latusek

Social Indicator
Photo Description
Gdańsk,Ołowianka IslandSuccessful regeneration of the previously ruined, post-industrial building development on the Ołowianka Island constitutes a part of the project “front towards the river” (frontem do rzeki) [29]. The island has become an elegant cultural place. The facilities of the former Heat and Power Station “Ołowianka” was adapted to become the Polish Baltic F. Chopin Philharmonic (Polska Filharmonia Bałtycka im. Fryderyka Chopina). The island also houses the Central Marine Museum (Centralne Muzeum Morskie) and the 17th-century Royal Granary (Spichrz Królewski) turned into the Hotel Gdańsk - Boutique.
Szczecin,“Cranosaurs” (Dźwigozaury) on Łasztownia IslandLocal foundation “My Łasztownia” (Moja Łasztownia) organizes events which attract city dwellers to the Łasztownia Island [33]. For instance, during the event “Days of Zbożowa street” (Dni ulicy Zbożowej) the festival of colours was held. The festival included music and light shows with the participation of historic harbour cranes, which acquired their own name of Cranosaurs (Dźwigozaury) – as they clearly resemble and are associated with dinosaurs. Such actions organized by citizens reinforce community bonds within waterfront areas.
Warszawa(Warsaw),Multimedia Park of FountainsAt the foot of the Royal Castle in Warsaw (Zamek Królewski w Warszawie), at the square where a water reservoir was located in the past, a complex of four fountains was built. In the evenings, from May to September, there are 30-minute multimedia shows using lasers and LED floodlights. The fountains are the source of cooling, whereas dispersed mist suspended over the water creates a water screen. Animated stories about the history of Warsaw and local legends are displayed on the abovementioned water screen.
Kraków (Cracow), CricotekaIn 2017, portal Architizer published a list of ten buildings in Poland which change cultural identity of the place where they are located [34]. This list included the Centre for the Documentation of the Art of Tadeusz Kantor (Ośrodek Dokumentacji Sztuki Tadeusza Kantora) “Cricoteka”, which was opened in 2014. The new object designed by Wizja and nsMoonStudio [35] twines its arms around two buildings of the former power plant, which was built in the district of Podgórze in 1900. The River Vistula (Wisła) and its banks were treated by the architects as ‘props and the setting’ which may take part in the social urban play.
Wrocław,Xawery Dunikowski Boulevard [36]Riverside embankment called Xawery Dunikowski Boulevard (Bulwar Xawerego Dunikowskiego) underwent repair in 2016 [36]. Open-air events, picnics and community events uniting all generations are organized there. There is also a mooring point enabling access to the waterfront amphitheatre (Przystań Amfiteatralna) and mooring sites for ships Rusałka (Water Nymph) and Viking. Amphitheatrical steps offer a panorama of the OstrówTumski Island and attract numerous visitors. It is a bustling place with continuous river traffic during summer months.
Poznań,ICHOT – The Gate of Poznań – Brama PoznaniaInteractive Centre of the History of the OstrówTumski Island (ICHOT) is a state-of-the-art museum built on the ruins of the former Polygonal Fort [37]. The whole complex consists of a museum suspended over a floodbank and a restored stronghold of the former Cathedral Lock (Śluza Katedralna). Both elements are connected by means of a glazed flyover (footpath) suspended over the River Cybina. The connection of the new with the old is to remind how important the Ostrów Tumski Island is for the history of Poznań.

Polish voivodeship capital cities in the context of rivers and reservoirs in the downtown areas, elaboration by E. Latusek: downtown areas [6], population density of 31.12.2020 [7]

location on the sea shore
strong connection
weak connection
no connection

The most significant success indicators of functional performance on the basis of the conducted investigations, own elaboration by E. Latusek

Functional Performance Success Indicators
Economic results Supply ecosystem services

the provision of municipal transport by water trams,

maintenance of harbour activities (e.g. Port Szczecin),

designing gastronomic, residential and hotel zones as well as water transport (e.g. marines) in downtown waterfront areas

Environmental results Regulating ecosystem services

the creation of long-term management strategies (e.g. ‘Floating Garden 2050’, ‘Directions of Development and Management of Green Areas in Cracow for the years 2017–2030’),

preservation of renaturalised character of river canals and artificial islands (e.g. Stępka Canal, Opatowicka Island),

improvement of the accessibility of riverside areas for pedestrians and cyclists (e.g. Wartostrada – the River Warta ‘Highway’)

Social results Cultural ecosystem services

regeneration of the post-industrial building development on downtown islands (e.g. Ołowianka Island),

organization of events attracting inhabitants to the waterfronts (e.g. Dźwigozaury – ‘Cranosaurs’ on the Łasztownia Island, Multimedial Park of Fountains, the Xawery Dunikowski Boulevard),

reinforcement of cultural identity by erecting iconic buildings (e.g. Cricoteka, The Gate of Poznań – Brama Poznania)

Frequenza di pubblicazione:
4 volte all'anno
Argomenti della rivista:
Architecture and Design, Architecture, Architects, Buildings