

Evaluation is one of the important stages in the planning process, which, if targeted, can prevent the occurrence of unintended consequences and the resulting problems. In other words, the main purpose of the evaluation activities is to help decision makers create new social policies and assess the value of future programs [1]. For this purpose, urban plans should be assessed and modified prior to the implementation stage if necessary, through which the occurrence of unexpected effects and outcomes during the project is minimized. But despite the above importance, most of information in urban programs and projects in the country remains confidential until the time of implementation as a black box and makes it impossible to make a preliminary evaluation before entering the implementation phase. Therefore, considering the aforementioned issue, as well as the evaluation importance during urban projects and identifying the broader aspects of the subject after the implementation of some of its parts, the evaluation during the implementation is very important in introducing the strengths and weaknesses of the projects and can reduce the incidence of unwanted and/ or negative effects [2].

One of the large-scale projects currently pursued and implemented in Isfahan metropolis as the capital of Islamic culture and civilization is the project of the International Conference Center of Isfahan Metropolis. The idea of this national project returns to July 2009 on Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Leadership Plan (the 16th) hosted and chaired by Iran. Although it was supposed to be built in Kish, but due to the continuous pursue of management of the province and municipality of Isfahan on holding NAM Leadership Plan in the Isfahan metropolis it was transferred to the city and it was prescribed to be implemented and completed with the help of state credits (over 1,000 billion rials) on the Isfahan Shahid Keshvari site within a maximum of 3 years. But despite the mentioned agreements, due to the lack of timely allocation of national credits to this project, the mentioned project was transformed from a national project into a provincial project and by 2016 it had grown by about 68% [3].

Therefore, regarding the above-mentioned challenges, as well as the multidimensional effects on Isfahan and the research gap in this regard, the purpose of conducting this research is to assess the conference center of Isfahan in various aspects and as multi-dimensional. In this regard, first the research theoretical and empirical literature was reviewed and then the methodology of the research has been explained. In the following, according to the theoretical, empirical and methodological framework, the project has been recognized and assessed and, finally, conclusions and suggestions have been presented.


Because of the widespread use of the evaluation, there are a variety of definitions available. However, despite the diversity of definitions and controversies about it, in this regard there is a consensus that the main objective of the evaluation studies is to measure the effects and consequences of various human activities in the social, economic and environmental aspects [4-7]. Therefore, in addition to helping to maintain the characteristics of the social, economic, and environmental aspects, the evaluation facilitates the achievement of programs’ objectives.

Also, there is no specific agreement on how to assess and apply the measures for the evaluation such as the evaluation definition, and different thinkers and theorists have provided different categories for measures in the evaluation, which is due to the type of dominant approach in the evaluation of special research case. But despite this disagreement, the determination of the evaluation criteria and measures is always the most important element in the evaluation. Because the measures’ bias can lead to the results’ bias and the truth of the effects is hidden [1,8]. Hence, in this study, in order to achieve the measures and criteria of the Megaproject of International Conference Center in Isfahan metropolis, first theoretical literature related to the evaluation was described as the general concept in Table 1, and then, by referring to the national and international experiences (including “Center for International Conference of the Islamic Republic of Iran”, “Edinburgh Conference Hall” and “London International Conventions and Conferences”), in Table 2, the measures and criteria have been extracted specific for the evaluation of relevant projects.

The general criteria of the evaluation [6-13]

Criterion Description

Determine the extent to which the objectives of the programs and strategies are achieved

This criterion is for post-implementation evaluation.

Program Effectiveness

The effects of the program on all social, economic, and environmental aspects, as well as their relationship, effective efficiency and sustainability

Examine the rate of growth and development predicted in the program

Planning in the future for the development of the project

Practical level

Are the proposed plans practical in terms of technical and physical aspects? Can they exist? Do they work? In addition to the physical and technical aspects, political and financial considerations can also be taken into consideration.

Effectiveness and efficiency

Are the objectives of the plan met? Specific purposes in planning enable everyone to say what is undesired in the current situation and causes dissatisfaction and identifies the solution to the problem through the application of value criteria in relation to the objectives. In addition, it provides a level of information about the current status for the beneficiaries to judge themselves.

Performance level

What level of performance does each program achieve? In this case, it’s better to test each program with several different levels.

Resources management

To what extent are the resources consistent and sustainable used according to the policies in each plan? Of course, here national resources are of paramount importance. The resources should be considered in different ways, such as providing different assumptions about the scope of resources, the financial resources, and project performance in terms of investment.

Maintain and protect

What is the outcome of the plan on non-renewable sources such as land?

Mutual effects

How the effects of policies and suggestions have been distributed to different groups?


How the policies have been dealt with that are uncertain about the objectives and how other undefined policies have been dealt with?

The nature and distribution of a social problem

Need for an intervention

Implications for designing an intervention

Program eligibility

Application feasibility

The program morality

The first step in planning a new program or rebuilding an implemented program involves assessing the need and program theory

Valuation of the activities and functions of the program

Assessing the usefulness and accuracy of the implementation

Services based on the objectives of the program

How to organize services

Providing qualified customer with services

Program Management Utility

Use program resources

These are after-implementation evaluation criteria that include evaluation of the program process (CPB).

A reliable estimation of the net effects of the program and interventions carried out

The desired outcomes achieved

Undesired side effects

Successful programs fully implemented that have a well-defined and structured program model that includes assessing the effect.

Examine the relationship between the program costs and efficiency

Referee options based on cost and benefits

Completed programs that have a well-defined and structured program model, as well as program outcomes well-recognized, including an efficiency evaluation.

Sustainable Sites

Water Efficiency

Energy and Atmosphere

Materials and Resources

Indoor Environmental quality

Inovation and Design

The program should be leading in the environmental design and energy (LEED).

The general criteria of the evaluation [6-13]

Edinburgh Conference Hall London Convention Center for International Conference and Convention Center for International Conference of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Geographical location

Edinburgh (the capital of Scotland)

6 miles from downtown adjoining Heriot-Watt University

London (the capital of England)

Royal Pier of Royal Victoria

Tehran (capital of Iran)

Northern side of the Tehran International Fair located on Chamran highway

The building purpose

Holding international conferences

Holding academic meetings

Holding educational and trade shows

Holding special celebrations

Create sustainable revenues for Edinburgh

Economic efficiency of Victoria’s Dock closed with landscape and special weather

Holding the Islamic Summit in 1997

Attract tourists from Islamic countries

Internal features

Start of the project: 1993

Completion of the project and operation: 1995

Area: 20,000 square feet (about 1850 square meters)

Conference halls: 24

The area of the large hall is 7340 square feet

The area of the small hall is 5446 square feet

Free parking 2000 sq ft

A restaurant and dining room

Area: 10 hectares

Launching its development plan in 2010

Area: 24,500 square meters

The roof of the hall is very interesting and made of glass and aluminum

Total capacity of the main hall: 1,800 persons, two conference halls’ capacity of 300 square meters: 500 persons, two u-shaped conference halls’ capacity of 300 square meters: 360 persons

Two special halls for the heads of state with a total area of 400 square meters,

Four conference halls with a total area of 300 square meters with wide screen (video)

Its interior design includes gilding, plastering, rafting, and simple niche inspired by the ancient Iranian traditional architecture decorated with handicrafts.

Earthquake resistance of 9 Richter

External features

Distance to airport: 3 miles

Access to vehicles: train, bus, and taxi, the allocation of a space of 1000 square meters from the exhibition space to 600 representative offices as revenue for the hall management

Economic interest over the next 21 years, about € 500 million

Inclusive (several users, private and public events including exhibitions, conferences, concerts, wedding, religious and sports ceremonies since its opening in 2000)

Branding (host of important events and exhibitions, including the 2009 summit)

Awarded the Superbrand Business Award in 2011

Access to Chamran highways and public transportation lines

Beauty at night like a mountain of light

Simplicity in the design of the facade (facade of the brick) and avoiding any symbolism

Areas with an area of about 100,000 square meters. The dome is a cone with a metal structure and the roof is sandwich panel and its height from the bottom is 36 meters.


In the following, also according to the aforementioned theoretical and empirical literature, the needed aspects, components and measures to assess the megaproject of International Conference Center in Isfahan metropolis were identified in Table 3 as the research conceptual framework.

The research conceptual framework

Aspect Component Measure
Physical Function The status of the project area to its performance
Match the number of parking lots with the complex capacity
The status of services required according to the project purpose
Future development capability as needed
The view from the outside
The inner axis view status
The status of the project’s facade to the background
Route access from the entrance to the main hall
The status of the project’s green space to the total area of the project
The status of the project’s furniture
Safety The materials’ resistance to fire
The building resistance to earthquake
Location The distance from the project to the airport
The status of the route access of the project
The slope and topography status
The distance from the project to the city center
Social - The effect of the project on the development of surrounding neighborhoods
The effect of the project on the fixation of surrounding villages and neighborhoods
The effect of the project on the price of the surrounding neighborhoods
The inclusiveness of the conference hall
The project effect on introducing the Iranian Islamic culture to other nations
Economic and managerial - Matching the cost with the efficiency (budget)
Employment rate
The revnue to the cost
Tourist attraction to the specified goals
The achieved goals to the time specified
Environmental The program should be leading in the environmental design and energy. The status of construction location to the environmentWater consumption rateEnergy consumption rateThe rate of using environmentally friendly materialsThe quality of indoor spaces in terms of energy consumption inventions and innovations in terms of energy consumption

In the present study. The purpose is to assess the International Conference Center of the Isfahan Metropolis in terms of various dimensions and in a multidimensional manner. On this basis, according to Johnson & Christensen classification [19], the methodology paradigm in this study is the mixed research. In this way, at the first stage in order to focus on the given subject and avoid generalization, the case study research method of the qualitative research methodology paradigm has been used. Among the existing megaprojects, the International Conference Center of the Isfahan metropolis has been selected as the case study. . at the second stage, a non-experimental research method of quantitative research methodology paradigm has been used to explain and analyze the subject (evaluation of the conference center in various dimensions).

The method of data collection is both documents (using existing project documents) and survey (interview). In this way, after determining the evaluation measures of the International Conference Center of Isfahan metropolis, through the review of theoretical and empirical literature of the research (documentary study), the data required for 14 measures (including the status of the project area in relation to its performance, matching the number of parking lots with the capacity of the complex, the status of the services required according to the project purpose, the rate of future development capability if needed, the status of the route access from the entrance to the main hall, the status of the project green space to the total area of the project, the status of the project furniture, the materials’ resistance to fire, the building resistance to earthquake, the project effect on introducing the Iranian Islamic culture to other nations, the level of compliance with the cost per efficiency (budget), the rate of employment, the amount of money earned on the costs incurred, the rate of attraction of the tourist towards the goals specified) were collected through the reference to the project documents (documentary study), the data required for 7 measures (including external view status, intra-axis view status, the facade of the project to the background, the distance from the project to the airport, the status of the project access to the main road, the slope and topography status, the distance from the project to the city center) were collected through a field study of type of observation, the data required for two measures (including the effect of the project on the fixation of the population of surrounding villages and neighborhoods and the effect of the project on the property prices of neighboring neighborhoods) were collected through a survey study of the type of interview and the data required for other measures (including the effect of the project on the development of surrounding neighborhoods, the inclusiveness of the conference hall, the extent to which objectives are achieved to the time specified, The status of construction location to the environment, Water consumption rate, Energy consumption rate, The rate of using environmentally friendly materials, The quality of indoor spaces in terms of energy, consumption, inventions and innovations in terms of energy consumption.) were collected as a combination of documentary and survey study. In addition, the Likert spectrum (as shown in Table 4) was used to score the measures individually. Finally, also due to the simplicity, multi-criteria decision making was used (MCDM) as a sub-discipline of operations research that explicitly evaluates multiple conflicting criteria in decision making. While among the commonly used methods in MCDM we have:

Five-option Likert scale

Score 1 2 3 4 5
Meaning Highly improper Improper Moderate Proper Highly proper

Outranking approach, merit point system, linear goal programming, multiple attribute utility theory, AHP, regime method, convex cone approach, hierarchical interactive approach, aspiration-level interactive method and Bayesian analysis [20-22 Cited in 23].

Flexibility, possibility of hierarchical organization of the elements of a system, the possibility of using quantitative and qualitative criteria simultaneously, the ability to control the logical adaptation of the judgments used in determining the priorities of the methodology of the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and Expert Choice software were used to determine the weights of each measure and finally the analysis and conclusion.


The idea of the International Conference Center of Isfahan metropolis project returns to July 2009 on Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Leadership Plan (the 16th) hosted and chaired by Iran. Although it was supposed to be built in Kish, but due to the continuous pursue of management of the province and municipality of Isfahan on NAM Leadership Plan in the Isfahan Metropolis it was transferred to the city and it was prescribed to be implemented and completed with the help of state credits (over 1,000 billion rials) on the Isfahan Shahid Keshvari site within a maximum of 3 years. But despite the mentioned agreements, due to the lack of timely allocation of national credits to this project, the mentioned project was transformed from a national project into a provincial project and by 2016 it had grown by about 68% [3].

The hall, which is being built on a site of about 70 hectares, is located at the end of Shahid Rouholamin Street near the eastern highway of Isfahan, and is surrounded by Shahid Keshvari, Radan, Fizadan, Ashkhavand, Sarv and Isfahan townships [3].

Regarding the external and internal features of this project, it should be noted that according to the designs, the internal uses have been defined in the three main zones along with public spaces described in Table 5.

Figure 1.

The location of the megaproject of the International Conference Center of Isfahan metropolis

The use and activities of the site of the International Conference Center of Isfahan metropolis and assigned levels [3]

Zone Use Occupancy level (m2) Land area (m2) The plan site of the International Conference Center
1 International Conference Center (including the main hall, multi-purpose hall, cinema, hall, plaza) 49000 118000
2 The site of the VIP villas 3200 89000
3 Commercial, office and hotel complex 48000 137000
Facilities and Services 4500 11000
The main passages network and parking 94000 94000
Landscaping and tree planting 177000
Total 198700 627000

Also, the architecture of this complex, shown in Figure 2, has been presented by taking into account some of the principles of the school of Isfahan (the principle of balance, the principle of simplicity, the principle of complexity, the principle of proportionality) and the integration of this architecture with modern architecture, while the main hall is like a hemisphere that indicates the slogan “Isfahan, half of the world”.

Figure 2.

The external and internal view of the megaproject of the International Conference Center of Isfahan metropolis [3]


According to the aspects, components and measures introduced in the research conceptual framework, and taking into account the recognition of the documentary and survey study (interview), the Megaproject of the International Conference Center of Isfahan Metropolis can be scored as the following Tables.

Assess physical aspect

Aspect Component Measure Description Fig. Score
Physical Function The status of the project area to its performance The project’s size is about 70 hectares compared to Edinburgh conference hall (1850 m), London ExCeL Hall (10 hectares), and the Hall of the Leaders Summit of Islamic Countries (2.5 hectares), but because it provides other services such as VIP homes it is suitable. 4
Match the number of parking lots with the complex capacity The project consists of two parking lots: a 9500 m2 parking lot with a capacity of 212 cars and a back door entrance to the main hall with an area of 3250 square meters and a parking lot of 19,000 square meters with a capacity of 560 cars 5
The status of services required according to the project purpose Inter complex uses in the three main zones of International Conference Center, VIP homes’ site, commercial and hotel complexes, with public spaces for facilities and services, main passages’ network and tree planting 5
Future development capability as needed The site intended for this project from the north is confined to the Shahid Keshvari township, from the east to the highway, from the south and west to the military lands, but it should be considered that the land area considered is 70 hectares which is about 7 times of London hall and no development is required. 5
View and landscape External view status Limited external view of the project from Abshar St. by Shahid Keshvari buildings 2
Intra-axis view status View axis imbalance from the inside of the site from part 1 by commercial buildings 2
The view of the project to the background Non-index of the project’s view due to the same color of the bachground 2
The status of the route from the entrance to the main hall Considering 3 routes for the lecturer, reporter and spectator 5
The status of green space to the project’s total area Considering 17.7 ha for green space about 28% of the project’s total area 5
Safety The status of the project’s furniture Considering proper furniture for all parts of the main hall, reception hall and etc. 5
Materials’ resistance to fire Using GFRC panels for the main façade materials with high resistance to fire 5
The building resistance to earthquake Design and engineering of the complex in a way as resistant to earthquake 5
The distance from the project to the airport 30 min 5
Location Access to the main route The project’s entracne and exit from Abshar St. to Isfahan east highway 5
The status of the slope and topography About 2% to south and southwest - 5
The distance from the project to the city center 30 min 5

Assess the social aspect

Aspect Component Measure Description Score
Social - The project’s effect on the development of surrounding neighborhoods The implementation of the project has resulted in the creation of one of the traffic circles of the fourth traffic ring as well as the extension of the eastern highway of Isfahan to this area. 5
The effect of the project on the fixation of the population of the surrounding villages and neighborhoods According to interviews with real estate consultants in each neighborhood, the implementation of the project has led to a steady increase in the citizens’ tendency to settle and invest in this area, and the population of neighborhoods of Radan and Ashkavand (preventing migration) but not affecting other neighborhoods. But it should be taken into account that the change in the plan from the national to the provincial has also led to a reduction in the immigration of neighborhoods. 3
The effect of the project on the price of neighborhoods With the construction of the project in Isfahan, especially the south-east of the city, in terms of urban development, since the time of presenting the plot, significant effects have been found in terms of increased property price. 4
The inclusiveness of the conference hall Due to the change of the plan from national to provincial, the center can attract all sectors by providing services. 5
The effect of the project on the introduction of Iranian Islamic culture to other nations Due to the fact that this project will host the guests of other countries in the future, Iranians will become acquainted with different peoples’ cultures and different nations and will introduce Iranian Islamic culture to other nations. 4

Assess the economic and managerial aspect

Aspect Component Measure Description Score
Economic and managerial - Cost matching rate to efficiency (budget) The total contractual amount considered for the project was 306 milliard toman, of which only 20 milliard was provided by the government. And the rest (286 milliard) will be provided by the municipality, which is equal to 53% of the budget of 2011 of the municipality of Isfahan. With these interpretations, if the municipality does not allocate half of its budget to any other part of the city in 2011, the project will be completed, indicating the ineffectiveness of the cost. 1
Employment rate With the implementation of the project by 34 contractors, employment has been created for thousands directly or indirectly, also by the operation of the project regarding creating a commercial part in the project the employment will be created for thousands directly or indirectly. But it should be kept in mind that by setting up the commercial part, the business of the neighborhoods will reduce and cause the emigration of the people. 3
The amount of money earned to the cost The project has three parts of the conference hall, commercial complexes and VIP homes, the project revenue is by renting conference halls for meetings, ceremonies and celebrations, as well as building commercial complexes and rental houses. 4
The tourist attraction rate to the goal specified Given that the project changed from national to provincial, ambassadors from other countries did not enter this hall and did not realize the tourist’s attraction as intended in the project’s objectives. 2
The extent to which goals are achieved to the time specified The project implementation time was at the end of 2010 and it was planned to open the project by the end of 2012, but given that government credits were not provided on time and the project changed from a national project to an international project until 2016 about 68% of the project has been completed, and the project is expected to be operational in the summer of 2017. 1

Assess the environmental aspect

Aspect Component Measure Description Score
Environmental The program should be leading in the environmental design and energy The status of construction location to the environment There is no pollutants inside the project and the pollution of construction activities during the implementation of the project has been carefully controlled and kept low.The services required, such as a bank, commercial complex, green area and fire station are predicted within the project, and there are health care services needed is in the village Ashkovand.The project has direct access to the highway (Shahid Keshvari Freeway, Fourth Ring, Third Ring), and the proposed subway line of Sepahanshahr runs through the fruit and vegetable fields adjacent to the project. But inside the project, no bike line and station has been seen.The project light system is quite intelligent and capable of adjusting any amount of light and to provide energy from the sun’s energy has been used.Vegetation has been seen in the complex, but there is no green space on the roof. 5
Water consumption rate The project foresees the use of groundwater resources and rainfall for irrigation of green space.A system for purifying sewage and turning it into 98% drinkable water for irrigation of green spaces.The area irrigation is completely intelligent and using drip irrigation network for green spaces. 5
Energy consumption rate chiller and air-conditioning unit for air transfer from the outside to the building and the ventilation system inside the buildingUse BMS intelligent system and minimize power consumptionThe central engine room system and not using clean energy in providing hot water 100 kilowatt solar power plant 5
The rate of using environmentally friendly materials Not using recycled materials systems anti-moisture and anti-fire walls, zipper panel ceiling cover and acoustic insulation in cinema for sound Wooden materials used only for interior decoration 3
The quality of indoor spaces in terms of energy consumption Intelligent control system smoke channels in the wind direction and its intelligent control 5
Inventions and innovations in terms of energy consumption Landscaping of green space and plant in the environment 2

Then, in order to achieve the weights of each measure, and finally, the analysis and conclusion, the methodology of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Expert Choice software were used, using the opinion of the relevant experts, and the weights available according to the obtained score, the final value of each of aspects and components as well as the final value of the Megaproject of the International Conference Center of Isfahan metropolis was obtained according to Table 10 and it was determined that the mentioned project in the physical, social, economic, managerial and environmental aspects has obtained a score of .71 out of 1, which is slightly higher than the pass mark.

The final value of the megaproject of the International Conference Center of Isfahan metropolis

Aspects Components The weight of aspects / components Total score of aspects / components’ measures Normalized score of aspects/components’ measures Total value
Physical Function .11 19/20 .95 .10
View .08 21/30 .7 .06
Safety .05 10/10 1 .05
Location .10 20/20 1 .10
Social - .12 21/25 .84 .10
Economic and managerial - .38 11/25 .44 .17
Environmental LEED .16 25/30 .83 .13
Total 1 150/165 .71

The purpose of this paper was to assess the project of the International Conference Center in Isfahan metropolis that is considered as one of the national projects in terms of the importance and one of the megaprojects in terms of the scale. The obtained results indicate that the international Conference center in Isfahan metropolis, despite its positive physical and functional features, such as location and relatively proper architecture (with a mean score of 0.875 out of 1), as well as relatively proper social features due to the positive effect of the project on the development of surrounding neighborhoods, the inclusiveness of the Conference center and the ability of the project to introduce the Iranian Islamic culture to other nations (with a mean score of 0.84 of 1), as well as relatively suitable environmental features such as minimizing construction pollution and maximizing energy efficiency (with a mean score of 0.83 out of 1), the project had economic and managerial weaknesses and has encountered problems such as non-matching of costs with efficiency and non-achievement of objectives over the specified time (with a mean score of 0.44 out of 1). The fact that this project has become obsolete suggests that the implementation of the project of International Conference Center of Isfahan Metropolis has often been viewed as one-dimensional and lacking comprehension. In addition, some problems in the field of the vision from the outside, the axis of vision from the inside and the status of the project view to the background also need to be addressed.

Hence, due to the mentioned problems during the implementation of the Megaproject of the International Conference Center of Isfahan Metropolis, it is suggested to complete it as soon as possible along with reforming the project implementation process, such as reinforcing the inner-axis of vision from the project by partitioning the path using the commercial complex walls wall and creating a balance at the entrance to the center by creating side buildings facing the commercial complex and strengthening the outer-axis of vision by creating a long flag, focusing on the brand and index of Conference center for the public, especially investors, as well as providing investment facilities and motives for the private sector, so that the mentioned project can achieve their original goals, including holding national and international Conference and meetings and faster return of capital.

In general, also this study emphasizes the need for assessing projects in general, and especially megaprojects in particular, due to the profound and multidimensional effect, as well as high cost of launching, at the three stages before, during and after implementation and in different economic, managerial, social, physical and environmental areas. This is especially true for underdeveloped and developing countries, because in these countries, generally, the sources of cost financing, including foreign and domestic private sector investments, are more limited and, in terms of the management, less capital is considered strategically and with the logic of prioritizing projects.

Frequenza di pubblicazione:
4 volte all'anno
Argomenti della rivista:
Architecture and Design, Architecture, Architects, Buildings