
The rank Spearman correlations between frequency of seizures of different semiotics and SCL-90 constructs in group of right-handers

VariableFocal seizures (FS)Focal sensory seizures (FSS)Focal motor seizures (FMS)Focal seizures with impaired awareness (FSIA)Focal to bilateral tonic-clonic seizures (FBTCS)NHS3
Somatization (SCL-90)− 0.029− 0.111− 0.044   0.000− 0.039   0.137
Obsession (SCL-90)− 0.024− 0.035   0.031   0.065− 0.112   0.069
Interpersonal sensitivity (SCL-90)   0.025− 0.004   0.042   0.164− 0.064   0.150
Depression (SCL-90)   0.065   0.057   0.106− 0.023− 0.043− 0.016
Anxiety (SCL-90)− 0.027− 0.043   0.004   0.010− 0.147   0.169
Hostility (SCL-90)   0.138   0.196   0.284р = 0.045   0.007   0.016   0.082
Phobic anxiety (SCL-90)− 0.160− 0.144− 0.128− 0.077− 0.128− 0.069
Paranoid ideations (SCL-90)− 0.086− 0.071   0.000   0.087− 0.064   0.119
Psychoticism (SCL-90)− 0.107− 0.126− 0.047− 0.028− 0.088   0.086

The rank Spearman correlations between immune variables and SCL-90 constructs in group of left-handers

VariableT-lymph.CD3+CD4+CD3+CD8+T-NKB-lymph.NKCD4/CD8 ratio
Somatization (SCL-90)− 0.612− 0.099− 0.291− 0.313   0.942р = 0.002− 0.122   0.209
Obsessions (SCL-90)− 0.128   0.529− 0.735− 0.424   0.107   0.218   0.780р = 0.039
Interpersonal sensitivity (SCL-90)   0.249   0.822р = 0.023− 0.763р = 0.046− 0.032− 0.152− 0.133   0.800р = 0.031
Depression (SCL-90)− 0.307   0.493− 0.796р = 0.032− 0.409   0.417   0.088   0.834р = 0.020
Anxiety (SCL-90)− 0.241   0.197− 0.429− 0.109   0.496− 0.144   0.470
Aggression (SCL-90)− 0.303   0.637− 0.954р = 0.001− 0.515   0.115   0.432   0.925р = 0.003
Phobic anxiety (SCL-90)− 0.433   0.241− 0.625− 0.262   0.441   0.194   0.657
Paranoid ideations (SCL-90)− 0.074   0.659− 0.829р = 0.021− 0.265   0.218− 0.023   0.873р = 0.010
Psychoticism (SCL-90)− 0.207   0.682− 0.897р = 0.006− 0.518   0.459   0.074   0.913р = 0.004

The rank Spearman correlations between frequency of seizures of different semiotics and SCL-90 constructs in group of left-handers

VariableFocal seizures (FS)Focal sensory seizures (FSS)Focal motor seizures (FMS)Focal seizures with impaired awareness (FSIA)Focal to bilateral tonic-clonic seizures (FBTCS)NHS3
Somatization (SCL-90)   0.069   0.074− 0.350   0.406   0.444   0.669
Obsession (SCL-90)− 0.110− 0.116− 0.093   0.876р = 0.01   0.875р = 0.01   0.651
Interpersonal sensitivity (SCL-90)− 0.708− 0.710   0.733   0.426   0.444   0.620
Depression (SCL-90)− 0.403− 0.398   0.158   0.947р = 0.001   0.913р = 0.004   0.823р = 0.023
Anxiety (SCL-90)− 0.071− 0.080− 0.015   0.833р = 0.02   0.915р = 0.004   0.769р = 0.043
Aggression (SCL-90)− 0.528− 0.521   0.024   0.686   0.616   0.662
Phobic anxiety (SCL-90)− 0.337− 0.336− 0.041   0.975р = 0.000   0.973р = 0.000   0.762р = 0.047
Paranoid ideations (SCL-90)− 0.412− 0.416   0.287   0.871р = 0.011   0.899р = 0.006   0.858р = 0.013
Psychoticism (SCL-90)− 0.470− 0.459   0.356   0.749   0.690   0.847р = 0.016

Comparison of mean values of seizure frequency of different semiotics and immune variables in groups of left-handers and right-handers

Focal seizures (FS)154.71 ± 272.51  18.41 ± 46.91p = 0.000
Focal sensory seizures (FSS)150.00 ± 275.38  15.44 ± 45.72p = 0.000
Focal motor seizures (FMS)  11.86 ± 20.55    7.66 ± 40.21n.s.
Focal seizures with impaired awareness (FSIA)    8.71 ± 22.62  14.65 ± 36.86n.s.
Focal to bilateral tonic-clonic seizures (FBTCS)    9.57 ± 17.48  14.98 ± 22.39n.s.
NHS3  16.71 ± 12.78  13.15 ± 8.67n.s.
T-lymphocytes  77.63 ± 5.19  73.97 ± 6.60n.s.
T-helpers CD3+CD4  46.59 ± 8.94  46.59 ± 6.71n.s.
T-cytotoxic (CD3+CD8+)  28.87 ± 7.51  25.62 ± 6.22n.s.
T-NK (CD3+CD16+CD56+)    9.29 ± 5.91    6.01 ± 4.16n.s.
B-lymphocytes (CD3+CD19+)  10.24 ± 3.02  12.62 ± 4.97n.s.
Natural Killers (CD3-CD16+CD+56)    9.81 ± 3.20  11.69 ± 5.69n.s.
Regulatory index (CD4/CD8) ratio    1.79 ± 0.79    1.97 ± 0.65n.s.

Comparison of psychopathological variables in patients with left-handedness and right-handedness

VariableLeft-handed Patients (N = 7)Right-handed Patients (N = 59)Significance
Somatization SCL-90)    5.57 ± 3.69    7.15 ± 6.18N.S.
Obsession (SCL-90)    6.14 ± 4.45    8.34 ± 6.47N.S.
Sensitivity (SCL-90)    4.71 ± 2.43    8.06 ± 6.85p = 0.018
Depression (SCL-90)    6.14 ± 5.55    9.47 ± 8.68N.S.
Anxiety (SCL-90)    5.00 ± 2.65    5.59 ± 6.01N.S.
Aggression (SCL-90)    2.86 ± 2.67    5.14 ± 4.33N.S.
Phobia (SCL-90)    1.43 ± 2.07    3.45 ± 3.98N.S.
Paranoid (SCL-90)    3.00 ± 3.06    4.00 ± 3.80N.S.
Psychoticism (SCL-90)    2.57 ± 2.64    3.40 ± 4.30N.S.
Total Score (SCL-90)  37.43 ± 23.96  46.47 ± 31.47N.S.

The rank Spearman correlations between immune variables and SCL-90 constructs in group of right-handers

VariableT-lymph.CD3+CD4+CD3+CD8+T-NKB-lymph.NKCD4/CD8 ratio
Somatization (SCL-90)− 0.209− 0.089− 0.109− 0.063− 0.020   0.169   0.040
Obsessions (SCL-90)− 0.228   0.000− 0.232− 0.078− 0.010   0.175   0.182
Interpersonal sensitivity (SCL-90)− 0.169− 0.006− 0.141− 0.105− 0.090   0.173   0.145
Depression (SCL-90)− 0.169− 0.045− 0.108− 0.159− 0.023   0.123   0.085
Anxiety (SCL-90)− 0.172− 0.112− 0.023− 0.153− 0.026   0.124− 0.023
Aggression (SCL-90)− 0.119   0.074− 0.184− 0.202   0.063   0.061   0.195
Phobic anxiety (SCL-90)− 0.043   0.095− 0.188− 0.211   0.006− 0.027   0.187
Paranoid ideations (SCL-90)− 0.208− 0.006− 0.187− 0.058− 0.070   0.185   0.154
Psychoticism (SCL-90)− 0.271р=0.05− 0.043− 0.199− 0.213− 0.021   0.244   0.104
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Argomenti della rivista:
Medicine, Clinical Medicine, other, Neurology, Pharmacology, Toxicology, Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacy