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Additional fertilizer and nematicide combinations on upland cotton to manage Rotylenchulus reniformis and Meloidogyne incognita in Alabama



Field trial LS meansz from 2019 and 2020 representing profit mean ($/ha), and lower and upper profit determined by ANOVA (P ≤ 0.10) for fertilizer and nematicide combinations on DP 1646 B2XFy at the Plant Breeding Unit.

No Treatments Mean profit Lower profit Upper profit Additional fertilizer and nematicide input costx
1 (NH4)2SO4 – PHSw $553.01 bz $461.43 $644.59 $56.06
2 28-0-0-5 – PHS $544.05 b $452.47 $635.63 $30.20
3 STv + (NH4)2SO4–PHS $569.21 ab $477.63 $660.79 $100.13
4 ST + 28-0-0-5 – PHS $635.85 ab $544.27 $727.43 $77.27
5 ST + (NH4)2SO4–PHS + FBu $608.01 ab $516.43 $699.59 $153.19
6 ST + 28-0-0-5 – PHS + FB $695.76 ab $604.18 $787.34 $107.47
7 ST + (NH4)2SO4 + Vydate® C-LV – PHS $627.25 ab $535.67 $718.83 $138.73
8 ST + 28-0-0-5 + Vydate® C-LV – PHS $683.50 ab $591.92 $775.08 $115.87
9 ST + (NH4)2SO4 + Vydate® C-LV + Max-In® Sulfur – PHS $616.22 ab $524.64 $707.80 $150.00
10 ST + 28-0-0-5 + Vydate® C-LV + Max-In® Sulfur – PHS $640.59 ab $549.01 $732.17 $127.14
11 ST + (NH4)2SO4 + Vydate® C-LV + Max-In® Sulfur – PHS + FB $575.53 ab $483.95 $667.11 $252.93
12 ST + 28-0-0-5 + Vydate® C-LV + Max-In® Sulfur – PHS + FB $784.00 a $692.42 $875.58 $207.21

Field trial LS meansz from 2019 and 2020 of the effect of nematicide and fertilizer combinations on DP 1646 B2XFy stand, cotton root fresh weight at pinhead square (PHS) and first bloom (FB), Rotylenchulus reniformis eggs per gram of root at PHS and FB sample data summed, and yield at the Tennessee Valley Research and Extension Center.

No Treatmentsy Standx Root fresh weigh (g) PHSw + FBv R. reniformis eggs/g root PHS + FB Lint (kg/ha)
1 (NH4)2SO4 – PHS 59 14.78 5723 1257 bz
2 28-0-0-5 – PHS 56 14.26 6821 1200 b
3 STu + (NH4)2SO4–PHS 57 16.11 4735 1345 ab
4 ST + 28-0-0-5 – PHS 56 15.99 4354 1368 ab
5 ST + (NH4)2SO4–PHS + FB 56 15.63 3126 1566 ab
6 ST + 28-0-0-5 – PHS + FB 55 13.51 5140 1223 b
7 ST + (NH4)2SO4 + Vydate® C-LV – PHS 57 17.02 2558 1803 a
8 ST + 28-0-0-5 + Vydate® C-LV – PHS 57 16.51 5393 1411 ab
9 ST + (NH4)2SO4 + Vydate® C-LV + Max-In® Sulfur – PHS 58 16.91 5519 1542 ab
10 ST + 28-0-0-5 + Vydate® C-LV + Max-In® Sulfur – PHS 55 14.89 4156 1412 ab
11 ST + (NH4)2SO4 + Vydate® C-LV + Max-In® Sulfur – PHS + FB 58 16.02 2228 1432 ab
12 ST + 28-0-0-5 + Vydate® C-LV + Max-In® Sulfur – PHS + FB 59 14.97 5670 1455 ab

Additional fertilizer and nematicide rates and application method used in Plant Science Research Center, Auburn, AL microplots and Tennessee Valley Research and Extension Center, Belle Mina, AL, and Plant Breeding Unit, Shorter, AL field trials in 2019 and 2020.

Chemicalsz Microplot rate Field rate Application
(NH4)2SO4(21-0-0-24) 0.52 g/m 108 kg/ha Broadcast
28-0-0-5 0.289 ml/m 89 L/ha Knifed
Vydate® C-LV (Oxamyl) 0.004 ml/m 0.8 L/ha Foliar spray
Max-In® Sulfur (0-0-19-13) 0.007 ml/m 1.5 L/ha Foliar spray
Aeris® (Imidacloprid & Thiodicarb) 0.375 mg ai/seed 0.375 mg ai/seed Seed treatment
COPeO Prime (Fluopyram 0.30 mg ai/seed 0.30 mg ai/seed Seed treatment

Treatment Fertilizer Nematicides Application

1 (NH4)2SO4 Untreated PHS
2 28-0-0-5 Untreated PHS
3 (NH4)2SO4 Aeris® PHS
4 28-0-0-5 Aeris® PHS
5 (NH4)2SO4 Aeris® PHS + FB
6 28-0-0-5 Aeris® PHS + FB
7 (NH4)2SO4 Aeris® + Vydate® C-LV PHS
8 28-0-0-5 Aeris® + Vydate® C-LV PHS
9 (NH4)2SO4 + Max-In® Sulfur Aeris® + Vydate® C-LV PHS
10 28-0-0-5 + Max-In® Sulfur Aeris® + Vydate® C-LV PHS
11 (NH4)2SO4 + Max-In® Sulfur Aeris® + Vydate® C-LV PHS + FB
12 28-0-0-5 + Max-In® Sulfur Aeris® + Vydate® C-LV PHS + FB

Treatment Fertilizer Nematicides Application

1 (NH4)2SO4 Untreated PHS
2 28-0-0-5 Untreated PHS
4 28-0-0-5 COPeO PHS
5 (NH4)2SO4 COPeO PHS + FB
6 28-0-0-5 COPeO PHS + FB
7 (NH4)2SO4 COPeO + Vydate® C-LV PHS
8 28-0-0-5 COPeO + Vydate® C-LV PHS
9 (NH4)2SO4 + Max-In® Sulfur COPeO + Vydate® C-LV PHS
10 28-0-0-5 + Max-In® Sulfur COPeO + Vydate® C-LV PHS
11 (NH4)2SO4 + Max-In® Sulfur COPeO + Vydate® C-LV PHS + FB
12 28-0-0-5 + Max-In® Sulfur COPeO + Vydate® C-LV PHS + FB

Microplot LS meansz from 2019 and 2020 of the effect of additional nematicide and fertilizer combinations on DP 1646 B2XFy plant height, cotton root fresh weight at pinhead square (PHS) and first bloom (FB) Meloidogyne incognita eggs per gram of root at PHS and FB sample data summed, and seed cotton yield at the Plant Science Research Center.

No Treatments Plant height (cm) Root fresh weight (g) PHSx + FBw M. incognita eggs/g root PHS + FB Seed cotton yield (g)
1 (NH4)2SO4 – PHS 51 10.81 554 ab 34
2 28-0-0-5 – PHS 52 9.70 130 b 34
3 STv + (NH4)2SO4 – PHS 55 8.36 405 ab 33
4 ST + 28-0-0-5 – PHS 61 10.35 224 ab 32
5 ST + (NH4)2SO4 – PHS + FB 42 9.41 677 a 33
6 ST + 28-0-0-5 – PHS + FB 45 9.18 309 ab 47
7 ST + (NH4)2SO4 + Vydate® C-LV – PHS 52 9.83 241 ab 24
8 ST + 28-0-0-5 + Vydate® C-LV – PHS 55 9.71 146 b 34
9 ST + (NH4)2SO4 + Vydate® C-LV + Max-In® Sulfur – PHS 57 10.29 191 ab 22
10 ST + 28-0-0-5 + Vydate® C-LV + Max-In® Sulfur – PHS 52 8.47 408 ab 29
11 ST + (NH4)2SO4 + Vydate® C-LV + Max-In® Sulfur – PHS + FB 54 11.12 133 b 23
12 ST + 28-0-0-5 + Vydate® C-LV + Max-In® Sulfur – PHS + FB 59 12.29 464 ab 49

Field trial LS meansz from 2019 and 2020 representing profit mean ($/ha), and lower and upper profit determined by ANOVA (P ≤ 0.10) for fertilizer and nematicide combinations on DP 1646 B2XFy at the Tennessee Valley Research and Extension Center.

No Treatments Mean profit Lower profit Upper profit Additional fertilizer and nematicide input costx
1 (NH4)2SO4 – PHSw $862.69 bz $677.97 $1047.41 $56.06
2 28-0-0-5 – PHS $844.55 b $659.83 $1029.27 $30.20
3 STv + (NH4)2SO4 – PHS $880.33 ab $695.61 $1065.05 $100.13
4 ST + 28-0-0-5 – PHS $920.39 ab $735.67 $1105.11 $77.27
5 ST + (NH4)2SO4 – PHS + FBu $988.46 ab $803.74 $1173.18 $153.19
6 ST + 28-0-0-5 – PHS + FB $784.57 b $599.84 $962.29 $107.47
7 ST + (NH4)2SO4 + Vydate® C-LV-PHS $1175.87 a $991.15 $1360.59 $138.73
8 ST + 28-0-0-5 + Vydate® C-LV-PHS $913.44 ab $728.72 $1098.16 $115.87
9 ST + (NH4)2SO4 + Vydate® C-LV + Max-In® Sulfur – PHS $974.36 ab $789.64 $1159.08 $150.00
10 ST + 28-0-0-5 + Vydate® C-LV + Max-In® Sulfur – PHS $902.49 ab $717.77 $1087.21 $127.14
11 ST + (NH4)2SO4 + Vydate® C-LV + Max-In® Sulfur – PHS + FB $882.36 ab $697.64 $1067.08 $252.93
12 ST + 28-0-0-5 + Vydate® C-LV + Max-In® Sulfur – PHS + FB $922.73 ab $738.01 $1107.45 $207.21

Microplot LS meansz from 2019 and 2020 of the effect of additional nematicide and fertilizer combinations on DP 1646 B2XFy plant height, cotton root fresh weight at pinhead square (PHS) and first bloom (FB), Rotylenchulus reniformis eggs per gram of root at PHS and FB sample data summed, and seed cotton yield at the Plant Science Research Center.

No Treatments Plant height (cm) Root fresh weight (g) PHSx + FBw R. reniformis eggs/g root-PHS + FB Seed cotton yield (g)
1 (NH4)2SO4–PHS 68 12.49 308 a 36 ab
2 28-0-0-5 – PHS 67 12.04 183 ab 33 ab
3 STv + (NH4)2SO4–PHS 71 15.73 208 ab 28 b
4 ST + 28-0-0-5 – PHS 66 15.12 271 ab 36 ab
5 ST + (NH4)2SO4–PHS + FB 68 20.49 121 ab 45 ab
6 ST + 28-0-0-5 – PHS + FB 67 19.35 252 ab 41 ab
7 ST + (NH4)2SO4 + Vydate® C-LV – PHS 71 12.89 152 ab 41 ab
8 ST + 28-0-0-5 + Vydate® C-LV – PHS 73 16.02 110 ab 47 ab
9 ST + (NH4)2SO4 + Vydate® C-LV + Max-In® Sulfur – PHS 71 15.44 272 ab 47 ab
10 ST + 28-0-0-5 + Vydate® C-LV + Max-In® Sulfur – PHS 73 14.77 70 b 44 ab
11 ST + (NH4)2SO4 + Vydate® C-LV + Max-In® Sulfur – PHS + FB 68 12.93 220 ab 55 a
12 ST + 28-0-0-5 + Vydate® C-LV + Max-In® Sulfur – PHS + FB 73 16.13 147 ab 47 ab

Field trial LS meansz from 2019 and 2020 of the effect of nematicide and fertilizer combinations on DP 1646 B2XFy cotton root fresh weight at pinhead square (PHS) and first bloom (FB), Meloidogyne incognita eggs per gram of root at PHS and FB sample data summed, and yield at the Plant Breeding Unit.

No Treatments Standx Root fresh weight (g) PHSw + FBv M. incognita eggs/g root PHS + FB Lint (kg/ha)
1 (NH4)2SO4 – PHS 44 22.36 696 832 bz
2 28-0-0-5 – PHS 41 22.22 1661 788 b
3 STu + (NH4)2SO4 – PHS 46 24.34 776 918 ab
4 ST + 28-0-0-5 – PHS 52 24.20 824 978 ab
5 ST + (NH4)2SO4 – PHS + FB 51 22.34 590 1044 ab
6 ST + 28-0-0-5 – PHS + FB 53 21.68 1206 1101 ab
7 ST + (NH4)2SO4 + Vydate® C-LV – PHS 52 21.83 872 1050 ab
8 ST + 28-0-0-5 + Vydate® C-LV – PHS 54 22.10 1104 1096 ab
9 ST + (NH4)2SO4 + Vydate® C-LV + Max-In® Sulfur – PHS 55 22.37 710 1051 ab
10 ST + 28-0-0-5 + Vydate® C-LV + Max-In® Sulfur – PHS 56 20.47 565 1052 ab
11 ST + (NH4)2SO4 + Vydate® C-LV + Max-In® Sulfur – PHS + FB 48 23.13 1093 1010 ab
12 ST + 28-0-0-5 + Vydate® C-LV + Max-In® Sulfur – PHS + FB 57 23.05 1215 1265 a
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Life Sciences, other