
Figure 1.

Estimated distribution of heat losses in the house according to data [4, 5, 6]
Estimated distribution of heat losses in the house according to data [4, 5, 6]

Figure 2.

Wall types “A”...“E” for numerical modelling (1 – internal lime-sand plaster; 2 – straw bales; 3 – external lime-sand plaster; 4 – adobe blocks; 5 – straw bales; 6 – bags with tamped soil; 7 – cordwood; 8 – insulation (chopped straw); 9 – lime-sand plaster)
Wall types “A”...“E” for numerical modelling (1 – internal lime-sand plaster; 2 – straw bales; 3 – external lime-sand plaster; 4 – adobe blocks; 5 – straw bales; 6 – bags with tamped soil; 7 – cordwood; 8 – insulation (chopped straw); 9 – lime-sand plaster)

Figure 3.

Comparison of the normalized R-value and the total thermal inertia τ
u of the multilayered wall
Comparison of the normalized R-value and the total thermal inertia τ u of the multilayered wall

Figure 4.

AHP model for assessment of non-dimentional integral criterion of energy efficiency potential
AHP model for assessment of non-dimentional integral criterion of energy efficiency potential

Figure 5.

Values of the integral criterion of the energy efficiency potential of envelopes by different methods
Values of the integral criterion of the energy efficiency potential of envelopes by different methods

Thermophysical and physical-mechanical characteristics of the wall layers (type “C”)

Thermophysical and physical-mechanical characteristics of the wall layers Constructive wall layer starting from the inside of the room
Inside lime – sandy plaster Strawbale panel Outside lime – sandy plaster
The specific heat capacity of the material of the layer, ci (J/kg×K) [7, 21, 22] 840 1675.00 840
The thickness of the layer, δi (m) 0.05 0.40 0.05
Density of the layer ρi , (kg/m3) [21, 22, 24, 25] 1600 120.00 1600
The weight of 1m2 wall, kg 80 47.40 80
The thermal conductivity of the layer λi , (W/mK) [21, 22, 24, 25] 0.81 0.07 0.81
The coefficient of heat absorption of the i-th layer Si (W/m2K) [23] 8.90 0.97 8.90
The thermal resistance of the i-th layer, Ri (m2 K/W) 0.062 6.08 0.062
An indicator of the thermal inertia of the i-th layer Di by the formula (5) 0.55 5.92 0.55

Eigen vector η max, consistency index CI, consistency ratio CR for matrix (Level II)

Characteristit number of the vector, η max 6.013
Cotsistenct index, CI 0.064
Coneistency ratio, CR 0.052

Thermophysical and physical-mechanical characteristics of the wall layers (type “B”)

Thermophysical and physical-mechanical characteristics of the wall layers Constructive wall layer starting from the inside of the room
Inside lime – sandy plaster Adobe Outside lime – sandy plaster
The specific heat capacity of the material of the layer, ci (J/kg×K) [7, 21, 22] 840 880 840
The thickness of the layer, δi (m) 0.05 0.4 0.05
Density of the layer ρi , (kg/m3) [21, 22] 1600 1400 1600
The weight of 1m2 wall, kg 80 560 80
The thermal conductivity of the layer λi , (W/mK) [21, 22] 0.81 0.4 0.81
The coefficient of heat absorption of the i-th layer Si (W/m2K) [23] 8.90 5.99 8.90
The thermal resistance of the i-th layer, Ri (m2 K/W) 0.062 1.000 0.062
An indicator of the thermal inertia of the i-th layer Di by the formula (5) 0.55 5.99 0.55

Thermophysical and physical-mechanical characteristics of the wall layers (type “A”)

Thermophysical and physical-mechanical characteristics of the wall layers Constructive wall layer starting from the inside of the room
Inside lime – sandy plaster Hempcrete from flax Outside lime – sandy plaster
The specific heat capacity of the material of the layer, ci (J/kgK) [21, 22] 840 2300 840
The thickness of the layer, δi (m) 0.02 0.45 0.03
Density of the layer ρi , (kg/m3) [21, 22] 1600 550 1600
The weight of 1m2 wall, kg 32 247.5 48
The thermal conductivity of the layer λi , (W/mK) [21, 22] 0.81 0.075 0.81
The coefficient of heat absorption of the i-th layer, Si (W/m2K) [23] 8.90 2.63 8.90
The thermal resistance of the i-th layer, Ri (m2 K/W) 0.025 6.000 0.037
An indicator of thermal inertia of the of the i-th layer Di by the formula (5) 0.22 15.76 0.33

Matrix of pairwise comparin for criteria (Level II of Fig. 4)

Comparison Criteria The thermal inertia of the base layer τu ', hour by the formula (3) Layering coefficient of multilayered wall Ln, by the formula (4) The total thermal inertia of multilayered wall τu, hour by the formula (2) Foundation pressure p, kg/m The total R-value of multilayered wall, m2K/W Wall thermal inertia indicator, ΣDi =Σ(SiRi ) The vector of weights by the formula (7) The normalized weight of the criterion
The thermal inertia of the base layer τu ', hour by the formula (3) 1 1 1/6 1/2 1/5 1/6 0.375 0.049
Layering coefficient of multilayered wall Ln, by the formula (4) 1 1 1/5 1/ 2 1 / 4 1/5 0.114 0.0 54
The total thermal inertia of multilayered wall τu, hour by the formula (2) 6 5 1 3 1 1 2.117 0.270
Foundation pressure p, kg/m 2 2 1/3 1 1/3 1/3 0.727 0.094
The total R-value of multilayered wall, m2K/W 5 4 1 3 1 1 1.979 0.256
Wall thermal inertia indicator, ΣDi =Σ(SiRi ) 6 5 1 3 = 1 2.117 0.274

Criteria of energy efficiency potential of envelopes and target function

A variant of the wall fence Criteria for evaluation The total value of the integral criterion for energy efficiency assessment
The thermal inertia of the base layer τu ', hour by the formula (3) Layering coefficient of multilayered wall Ln , by the formula (4) The total thermal inertia of multilayered wall τu, hour by the formula (2) Foundation pressure p, kg/m The total Rvalue of multilayered wall, m2K/W Wall thermal inertia indicator, D, ΣDi =Σ(SiRi )
Wall “A” 0.007 0.033 0.151 0.018 0.091 0.146 0.445
Wall “B” 0.007 0.006 0.027 0.006 0.016 0.029 0.091
Wall “C” 0.007 0.006 0.027 0.035 0.091 0.029 0.194
Wall “D” 0.008 0.003 0.014 0.004 0.009 0.016 0.053
Wall “E” 0.020 0.006 0.056 0.032 0.050 0.053 0.216

Thermophysical and physical-mechanical characteristics of the wall layers (type “E”)

Thermophysical and physical-mechanical characteristics of the wall layers* Constructive wall layer starting from the inside of the room
Inside lime – sandy plaster+ Chocks of wood Insulation – chopped straw Outside lime – sandy plaster+ Chocks of wood
The specific heat capacity of the material of the layer, ci (J/kg×K) [22] 2146.67 1675.00 2146.67
The thickness of the layer, δi (m) 0.10 0.30 0.10
Density of the layer ρi , (kg/m3) [22] 866.67 200.00 866.67
The weight of 1m2 wall, kg 86.67 60.00 86.67
The thermal conductivity of the layer λi , (W/mK) [22, 24, 25] 0.71 0.08 0.71
The coefficient of heat absorption of the i-th layer Si (W/m2K) [23] 9.80 1.35 9.80
The thermal resistance of the i-th layer, Ri (m2 K/W) 0.14 4.00 0.14
An indicator of the thermal inertia of the i-th layer Di by the formula (5) 1.38 5.41 1.38

Parameters of the considered multilayered envelopes

Thermophysical and physical-mechanical parameters of the considered multilayered envelopes Wall type
Wall “A” Wall “B” Wall “C” Wall “D” Wall “E”
Thermal inertia of the base layer τu ', hours by the formula (3) 11.67 11.67 11.44 11.67 18.44
Layering coefficient of multilayered wall, Ln by the formula (4) 9.11 1.61 1.68 1.03 1.62
The total thermal inertia of multilayered wall τu, hours by the formula (2) 106.32 18.77 19.22 11.98 29.85
The sum of thermal resistances of the wall materials R, (m2K/W) 6.06 1.12 6.20 0.50 4.40
Internal surface resistance Rsi (m2K/W) for horizontal heatflow [27] 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13
External surface resistance Rse (m2K/W) for horizontal heatflow [27] 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04
The total R-value of the multilayered wall, (m2K/W) 6.23 1.29 6.37 0.67 4.57
The total thermal transmittance of the multilayered wall U=1/R-value, (W/m2K) 0.16 0.77 0.16 1.48 0.22
An indicator of the thermal inertia of the wall, ΣDi =Σ(SiRi ) 16.31 7.08 7.02 5.41 8.69
Pressure on the foundation p, kg/m 655.00 1440.00 418.99 1920.00 466.67

Thermophysical and physical-mechanical characteristics of the wall layers (type “D”)

Thermophysical and physical-mechanical characteristics of the wall layers Constructive wall layer starting from the inside of the room
Inside lime – sandy plaster Strawbale panel Outside lime – sandy plaster
The specific heat capacity of the material of the layer, ci (J/kg×K) [7, 21, 22] 840 1675.00 840
The thickness of the layer, δi (m) 0.05 0.40 0.05
Density of the layer ρi , (kg/m3) [21, 22, 24, 25] 1600 120.00 1600
The weight of 1m2 wall, kg 80 47.40 80
The thermal conductivity of the layer λi , (W/mK) [21, 22, 24, 25] 0.81 0.07 0.81
The coefficient of heat absorption of the i-th layer Si (W/m2K) [23] 8.90 0.97 8.90
The thermal resistance of the i-th layer, Ri (m2 K/W) 0.062 6.08 0.062
An indicator of the thermal inertia of the i-th layer Di by the formula (5) 0.55 5.92 0.55

Integral criteria for assessing the energy efficiency potential by authorship methodology

Criteria for evaluation A variant of the wall fence
Wall “A” Wall “B” Wall “C” Wall “D” Wall “E”
The thermal inertia of the base layer τ u ', hour by the formula (3) 0.633 0.633 0.621 0.633 1.000
Layering coefficient of multilayered wall Ln, by the formula (4) 1.000 0.177 0.184 0.113 0.178
The total thermal inertia of multilayered wall τ u , hour by the formula (2) 1.000 0.177 0.181 0.113 0.281
Foundation pressure p, kg/m 0.341 0.750 0.218 1.000 0.243
The total R-value of multilayered wall 0.978 0.203 1.000 0.106 0.699
Wall thermal inertia indicator D, ΣDi =Σ(SiRi ) 1.000 0.434 0.431 0.331 0.501
Returns to the normalized value of the criterion ci by the formula (12) 2.931 1.333 4.582 1.000 4.114
Influence of the negative foundation pressure parameter di by the formula (13) 0.640 0.291 1.000 0.218 0.898
Value of the integral criterion for assessing the energy efficiency potential of the i-th version of the envelope In,i , by the formula (14) 0.335 0.122 0.218 0.097 0.227
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4 volte all'anno
Argomenti della rivista:
Architecture and Design, Architecture, Architects, Buildings